Equality is when everyone is treated equally in society regardless of their politics, religion, race, wealth or lack of it, or anything else. When rich and poor commit the same crime, they’re punished equally, and so on.

The United States is founded on the principle of equality even though it’s never been practiced in reality. The rich have always had a great advantage over the poor and they always will, because they have far more power and influence.

Equity is when there are no rich or poor because whenever someone works hard and gets ahead of others, the difference is taken from that person and spread out among everyone else who didn’t work for it. Equity promotes laziness, a lack of initiative, poor quality goods, poor service and a low standard of living but it’s also easy to sell to the majority of the population because most of us would rather not have to work for a living.

Equity is a principle of Marxist Communism.

Diversity is the breaking up of a homogenous society into separate competitive groups. Diversity is NewSpeak, it pretends to give recognition and equality to all groups but it’s purpose is to create separate groups to begin with and then pit them against each other for the purpose of creating dissension in order to destroy established social norms. Right now this is being done by telling white people that they’re privileged and should be ashamed of themselves for being born white, telling blacks that white people enslaved them and should be punished, and encouraging blacks to attack whites. The other racial types are being ignored as having no blame. only whites have blame, for being white.

The reason America is foundering now is because we have not practiced the equality our founders preached. It is almost entirely the rich who have gained public office and positioned themselves to pass laws. Rich people tend to be greedier than the rest of us, that is partly why most of them are rich. Greed and corruption go hand in hand.

Lawmakers are lawyers, so most elected to high office are lawyers, and lawyers notoriously suffer from greed and corruption. Or I should say, the rest of us suffer from their low morals. The greedy seek power, that’s why they run for office. Power generates more wealth. Wealth generates more power.

The top people in the Soviet Union had extreme wealth and total power over the population. They could do anything they wanted. This is the attraction of Communism, the great power it can give a person, and the reason that those who favor Communism have been so successful in taking over our government.

Chinese Communism has been successful when other forms have failed because they have allowed individuals to become wealthy but not allowed them to have any political power. All dissension has been quelled. When 20,000 students demanded democracy in Tianaman Square, 20,000 students died. Anyone expressing dissatisfaction with the government suffers severe punishment and often is executed. After awhile people give up on activism and demonstrating, accept things as they are, and go along to get along. The result for China has been great prosperity for the people and great power for the nation.

One thing, though, China is not actually Communist. It’s a totalitarian dictatorship. They claim to be ruled by a Communist party, the CCP, but in true communism there is no individual ownership of anything and the state is in charge of all production. Communism is anti-Capitalism, and the citizens of China are encouraged to be capitalists. There are Chinese billionaires. Note also that China and Russia are very similar in their form of government.

The USA founders wanted to prevent the nation from becoming another kingship, so they instituted elections and limited time periods in office. What they failed to do was limit terms, the number of times someone can be re-elected, thus allowing individuals to become kings after all. Now we find ourselves headed for the same sort of government that exists in Russia and China, where our individual liberties may be exercised only if our government allows it, and they can be taken away and we can be imprisoned at any time for any reason or no reason. All we really lack now is a formal dictator acting as head of our government. Biden and Harris are just for show until we can be fully transitioned into totalitarianism.


And it’s time to grab the old pitchfork and put it all into one pile.

The Covid Pandemic is bullshit from the start. The actual death rate is about 0.5%, one out of every 200 people who gets sick enough to require treatment, dies. The death numbers have been grossly inflated to frighten people and maintain that fear, because people are most easily controlled when they’re afraid and that’s what this bullshit is all about. Stripping us of our freedoms through the use of fear.

China created this virus in a lab with the help and financing of our government agencies, and it was spread as part of a mutual plot to get rid of President Trump and firmly establish Marxist Socialism in the U8A. That’s the truth, and anyone who says otherwise is spouting bullshit.

The vaccines are nearly as dangerous as the virus and may end up actually proving to be more so, since the long term effects of the extreme cellular modification that they cause will not be known for months to years yet. But right now, people are dropping dead within hours or days of being injected with this crap, and the companies making it are immune from lawsuit, by government decree. Calling this stuff a vaccine is bullshit, it’s not a vaccine. Vaccines initiate the creation of antibodies, which repel diseases. This stuff does NOT create antibodies, it’s a sort of Gene Therapy that causes all the cells in our bodies to manufacture protein bits that deactivate the ability of the Covid virus to attach to cells. The process of cellular activation into this new mode is slow, and takes months to complete, and many virologists are warning that there may be a huge die-off of the injected later this year because of the harm the process can do to our bodies.

