It’s apparent now that the Globalists will fail. The Fascists and Communists like George Soros, the EU overlords and whoever leads Germany next, Mark Zuckerberg and that asshole who owns Twitter, the UK, the Fascist government of Australia, it’s a long list and all these people have a joint problem, which is that none of them are in agreement when it comes to uniting in a world government.

Making the matter far worse is the fact that the Chinese insist on their way or the highway. China is on a course of world domination and they don’t care if it takes a hundred years. China has no allies and wants none, and won’t accept any, either. It doesn’t matter to them if the EU should become a united and equal, or greater than equal, force, the EU has to be assimilated into the Chinese sphere. Period.

We can depend on China to continue to push against it’s boundaries and expand them, constantly taking over new territory, inch by inch. They’ll keep expanding their Belt and Road project until they own so much infrastructure globally that they will be de facto rulers of those countries, as they are in some now.

Anything can happen, a plague can end up killing off most of us, there can be an asteroid extinction event, a new bacteria may wipe out our farm harvests, who knows? But if we continue along the same basic course humanity is on now, it will be China that eventually achieves global governance, not the dreamers in Europe.


The logjam of container ships at our Pacific ports is actually getting worse, and the accidents that keep happening aren’t helping. Almost all the stuff coming here is from China now, and they don’t ship to New York, they ship to the Los Angeles/Long Beach ports because China’s ports also face the Pacific. It’s a much shorter route. Once unloaded off the ships, everything is then freighted or trucked inland and across the country.

Now the Incompetent Managers of this mess are saying that the problem isn’t just going to continue, it’s going to worsen, meaning that store shelves are going to keep getting emptier.

Back when World War II was going on, many foods were rationed. I still have my grandmother’s old ration books, with some of the little coupons torn out here and there in it, for milk, eggs, butter, foods that our soldiers and sailors had first call for. We only got any if there was a temporary surplus. The same with gasoline, oil and tires. You couldn’t buy a new tire, period. None were available. You could buy a small amount of gasoline once a week, barely enough to get you to work and back home. Nobody took side trips unless they walked or rode a bicycle. You could not buy a new appliance of any kind, or anything made of metal, it all went for the war effort.

So rationing isn’t new to America. If it comes around again, the container ship mess may only be part of the cause because we may well get into a war with China over Taiwan. In spite of all those who say we won’t side with Taiwan, I don’t see that we have a choice because it’s a simple fact that if China does take over Taiwan, Japan and Australia are China’s next targets and Australia going full Socialist dictatorship lately just makes them more of an ally with the Communists now running my country.

Personally, I’m preparing for the worst. My solar/wind power system isn’t online yet, I’m still waiting for some hardware I need to arrive, but it won’t be long and I’ll be powered up even when the power company is shut down. After all, I need to keep my freezers that are packed full of meat to stay frozen.

I remember the horror stories of all the starving Russians during those terribly cold winters they have, because their Communist government was so inefficient at running the farms, bakeries and slaughter houses, at distributing the food, at everything, and I can’t think of a single reason why we won’t be just as sloppy and inefficient as they were, when Communists own and control everything here.


On checking out the hysterical fear story more closely about China’s latest “Super Weapon”, I see that what it is, is an ICBM that is sent into orbit instead of from its launch point directly to a target.

While in orbit, it goes around the Earth a few times and then the warhead, which is mounted in a little rocket-powered mini-plane, shoots out and zooms down to its target from space, supposedly undetected.

What they’re freaking out about is that this looks like a low earth satellite instead of a weapon aimed at something. After it’s made some orbits, then apparently no one pays it any attention anymore, so when it suddenly drops its hypersonic semi-glider bomb package everyone is surprised and unprepared.

Now that we all know that China is doing this, why would anyone be unprepared? Besides, going into space and coming back down to the target is what ICBMs do now, the only difference is that they don’t orbit for awhile first. All that needs to be done to counter this new way of attacking is to do the same, orbit the bombs for awhile first. You don’t even really need to equip them with hypersonic stuff, just shoot the bomb down to it’s target from space unexpectedly. It’s going to be traveling at least as fast as any hypersonic glider anyway, just give it a good heat shield and down it comes at 10,000 miles an hour and nothing can stop it. Bingo, you now have parity with the latest Chinese threat.

