Time to go. Only one person reads some of what I write, and I appreciate it, Ernesto, but I’m not getting the message across to anyone else because I’m blocked by the search engines. The only way to find this website is to search for it by name, not one of my posts will ever show, otherwise.

The new Ministry of Truth just announced by our Marxist/Globalist government is part of the Department of Homeland Security. The DHS is a branch of the Secret Police, along with the CIA. The DHS ordered up massive amounts of ammunition several years ago, and these people are heavily armed and now intend to enforce, at the point of a gun, their ideas of what is allowable to say.

Freedom of speech isn’t dead in America but it’s on it’s way out and it’s the Ministry of Truth that will make sure it dies, by harshly punishing anyone who insists on saying the things they don’t want said.

If I had a big audience, I’d continue to spread the truth until they shut me up, but I don’t. I’m a very old man with zero power who sees the uselessness of my preaching. I’m reminded of the old joke about the flea climbing up an elephant’s leg with rape in mind. That’s me, the flea. Not even noticeable.

Time is rapidly running out for me, I’ve lived longer than the majority of people now, mostly by luck, and nothing lasts forever. It’s time I stopped trying to warn the world and let others do it. There’s plenty of others and with way louder voices than mine, screaming like hell, and they don’t seem to be making any difference. So this is it. I’d like to finish out my last few years without having some Federal Ministry goons beating on my door because of some truth I posted. It’s time to say goodbye to blogging. Life is like a book. Chapters start, and chapters end. This one just ended.

2 thoughts on “FUCK IT”

  1. Oh, my fucking dog…

    Every day I wake up with this view from here giving me the feeling & thought:

    “We Live in The Negative Reality Where World Gone Wrong”

    DAMN IT!

    Even American People Failed to See The Obvious Facts???

    It reminds me the last word in the end of the Epic movie of David Lean
    “The Bridge Over River Kwai”
    when the soldier takes a look in all that insane destruction and dead bodies
    and describes WAR exactly as it is in a single scream in despair:



  2. Being an American never made anyone smart. We have lots of stupid people here, and lazy people, people who would rather not “get involved”, people who do nothing while the numbers of the homeless grow larger than those with homes, people who would rather riot and loot and burn than act like decent human beings.
    So fuck it. I can’t fix this mess but what I can do and have done is cover my own ass. I built a water tank that holds 1500 gallons of water and it’s filled up. If the water company stops working, I’ll still have water for a while. I put in a 2 year supply of freeze-dried and canned food of all kinds and I built a wind power turbine and a solar electric panel system to make sure I have power. I’m as ready as I can be, so let them do what they’re going to. I won’t suffer for it.

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