The government is pushing for vaccines to be mandated in order to travel anywhere. Right now, all the airlines demand that you show proof of being injected, which is a direct violation of our Constitutional right of medical privacy, and that right is being ignored along with many others, and one purpose of the vaccines is to maintain fear and control the population. Another may be to thin out the population.

Everything you’ve been told by our government and the media about Covid 19 and the vaccines is bullshit.

The “election” of Joe Biden is bullshit. The plain fact that we all know is true, is that our Presidential election was stolen from us and that Donald Trump won a second term by a landslide. Joe Biden is not the President, Kamala “Round-Heels” Harris is not the Vice President. They’re there to be fronts for those actually running the country now, which is the Military-Industrial Complex, the CIA, FBI, NSA, the top officers in the Pentagon, and a select few politicians. In other words, a cabal.

This cabal is Socialist/Marxist in general nature, and goes internationally by the name Globalist. This isn’t just confined to our nation, it’s a global conspiracy to take over and rule the entire planet.

This is where the real war is. The Chinese Communists intend to be the winners here, with them and their form of Communism running everything, while the European Union has the same plan and it’s the grandchildren of the NAZI Party there who hope to win out. The Russians right now “appear” to be siding with China, but that’s bullshit. The truth is that they go for whatever looks best for them. Russia has no loyalties and their “allies” had best watch their backs. Russia could easily switch over to the European side because that’s where their economic survival comes from, not from China, which takes far more than it gives.

The Republican and Democrat Parties are bullshit. They don’t exist. They’re all in this together. Didn’t you wonder why all those Republicans in Trump’s cabinet kept stabbing him in the back? Every time he got a new appointee who appeared to be loyal, he got stabbed again. The only ones who were really with him were General Flynn, who was immediately destroyed with false criminal charges and convictions, and former mayor Giuliani, who was never in Trump’s cabinet, just there as his attorney and his friend. Think about that. The CIA was openly out to get him, the FBI was openly out to get him, all the Democrats were openly out to get him and none of the Republicans would stand up for him. At best, they only tried to maintain the utter bullshit appearance of being neutral when they all should have been fighting for their President with everything they had.

Political parties in America and Europe are bullshit. There aren’t any, they’re pretending to be to keep up the illusion that we’re still a free country with a free people who get to elect those who will govern them. It’s all bullshit. They’re all on the same side. The only difference between them is that some want to keep everything somewhat economically stable while others want to rip it all down and be done with it. Those with vast fortunes and the power that goes with all that money aren’t real keen on seeing it disappear, while those without the investments and wealth would just as soon see the country collapse economically.

My bet is that those with the wealth and power will win out over those with power but no real wealth. Which is another way of saying that the billionaires will win out over the millionaires, because the billionaires can bribe the generals and admirals better. Simple as that.

Take a moment and look at Russia. They have but the one party, run by Putin. Look at China. One party. Look at the EU, one party. The member nations claim to have multiple political parties, but that’s bullshit. It’s just noise and distraction because they all kowtow to the EU. Canada has one party and it’s Socialists. Mexico has one party and it’s run by the cartels. Why haven’t we gone to war with Mexico ages ago and stopped the drug trade? Because we rely on their produce to feed us and their peasants to build our cars, and some of us in power get huge kickbacks off the drug trade. Political parties are bullshit.

Globalism is no bullshit, it’s now a foundational Truth, waiting to happen. The only real question left in my mind is whether the Chinese are so set, or not, on being the final winners that they engage in open war against the rest of the world, and that all depends on who they count as allies. Since none of us are fooled into thinking that they would be our good buddies after they won, but many of us are pretending to be right now including the Russians, it rally depends on what the Chinese believe and how over-confident they are, whether they would try to conquer us all through open warfare.

I tend to think they will. They’re easily as belligerent as the Russians were with their Soviet Union, and they’re far more economically stable, organized and prepared. As to Russia, I expect them to appear to side with China right up until China gets hit with a bunch of nukes, and then they’ll launch their own nukes against China. They’ll also take the opportunity to nuke a few small nations “by accident” or blame the detonations on China, out of pure retribution, because Putin is a professional back stabber and not entirely sane.