This is all misdirection anyway, looks like to me, to keep us distracted from the REAL Chinese threat, which is Germ Warfare. If I were the Chinese Communists, I’d make sure the vaccine that I was forcing everyone to take was actually to keep them from dying from a really fatal disease that I’m planning on loosing on the rest of humanity.

The Chinese Communists can’t be as concerned about the world economy as they pretend, or they’d never have spread this Covid bug to begin with, knowing that it would wreck all our economies including their own. Their goal is to conquer the planet. Period. If they have to wipe out the rest of us to do it, that’s perfectly acceptable. With only Chinese in the world and all of them under Communist domination, that’s success.

There will be no nuclear war. There will be plagues. You can’t nuke a global plague.


China Has New Missile That Can Nuke Us From Space! We’re All Doomed!

Russia Develops Invisible Warrior Androids That Can’t Be Killed.

USA Reveals Nuclear Armed Space Platforms That Can Destroy Entire Cities With Death Rays.

UK Perfects Sound Weapon That Turns Brains To Green Mush.

Fuck the arms race, okay? It’s all bullshit. Ever since World War 2 ended we’ve all been threatening each other with increasingly advanced weapons and only a few have ever been used at all, and none of them cause any widespread damage.

Faster jet planes, smarter guided bombs and missiles are about it along with stealth technology, but when it comes to all these doomsday weapons that will take out whole cities, we had those in 1945, they were called Fat Man and Little Boy and they were dropped on a couple cities in Japan to end the war. Since then, 76 years ago, it’s all been threats and fear and you know what that reminds me of?

It reminds me of ALL THE COVID PANDEMIC BULLSHIT. Both are nothing but mutual international money making schemes. Oh My God, we citizens must pay Higher Taxes to Be Safe and build bigger bombs and fake vaccines and keep making the Rich People Richer because We Are Afraid. Fuck all that. Wake up, you’ve been played for 76 years and they’re still doing it.


Was just reading a business blog how the steadily increasing spending by the assholes in our Congress, by perpetually raising our debt ceiling, is steadily making our dollars worth less and less.

Buddy, that ain’t the half of it. Don’t forget that the goal of the Globalists is to kill off most of us, partly at least with their massive global “vaccine” program.

What do you think will happen to the value of dollars and pesos and rubles when there’s all those $trillions in circulation and in the hands of half as many people? A fourth as many people? Toilet paper might be worth more.

There will be less demand for literally everything. Homes, land, cars, fuel, precious metals, food, disposable diapers, EVERYTHING will be more available and prices will drop like a rock.

And that’s the conundrum of the inflation disaster. What do you use for money when there’s a glut of money that no one wants. and what do you do with a glut of products that you can’t sell?

My guess is that there’s going to be a renaissance of the old bartering systems. Trading goods or services for goods or services if the Globalists are successful in greatly reducing the population. They may not be though. As I’ve previously posted, there’s a lot of pushback against their “vaccine” and it’s increasing. Still, they’ve managed to get the goo into about half of humanity. If it only kills half of them, that’s a reduction of 2 billion people over a span of just a few years and enough to bring on the above scenario.

We’ll just have to wait it out now and see what happens but India’s move away from the vax and into Ivermectin will save most of their huge population. meaning China has to make the same move to counter that, meaning in turn that most of the deceased will be Asians, Arabs and Us.


The word is spreading quickly now that people who’ve had these shots are dying faster than those who haven’t. It’s not just the ones who die within a few days or weeks of getting it, but literally all of them are at far greater risk of getting sick from the Wuhan disease or some other illness and dying. Many are also dying of blood clots that cause brain strokes, heart attacks and organ failure including lung collapse and the effort to prevent this information from getting out is failing badly.

For example, Taiwan just announced that deaths from COVID-19 vaccinations exceeds death from COVID-19.

Along with a rapidly increasing public awareness of the true dangers of this fake “vaccine” is the expanding realization that Ivermectin is both a preventative and a cure, and that Big Pharmacy and Big Medicine have been literally murdering people by denying and suppressing it’s use.

