Equality is when everyone is treated equally in society regardless of their politics, religion, race, wealth or lack of it, or anything else. When rich and poor commit the same crime, they’re punished equally, and so on.

The United States is founded on the principle of equality even though it’s never been practiced in reality. The rich have always had a great advantage over the poor and they always will, because they have far more power and influence.

Equity is when there are no rich or poor because whenever someone works hard and gets ahead of others, the difference is taken from that person and spread out among everyone else who didn’t work for it. Equity promotes laziness, a lack of initiative, poor quality goods, poor service and a low standard of living but it’s also easy to sell to the majority of the population because most of us would rather not have to work for a living.

Equity is a principle of Marxist Communism.

Diversity is the breaking up of a homogenous society into separate competitive groups. Diversity is NewSpeak, it pretends to give recognition and equality to all groups but it’s purpose is to create separate groups to begin with and then pit them against each other for the purpose of creating dissension in order to destroy established social norms. Right now this is being done by telling white people that they’re privileged and should be ashamed of themselves for being born white, telling blacks that white people enslaved them and should be punished, and encouraging blacks to attack whites. The other racial types are being ignored as having no blame. only whites have blame, for being white.

The reason America is foundering now is because we have not practiced the equality our founders preached. It is almost entirely the rich who have gained public office and positioned themselves to pass laws. Rich people tend to be greedier than the rest of us, that is partly why most of them are rich. Greed and corruption go hand in hand.

Lawmakers are lawyers, so most elected to high office are lawyers, and lawyers notoriously suffer from greed and corruption. Or I should say, the rest of us suffer from their low morals. The greedy seek power, that’s why they run for office. Power generates more wealth. Wealth generates more power.

The top people in the Soviet Union had extreme wealth and total power over the population. They could do anything they wanted. This is the attraction of Communism, the great power it can give a person, and the reason that those who favor Communism have been so successful in taking over our government.

Chinese Communism has been successful when other forms have failed because they have allowed individuals to become wealthy but not allowed them to have any political power. All dissension has been quelled. When 20,000 students demanded democracy in Tianaman Square, 20,000 students died. Anyone expressing dissatisfaction with the government suffers severe punishment and often is executed. After awhile people give up on activism and demonstrating, accept things as they are, and go along to get along. The result for China has been great prosperity for the people and great power for the nation.

One thing, though, China is not actually Communist. It’s a totalitarian dictatorship. They claim to be ruled by a Communist party, the CCP, but in true communism there is no individual ownership of anything and the state is in charge of all production. Communism is anti-Capitalism, and the citizens of China are encouraged to be capitalists. There are Chinese billionaires. Note also that China and Russia are very similar in their form of government.

The USA founders wanted to prevent the nation from becoming another kingship, so they instituted elections and limited time periods in office. What they failed to do was limit terms, the number of times someone can be re-elected, thus allowing individuals to become kings after all. Now we find ourselves headed for the same sort of government that exists in Russia and China, where our individual liberties may be exercised only if our government allows it, and they can be taken away and we can be imprisoned at any time for any reason or no reason. All we really lack now is a formal dictator acting as head of our government. Biden and Harris are just for show until we can be fully transitioned into totalitarianism.

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