The fun has only begun. Oh, by the way, now might be a good time to start refreshing all those old MRE’s in your fallout shelter, make sure the water supply is good, that sort of thing.


While China looks to be the best candidate for global dominance, and that’s pretty much looking at it from all angles, there’s always other possibilities simply because there’s so many facets to this whole situation.

One of those facets is the fact that we in the United States have been reverse engineering alien technology since the 1950s. There’s some pretty dramatic stories told by unsuspecting victims exposed to severe radiation emanating from aerial vehicles that were accompanied by a lot of helicopters, stories that can’t be entirely doubted because these victims are real and really did suffer from massive radiation damage while out camping in the woods.

They claim that a strange airborne circular vehicle that seemed to be functioning erratically came near them and was escorted away by a group of helicopters, and they immediately began to suffer from essentially having been microwaved.

This sure sounds like something we built, and this was back in the 1980’s. A lot of time has passed since then so what’s the state of that technology now?

Meanwhile we keep on developing jet planes and rocket engines, as if we had no clue yet how to control the force of gravity. What if we can, and do, and have a fleet of such capable warships ready in case of attack by China? Keeping it a total secret would be the best plan, otherwise we’d be swarmed with Chinese spies looking to discover what we know. Chances are, they’re looking to see what we know about gravity control anyway, so how much harder would they work at it if they knew we did have it?

The only way to keep this a secret is to keep it part of the Area 51 operation. That’s just a name for whatever the group actually calls itself, the only thing anyone really knows about it outside of themselves is that it’s secret as hell and involved in aircraft. There’s tons of stories and speculation, but that’s it. There’s more known about who really killed Pres. Kennedy.

Speculation without something real to go on is pointless, that’s what the trash they call journalists at CNN, NBC and etc. constantly pour out to poison the minds of sheep. To point out the difference, what I’m offering here is speculation based on actual past reported and REAL events that lead to possible conclusions, that, unlike the vile crap fed us on CNN, are not stated as facts. Since any road can fork off into many directions, speculation is what this remains until real proof is available. Just remember that old principle of Occams Razor, that the simplest solution is usually the correct one.

Since the number of reported UFO sightings has so dramatically increased lately with even our military releasing videos of them and admitting that they see hundreds of them daily, the possibility arises that they’re using the UFO phenomena to cover for aerial exercises of similar craft of our own. It does make perfect cover, people will either think that it’s an alien craft or dismiss it as an optical illusion or some other natural occurrence. Either way is fine with us, if this is true.

The day will eventually come when the world knows what’s going on. That we will develop gravity control someday is a given, if we don’t have it already. It’s possible, we know that it is, it’s just a matter of figuring it out and applying it.


UFOs are all over the news lately, with our own government releasing the least definitive videos of military encounters while withholding the many close up, high definition photos and videos they must have, considering they admit to as many as hundreds of encounters daily.

Hundreds of encounters daily. That’s a massive increase from decades past, and not just by the US military. The world is experiencing a great increase in sightings, not just of the smaller 3o or 4o foot diameter craft but of truly massive ships city blocks long and longer in size. I saw one myself, it was at most a quarter mile away and filled the sky fully to my right and left. Horizon to horizon.

Like many of the sightings, those operating this craft seemed to want it to be seen, as very bright red lights kept flashing on and off all over it from end to end. There was no doubt that this wasn’t anything of Earth manufacture as it moved rapidly against the wind and was soundless. We’re not at the point yet of making any type of aircraft that is at least a couple of football fields across and can do about 150 mph into a 20 knot wind without propulsion noise and is shaped like a bowl inverted over another bowl.

My question here is, why are there so many more of them than there used to be and why are they being so obvious about it?

I think it has directly to do with our technological advances and one real possibility is that we’re on the brink of discovering how to control gravity. This is plainly the basis of the alien’s space-faring technology, so of course they would be interested in watching us as we make that breakthrough.

Things may not be so simple, though. The Chinese Disease pandemic scam that world governments are using to take away people’s rights and freedoms, the cooperation between them all in doing this, the blatant collaboration at the same time that China is apparently about to launch an attempt at world domination, the theft of our last presidential election that’s resulted in the reversal of the containment of China that Pres. Trump was achieving, and their re-enabling instead, all the nuclear war threats now coming from them, can all this be coincidence, or is it deliberate timing?