We may see the collapse of “vaccination” mandates sooner than I thought if more people and groups keep refusing to get the fatal jab. Airline pilots are refusing and winning. Many workers in various occupations are choosing to be fired rather than get the Jab. If this grows into a big enough backlash there will be no point in trying to force the injection on us any longer. They’ll have to come with something new. And I don’t doubt they will.


4 years left to achieve their goal.

Posted Sep 7, 2020

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said last month via Belarusian Telegraph Agency, BelTA., that World Bank and IMF offered him a bribe of $940 million USD in the form of “Covid Relief Aid.” In exchange for $940 million USD, the World Bank and IMF demanded that the President of Belarus:

• imposed “extreme lockdown on his people”
• force them to wear face masks
• impose very strict curfews
• impose a police state
• crash the economy

Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko REFUSED the offer and stated that he could not accept such an offer and would put his people above the needs of the IMF and World Bank. This is NOT a conspiracy. You may research this yourself. He actually said this!

Now IMF and World Bank are bailing out failing airlines with billions of dollars, and in exchange, they are FORCING airline CEOs to implement VERY STRICT POLICIES such as FORCED face masks covers on EVERYONE, including SMALL CHILDREN, whose health will suffer as a result of these policies.

And if it is true for Belarus, then it is true for the rest of the world! The IMF and World Bank want to crash every major economy with the intent of buying over every nation’s infrastructure at cents on the dollar!

Page 5 of the World Bank plan:

Wrecking the global economy is obviously part of the plan. As our population is reduced, home prices will fall. After all, if the population is declining instead of growing, the pressure for new homes evaporates along with increasing prices to match the demand. Suddenly there’s a glut of empty homes all over the world, and the value of homes drops like a rock. This alone is more than enough to destroy the global economy.

The medical information is essentially complete and available now if you use the right search engine, on the myriad ways the “vaccine” is killing us, and they range from blood clots to paralysis, immune system collapse to total organ failure. Pretty much every mortal condition can be caused by this bio-warfare pathogen, and that includes female sterility.

This last item is strongly denied all over the Internet as a “False rumor”, a “Hoax”, etc., by all sorts of supposedly reliable medical sources like the CDC, WHO and various hospital administrators. However, it’s the individual doctors and virologists who are experts in their fields, who say it’s true and is widespread among women who’ve had the Jab.

This should have been expected anyway, knowing the Globalist plan to reduce our population. What better way than to include factors within this serum that cause sterility? BECAUSE right now there’s about 80 Million more births a year than there are deaths, and if you want to reverse that number, just killing off millions of people isn’t enough. You need to stop them from making more people, too. If the birth rate can be brought down just to match the current death rate, half the battle is won right there.


The Australian government is building huge “Quarantine” camps capable of holding 1000’s of people in each one, all over the country. They can have only one of the several following purposes: One, and my first choice, is they’re there in preparation for a major civil conflict when the people start fighting back in earnest. Even though most of the guns were taken from them in 1995, I’m sure there’s plenty more that were hidden away. These are most likely Concentration Camps.

The next possibility is that these are safe harbors for the chosen few to stay at while a whole new, contagious and rather deadly disease sweeps the rest of the country. This is my second choice and actually a pretty likely scenario as well. Otherwise, why build so many of these concentration camps?

If they just want to stop the people from marching in the streets all they have to do is start shooting them. Same thing with those who refuse to go to work at their jobs. Drag them out of their homes and shoot them in the street, and show it live on TV. That will solve that problem.

Of course, if they’d rather not have that level of embarrassing publicity, then quietly murdering the dissidents inside the camps is the better choice.

Whatever option it turns out to be, the only certain thing right now is that this is a really bad sign for the Australian people. They are totally screwed.


47.6% of the worlds population has received at least one dose of Covid19 vaccine. 6.54 billion doses have been administered globally, and 23.41 million are now administered each day.
Only 2.5% of people in low-income countries have received at least one dose.

Pardon the large print, it’s a copy-paste.

We know that the vax’s main thing is to wreck the immune system and open us up to easy infection by other diseases. Now suppose that there’s another disease waiting in the wings of the pandemic stage, waiting for enough people to have gotten The Jab first before being unleashed on us.

With a Vax rate of over 23 million a day getting Jabbed, that’s over 2.3 Billion in the next 100 days, by Jan. 22, JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS. HO HO HO.

