While China looks to be the best candidate for global dominance, and that’s pretty much looking at it from all angles, there’s always other possibilities simply because there’s so many facets to this whole situation.

One of those facets is the fact that we in the United States have been reverse engineering alien technology since the 1950s. There’s some pretty dramatic stories told by unsuspecting victims exposed to severe radiation emanating from aerial vehicles that were accompanied by a lot of helicopters, stories that can’t be entirely doubted because these victims are real and really did suffer from massive radiation damage while out camping in the woods.

They claim that a strange airborne circular vehicle that seemed to be functioning erratically came near them and was escorted away by a group of helicopters, and they immediately began to suffer from essentially having been microwaved.

This sure sounds like something we built, and this was back in the 1980’s. A lot of time has passed since then so what’s the state of that technology now?

Meanwhile we keep on developing jet planes and rocket engines, as if we had no clue yet how to control the force of gravity. What if we can, and do, and have a fleet of such capable warships ready in case of attack by China? Keeping it a total secret would be the best plan, otherwise we’d be swarmed with Chinese spies looking to discover what we know. Chances are, they’re looking to see what we know about gravity control anyway, so how much harder would they work at it if they knew we did have it?

The only way to keep this a secret is to keep it part of the Area 51 operation. That’s just a name for whatever the group actually calls itself, the only thing anyone really knows about it outside of themselves is that it’s secret as hell and involved in aircraft. There’s tons of stories and speculation, but that’s it. There’s more known about who really killed Pres. Kennedy.

Speculation without something real to go on is pointless, that’s what the trash they call journalists at CNN, NBC and etc. constantly pour out to poison the minds of sheep. To point out the difference, what I’m offering here is speculation based on actual past reported and REAL events that lead to possible conclusions, that, unlike the vile crap fed us on CNN, are not stated as facts. Since any road can fork off into many directions, speculation is what this remains until real proof is available. Just remember that old principle of Occams Razor, that the simplest solution is usually the correct one.

Since the number of reported UFO sightings has so dramatically increased lately with even our military releasing videos of them and admitting that they see hundreds of them daily, the possibility arises that they’re using the UFO phenomena to cover for aerial exercises of similar craft of our own. It does make perfect cover, people will either think that it’s an alien craft or dismiss it as an optical illusion or some other natural occurrence. Either way is fine with us, if this is true.

The day will eventually come when the world knows what’s going on. That we will develop gravity control someday is a given, if we don’t have it already. It’s possible, we know that it is, it’s just a matter of figuring it out and applying it.

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