If I were an alien race interested in seeing the peoples of Earth coalesce into one single nation with one form of government, because I don’t want them venturing into my particular star cluster before they learn to stop fighting among themselves, which group would I pick to become dominant?

In all honesty and fairness, I’d have to choose the Chinese Communists. They know how to control the people, they don’t have any Antifa and BLM jackasses tearing up their cities, they don’t allow it. They don’t have any San Franciscos with people crapping in store doorways and stealing anything they want without fear of arrest, there’s no Muslims stabbing random bystanders, no race riots, no attacks on the police.

The Chinese have total control of the population. Even the birth rate is controlled by the state. In a successful and advanced society, this is necessary. Wildness is the mother of evolution, control is the foundation of survival as a species. The wildness has to end if the dominant species is to survive and the Chinese have established more control over their population than any other nation.

They’ve also nearly eliminated religion. Religions still practiced in China are run by the State. For instance, all the Catholic bishops, priests, etc. are Communists employed by the state now, so that the believers get to be further indoctrinated in Chinese communism every time they go to church. Eventually, God becomes State.

China is best suited to be the dominant Earth power. They have the will, the organization and the type of philosophy to achieve this goal, and I don’t doubt that they will.

So back to my question: Is China being supported or helped in this goal, in some way, by the alien races that are here now in such great numbers? Or are they just here to watch the show?


It’s all pure speculation what the alien races coming here might be like, in their mental makeup, since we only have ourselves as examples of intelligent behavior, and not very comforting examples, at that, being the violent, selfish creatures that we are.

It’s a pretty safe bet that they’re all ancient races in our terms, meaning they began developing advanced technology eons before we did. Another safe bet is that each race is unified politically, or governmentally, however you want to look at it.

I would think that at least one of these alien races has developed telepathy and if not, has developed technology that allows them to speak to each other mentally. This would be huge in traveling among the stars as telepathic communication is instant regardless of distance.

Or not, since some Australian scientists succeeded years ago in “teleporting” a data carrying beam of light from one place to another with zero time loss. If we can do it now, surely they can do it a lot better.

So with all this technology, very likely advanced to the point of final conclusion, what are they like as people?

Highly conformed, would be my guess. Very little individuality, if any. Not much sense of self, like really brilliant ants. That means they would have little to no regard for us as beings. We would be objects of study, experimentation, of scientific interest ala National Geographic Magazine. Or maybe not because…

Logically, any space-faring race wants to colonize other planets, and these races probably have all spread themselves out across our galaxy and are still doing so. Give it enough time and differences will develop between the various colonies, even though they stay in contact with each other.

I doubt that they have soul-less personalities because of the obvious fact that they could have gotten rid of us and taken over Earth thousands of years ago, but they haven’t. We may have very little actual value to them as a species but they aren’t here in such great numbers without reason, which leads me to think that we’re being cultivated for a purpose.

It could be that they’re lonely, simple as that. There may not be but a few intelligent humanoid races within a hundred light years or so, and leading us into a level of technological and social advancement sufficient to join them on a sort of apprentice level may be the goal here.

Meaning that they intend humanity to join their ranks on their terms and in their time. And if that’s true, then they’re people with goals and purpose and not just curious, jaded and ancient and uncaring.

If that’s the case, then they’re less concerned with who and what we are now and more focused on what they intend for us to become, which could well be a few thousand years in our future yet.

Meanwhile, we can hope that they’ll protect us from each other and keep us from wiping ourselves out with manufactured plagues and nuclear weapons until we reach some basic level of parity with them.


While the election was stolen by Globalists, it also had a huge helping hand from China since the CCP wanted him and his tariffs against them gone. They wanted a US president they could pay off, which is why they supported Biden.

However, the Chinese are only Globalists in the sense that it’s THEM that want to dominate the world and everyone in it, and preferably by killing the rest of us non-Chinese off.

Now it looks like the real Globalists are becoming unhappy with the government that’s replaced Trump’s, because the pack of jackasses who are pushing all the buttons now are hurtling us straight into a nuclear war with China. Not just nuclear. The Chinese are hard at work developing all new diseases to spread among us, disrupt and kill us. When the hostilities do grow hot, we can be sure that they won’t stop at just nukes and germs, too.