See, that 4.76% is 3.8 Billion people already Jabbed. Now add 2.3 Billion more to that and you have just over 7 Billion People Jabbed, leaving only one billion un-jabbed. That’s assuming that the 2.3 billion will all be given to new people, which is not a safe assumption. More likely about half of that number or less, say 1 billion more. At that rate, it will be around next Spring, May perhaps, before the big “Covid vaccination” push is over with and only a billion or so people are left un-Jabbed.

I’m not quite sure why they came up with second and third Jabs, it could be that they decided the first versions weren’t quite lethal enough and this is just to make sure. It’s interesting that undeveloped nations aren’t getting zapped with this crap, just developed nations. This inevitably will result in much of the world’s white population dying, and the darker people surviving, unless there’s a special plan just for them. Most Africans take Quinine because of the prevalence of malaria, with the result that they don’t catch Covid, which has a lot to do with them not taking the “vaccine”.

It honestly doesn’t sadden me that the major Islamic nations are among the most fully jabbed, a major decline in Muslims would do us all a big favor, and them too. They war against each other when there’s no one else around to kill. Muslims are experts at making life truly miserable for themselves.

But that’s not the real question, which is, what’s the next disease they have planned for us? Knowing that is critical to survival if you want to be among the remaining one billion humans, because then you can prepare as much as possible to deal with it.

This may be what the “Booster Shot” is all about. It could contain the next disease. Not right now, but after enough of the global population has been jabbed. Then start giving infectious shots, say, every tenth or twentieth shot, while the rest are the usual vile mix. That way, as the disease spreads, people won’t suspect it’s coming from the shot, especially if it’s a completely different disease from Covid19. Instead, it will provide an excuse for a “new” vaccine and MORE shots.

Stay tuned, anyway, there’s some new and nasty bugs out there right now, one of them being Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, which is shaking up Saudi Arabians a bit right now. Maybe it’s the next one. I doubt it though, they’ll want to get more of us stabbed with needles first and my tentative prediction is that the new disease they want to infect us with will be rolled out next May.


In Brazil, the people are back to opened bars, restaurants and other businesses and returning to life the way it was before the Chinese Disease. Their President Bolsonaro is pushing hydroxychloroquine as the primary treatment for this bio-attack in spite of all the lies from the MSM that it’s ineffective, and even though a claimed 600,000 people have died from this manufactured germ there, there will be no “mandates” to vaccinate, wear masks or “social distancing”. Unfortunately they’re still pushing the lethal injection called a vaccine, with about 45% of the population inoculated with it so far.

In the state of Uttar Pradesh, India, the 241 million people there are taking Ivervectin and their death rate from the Wuhan Flu is now down to ZERO. The use of Ivermectin is spreading to other India states, while the injections of the “vaccine” are continuing. The “vaccination” rate in India is now at about 19% of the population on a rising curve.

Poland has just passed a law that places their sovereignty and laws above those of the Globalist E.U., and is being backed by Romania. That’s another major crack in the E.U. after the UK left.

My point here is that the Globalist wall is starting to look more like a dam instead and I’m wondering if it’s heading for failure. There’s growing pressure against it.

Considering the vast number of people who’ve been injected, and the number who have already died and will yet die from the effects of the injection, the Globalists have certainly made a dent in the population. Add to that the ongoing effort to swing children over to homosexuality, so that they don’t reproduce, and the balance of world power is changing along with the population demographic. The question is, is it changing in the way they planned? Their fear campaign is fizzling out, the world is tired of this pandemic.

More cracks are showing in China, as they just threatened World War III against the United States and said in the same breath that they are pursuing a peaceful “reunification” with Taiwan and will take it by force. This sounds more like panic than real threat, as their biggest real estate company, Evergrande, is on the brink of failure and that failure could crash the entire Chinese economy.

If that crashes, then the global economy could collapse. Then what happens to the plans of the Globalists?

If they do storm Taiwan, they’ll be facing not just the Taiwanese forces but those of the USA, Japan, the UK, France and Australia. Crushing Taiwan would cause major further havoc with the already extremely disrupted global trade via container ships.

Cracks in the dam and the pressure is growing as the water rises. Something has to give.