And it’s time to grab the old pitchfork and put it all into one pile.

The Covid Pandemic is bullshit from the start. The actual death rate is about 0.5%, one out of every 200 people who gets sick enough to require treatment, dies. The death numbers have been grossly inflated to frighten people and maintain that fear, because people are most easily controlled when they’re afraid and that’s what this bullshit is all about. Stripping us of our freedoms through the use of fear.

China created this virus in a lab with the help and financing of our government agencies, and it was spread as part of a mutual plot to get rid of President Trump and firmly establish Marxist Socialism in the U8A. That’s the truth, and anyone who says otherwise is spouting bullshit.

The vaccines are nearly as dangerous as the virus and may end up actually proving to be more so, since the long term effects of the extreme cellular modification that they cause will not be known for months to years yet. But right now, people are dropping dead within hours or days of being injected with this crap, and the companies making it are immune from lawsuit, by government decree. Calling this stuff a vaccine is bullshit, it’s not a vaccine. Vaccines initiate the creation of antibodies, which repel diseases. This stuff does NOT create antibodies, it’s a sort of Gene Therapy that causes all the cells in our bodies to manufacture protein bits that deactivate the ability of the Covid virus to attach to cells. The process of cellular activation into this new mode is slow, and takes months to complete, and many virologists are warning that there may be a huge die-off of the injected later this year because of the harm the process can do to our bodies.

The government is pushing for vaccines to be mandated in order to travel anywhere. Right now, all the airlines demand that you show proof of being injected, which is a direct violation of our Constitutional right of medical privacy, and that right is being ignored along with many others, and one purpose of the vaccines is to maintain fear and control the population. Another may be to thin out the population.

Everything you’ve been told by our government and the media about Covid 19 and the vaccines is bullshit.

The “election” of Joe Biden is bullshit. The plain fact that we all know is true, is that our Presidential election was stolen from us and that Donald Trump won a second term by a landslide. Joe Biden is not the President, Kamala “Round-Heels” Harris is not the Vice President. They’re there to be fronts for those actually running the country now, which is the Military-Industrial Complex, the CIA, FBI, NSA, the top officers in the Pentagon, and a select few politicians. In other words, a cabal.

This cabal is Socialist/Marxist in general nature, and goes internationally by the name Globalist. This isn’t just confined to our nation, it’s a global conspiracy to take over and rule the entire planet.

This is where the real war is. The Chinese Communists intend to be the winners here, with them and their form of Communism running everything, while the European Union has the same plan and it’s the grandchildren of the NAZI Party there who hope to win out. The Russians right now “appear” to be siding with China, but that’s bullshit. The truth is that they go for whatever looks best for them. Russia has no loyalties and their “allies” had best watch their backs. Russia could easily switch over to the European side because that’s where their economic survival comes from, not from China, which takes far more than it gives.

The Republican and Democrat Parties are bullshit. They don’t exist. They’re all in this together. Didn’t you wonder why all those Republicans in Trump’s cabinet kept stabbing him in the back? Every time he got a new appointee who appeared to be loyal, he got stabbed again. The only ones who were really with him were General Flynn, who was immediately destroyed with false criminal charges and convictions, and former mayor Giuliani, who was never in Trump’s cabinet, just there as his attorney and his friend. Think about that. The CIA was openly out to get him, the FBI was openly out to get him, all the Democrats were openly out to get him and none of the Republicans would stand up for him. At best, they only tried to maintain the utter bullshit appearance of being neutral when they all should have been fighting for their President with everything they had.

Political parties in America and Europe are bullshit. There aren’t any, they’re pretending to be to keep up the illusion that we’re still a free country with a free people who get to elect those who will govern them. It’s all bullshit. They’re all on the same side. The only difference between them is that some want to keep everything somewhat economically stable while others want to rip it all down and be done with it. Those with vast fortunes and the power that goes with all that money aren’t real keen on seeing it disappear, while those without the investments and wealth would just as soon see the country collapse economically.

My bet is that those with the wealth and power will win out over those with power but no real wealth. Which is another way of saying that the billionaires will win out over the millionaires, because the billionaires can bribe the generals and admirals better. Simple as that.

Take a moment and look at Russia. They have but the one party, run by Putin. Look at China. One party. Look at the EU, one party. The member nations claim to have multiple political parties, but that’s bullshit. It’s just noise and distraction because they all kowtow to the EU. Canada has one party and it’s Socialists. Mexico has one party and it’s run by the cartels. Why haven’t we gone to war with Mexico ages ago and stopped the drug trade? Because we rely on their produce to feed us and their peasants to build our cars, and some of us in power get huge kickbacks off the drug trade. Political parties are bullshit.

Globalism is no bullshit, it’s now a foundational Truth, waiting to happen. The only real question left in my mind is whether the Chinese are so set, or not, on being the final winners that they engage in open war against the rest of the world, and that all depends on who they count as allies. Since none of us are fooled into thinking that they would be our good buddies after they won, but many of us are pretending to be right now including the Russians, it rally depends on what the Chinese believe and how over-confident they are, whether they would try to conquer us all through open warfare.

I tend to think they will. They’re easily as belligerent as the Russians were with their Soviet Union, and they’re far more economically stable, organized and prepared. As to Russia, I expect them to appear to side with China right up until China gets hit with a bunch of nukes, and then they’ll launch their own nukes against China. They’ll also take the opportunity to nuke a few small nations “by accident” or blame the detonations on China, out of pure retribution, because Putin is a professional back stabber and not entirely sane.

The fun has only begun. Oh, by the way, now might be a good time to start refreshing all those old MRE’s in your fallout shelter, make sure the water supply is good, that sort of thing.

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