The Globalists are reacting to these threats and part of that reaction is backing off from the formerly solid support of the lie that Biden fairly won the election, and backing off from the support of spreading fear over a virus that has a certified and official death rate of 2.6 fatalities out of every 1000 who contract the disease.

They’re finally agreeing that Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are very effective preventatives and treatments, both, of the CCP disease and are challenging Big Pharma now. This is an important indication of this new direction away from China/Marxist support. As I’ve pointed out previously, Marxism has been a useful tool of the Globalists as it and Globalism have similar agendas in some ways.

But it ceases to be useful when those in power who endorse it start leading us into a world war, which is anathema to the Globalist’s plans.

At this very same time, here’s Donald Trump saying that he would consider having Mike Pence as his vice president again, after Pence threw him under the bus, and continuing to endorse the vaccines that we know now are totally untested, have killed thousands of people and are highly suspect as to their real purpose. At least 30% of us and likely a lot more are refusing to take them.

Why is Trump continuing to urge us to take this dangerous injection? He originally spoke up for Hydroxychloroquine, then went silent, he HEAVILY endorsed that nasty little fraud Fauci, who’s now been proven to have worked with and financed the Wuhan lab to concoct this disease, and then helped spread the unnecessary fear of it worldwide which disrupted our entire economy and caused an unknown number of deaths.

NOW Trump denies Fauci. But he didn’t, he’s the one who put Fauci up on Center Stage. Let’s not forget that.

I think Trump was dumped because he was too nationalist, he was messing up the Globalist plans. His actions against China were good but his friction with our allies was a threat, and that’s why he was forced out. Now it seems that his stance has considerably mellowed and he may have agreed to conform to the Globalists views. It is true that he’s eminently re-electable while the Biden crew is a disaster in many respects. I see that that ninny, Harris, is finally speaking against the massive influx of Muslims and bush people swarming in, which is a real switch from where she started out.

What may happen is that, first, the infrastructure bills get passed, the border becomes somewhat more secure again and those already here will be granted legal status. Our manufacturing sector will be given a big boost to start producing again, in fact I think a bill for that is in Congress now, and we will quickly take steps to increase our independence from China, something that the Democrats fought AGAINST during the Trump administration.

Along with this we may see the vote-contested states start announcing that their elections were invalid and that Trump actually won, and he may end up being re-instated as President. This last is a far reach, but it could happen, thus getting rid of the Marxists and their excesses while putting a more controlled Trump back in place to quietly resume the Globalist agenda and quell China’s war threat.

I have no illusions about Donald Trump. He chose too many unfit people to help him run our government, unless you consider that they were unfit only in the sense that they supported Globalism. There’s no doubt in my mind that he was told to enlist those people and that they clashed with his own purposes. Once again, he was booted out because of this, he thought he had more power than he really did and that he could run the country his way.

People keep yelling “Communism”, but it really isn’t Communism that’s behind all the changes, it’s always been Globalism. The irony here is that now the Globalists are having to buck up against the same Communists that not long ago were their allies, and that’s because the Communists have every intention of being the only King of the Hill. The Globalists plan otherwise and the responsibility of preventing a third World War is now squarely on their shoulders, since they’re the ones who brought us to this point to begin with.


This morning, in the news: Russia is dumping their reserves of $186 billion dollars in favor of Euros, Yuan and gold. The drift of the article is that this will hurt the U.S., which it won’t. What the author apparently didn’t want to mention is the real reason Russia’s doing this, which is that Dollar inflation is now on the rise and expected to get a lot worse, and they want to cut their losses.

Hanging on to large Dollar reserves now makes poor sense, though buying Yuan with the money may not be a good plan either, since the value of Chinese money may also drop like a rock if another Great War erupts and China is devastated along with all the rest of us.

Those running the carnival we now call our government are the same people who always have run it, power mongers and greedy bastards who only look after themselves but happily form cabals to get rich together, and the more the Dollar craps out, the more wealth they lose too. So I don’t expect to see any really massive Dollar drop. It will be bad enough for those with savings, as it is.

Smart ones like Bill Gates have moved their money out of Big Tech and are buying land. Gates is now the largest holder of farm land in the United States, besides being heavily involved in the vaccine genocide that he’ll make $billion$ from.

It’s not too late to divest yourself of too many dollars and put your money into something that will keep up with inflation. Precious metals, land and some stocks if you’re into the stock market, are the way to go now.


Alien species run this planet. It’s a game that’s been played for more thousands of years than we may ever know. Over 5000 years ago they were our gods, we worshiped them. It may be Christianity that put the skids on that, though the Mesopotamians were the first that we know of to resolve deism into just one god instead of the great many that we had.

Of course, it was also the Mesopotamians who taught the Israelites their religion, as up until then they also had many gods. But it was the Israelites who really made the One God concept spread and they’re the ones that Jesus came from, was followed, became a religion which was stolen by the Romans, and the rest is history.

It’s just a thought, but the world-wide hatred that persists to this day toward Jews may not be entirely due to their success in gaining wealth and power. There may possibly also be animosity from our alien masters because this new religion ended our worship of them.

I’ve been trying to puzzle out the relationship they have with each other, since there’s apparently at least three different races, or species if you will, of beings visiting and living on Earth. If you accept as a given that they’ve been here for many thousands of years, then they would have to have worked out an agreement by now.

One had to have been first and become well established by the time the next one found this planet, and we’re all still here so they must have reached accord back when this happened. But some thousands of years ago, a third species arrived and there was conflict. We know this because of ancient writings in India that speak of aerial battles, and there’s still evidence in Egypt where massive cut stone blocks have melted surfaces, resulting from heat far greater than anything we could have generated, and enormous stone structures in Peru that are scattered beyond anything any earthquake or human war could have done.

Bringing a conquering force from one star system to another across light years can’t be easy no matter how advance your technology is, and my money is on the first arrivals here, the first species, as being the winner of that ancient conflict, which no doubt was fought over who gets to own this verdant planet. They won by being more numerous and much better established and prepared, and now have bases not just on Earth but on the Moon and Deimos, the smaller of the two moons of Mars. This is known from Russian spacecraft attempts to approach Deimos and the resultant disabling attacks on them by “beams of light”.

These aliens have been crossing their DNA with our own for a long time now and have created “people” who look just like the rest of us and work within our organizations, corporations and governments to guide our politics and technology. They’re in control. If you wonder who these forever-unnamed Globalists are, it’s them. Our alien former gods are the Globalists who are now working to bring us into a single world government before we wreck ourselves with a nuclear war and them along with us.

At the start of this, I said that it’s an ancient game that’s being played on Earth, and what I meant by that, is that the accord between the three (or more) alien races here don’t have mutual goals. If they did, they would never have fought. They have different purposes for being here and had to reach an agreement to stay low-key and do little to harm the aboriginals, being us.

Some of them regularly carry out abductions and those people are not always returned alive, or at all, sometimes women are impregnated with DNA crossed fetuses that are later removed in a second abduction.

Some of them are mining our planet and our Moon. Some of them may just be observers of us as a developing race of beings. Some may be carrying out experiments we’re totally unaware of. One thing is certain, they don’t want us blowing off any more nuclear weapons, we know this by the way they keep neutralizing ones that we have.

It’s going to shock hell out of humanity when it’s finally made public knowledge that They’re Here and have been. The way they keep showing up more and more, with sightings and encounters by our military becoming extremely frequent now, means that something is up because it can’t just be our military that’s seeing so much of them lately, the rest of the world’s militarys must be as well, especially the nuclear armed nations.

It’s possible, just as a scenario, a maybe, that we might come so close to nuclear war, or that one may actually erupt before they can get us nicely into a global form of government, that the aliens will be forced to intervene and shut it down. This, to me, is looking like a real possibility and it may be to them as well, which could explain the greatly heightened UFO activity.

We are coming very close to discovering how to control gravity, which is the basis of the alien’s technology. Their ships and how they move, and tractor and pressor beams. Our galaxy doesn’t need another starfaring race out there that’s still fighting with itself, to begin interacting with other planets. The popular “Avatar” movie makes a great case for that point.

The Chinese are openly threatening nuclear war against the United States and our allies. The plain fact is that China would suffer immense destruction along with the rest of us, but they didn’t think much of deliberately infecting the world with a manufactured virus. Of course, the virus probably killed more of them than anyone else, but they don’t care about that, having a massive surplus of people anyway. Killing off 20 or 30 million of their own is nothing to them.

Very possibly the Chinese do feel that they have so many people that they could engage in such a war and survive while wiping out pretty much the rest of us. Certainly they’re preparing for such a war and their threats and saber-rattling is getting steadily louder and more obnoxious.

Something has to give soon.