According to The Federalist, “The number of transgender Gen Zers is about 10 times higher than that of their parents in Generation X. In a tweet Wednesday, The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh pointed out that the uptick in gender-dysphoric children is not a “natural or organic development.” It is the result of popular culture and our corrupt school system “actively recruit[ing] children into the LGBT ranks.””

The article goes on to say that Snap Chat is a transgender propaganda and grooming machine, but for me the primary point is made right away, that the Transgender phenomenon is rapidly blowing up out of all proportion.

Whether this is true about SnapChat or not, this can be seen as being part of the overall effort by the movement supported by people like Bill Gates to reduce the human population. There’s reports, nothing that proves it I know of, just reports, that the vaccine can cause sterility. Since Gates is deep into vaccine financing, that this could be true seems a possibility.

Personally I’m all for a big reduction in the human population, and I prefer to see it being done through a lower birth rate rather than anything that kills off those of us currently alive and it’s a fact that homosexuals don’t reproduce and people who have their sex organs surgically removed can’t reproduce.

At the same time, seeing people call themselves trannies and getting their kids to chop up their genitals and take sex hormones is pretty disgusting.

Everything does balance out eventually, that seems to be a natural consequence of letting things take their course, and if this continues and grows, which I don’t doubt it will, we will reach a point where human numbers get too low and there will be movements to start cloning people, or to become modern-day “Amish” types who hearken back to the primitive days of Natural Men and Women. Eventually our population will reach a balanced level.

I read with alarm some years back, when Earth’s human population hit 7 billion, that we were likely to reach 10 billion before it leveled off. It’s about 8 billion now and shows real signs of slowing way down. There’s a good chance that it may soon go into reverse and that’s a good thing.

It’s not just our mineral resources that we’re using up too fast, it’s our wild animals. Damn near everything is protected now. That should make anyone think.


Only NAZIS, people who fuck dogs and make dogs fuck them, Globalists, Socialists and “Trans” assholes wear face masks. If you wear a face mask you are welcoming your own slavery and you have sex with dogs and are planning to have a swastica engraved on your forehead with a soldering iron.

The whole point of making people wear those face diapers is to keep them afraid and under control. The masks are the visible and tangible symbol of oppression, of submission to tyranny. As long as you keep wearing a mask you maintain the mutual fear of everyone who does, of each other and of you. You are verifying the lie that the stupid things actually keep you from getting sick.

They don’t and it’s been proven over and over and over that they don’t but your fear won’t let you listen to the truth, will it, you Nancy submissive little cowardly fucking moron?

You’re the Eloi and your masters are the stupid Morlocks who are eating you. All they have to do is sound a siren and you run to be their dinner. Take your fucking masks off. Stop looking like idiots, it’s become embarrassing to be a human.


Crypto currencies are all the rage now and got another fresh boost the other day from Elon Musk, who decided to dump a bunch of money into buying Bit Coins.

As all my 1000’s of fervently loyal readers know, I like to take the long view on things. The fact that I’ve reached dodderhood and not likely to see my views come to fruition does nothing to dampen this tendency, and so, here’s how I see the future of crypto money: It’s happening.

Our money has been tending away from actual cash ever since credit cards were invented by Chevron Gasoline. You don’t have to have much money in the bank. If you have sufficient credit to own a credit card with, say, a $10,000 limit, you can buy $10,000 of stuff and pay it off over time using your smart phone to make payments based on your weekly paycheck that’s deposited automatically into your bank account, electronically, by your employer, who receives all his or her payments the same way. No cash changes hands.

Now how do you think our Federal Government would feel if we all started buying stuff with Euros instead of Dollars? Would they like that? Hell no they wouldn’t. The EU actually tried to get us to start using Euros, they wanted to replace the Dollar worldwide and our government took some serious steps to nip that little plan in the bud because it’s a direct threat against our economy.

Well, what do you think Bitcoins are? Or any of the other crypto currencies? The thing about Bitcoin is that there were only so many “issued” at the start, and the price has gone steadily up as more people bought into them, so now a single Bitcoin is around $50,000 and if you want to buy a loaf of bread with it, you pay about 1/20000 of a Bitcoin or so.

Some major financial institutions are now starting to accept Bitcoin as valid tender and the greedy bastards in DC must be looking at this a lot more seriously now and realizing that it’s a small step to making the Dollar into as fully ephemeral a form of exchange as any crypto currency with the immense advantage of being able to make as much more as they want anytime they want to, simply by adding zeros to what they say is the legal money supply.

If you think this won’t happen, by all means splurge on Bitcoin and God bless your little pointy head. But what do you think will happen to Bitcoin and the others when it does happen? They’ll be outlawed by our government, of course. The Feds were snarling at Bitcoin when it first came out, but then along came Trump. Trump is gone now and the snarlers are back in charge. Be warned.

What will eventually happen is the same thing that’s gone on with the Dollar, which is a constant battle for supremacy as the global monetary standard. The Chinese are trying to force the Yuan on the world, the EU wants everyone to use the Euro, and then there’s us. The first one to nail down common crypto currency usage will be the most likely winner, and this is a truly big deal in global finances because eventually there will only be one that wins.

A common currency is vital to the creation of a global government. The Dollar has a big lead and a CryptoDollar has the best chance. Now I’m just waiting to see if they blow the opportunity or not.


The most momentous event happening in the past week in the entire world was the landing of another NASA rover on Mars, apparently.

The biggest news outlets on the Internet and cable are reporting the same stories today that they were reporting on 4 days ago and almost all of them are about politics.

If the media are to be believed, nothing bad has happened since Xo Bai Din was fraudulently made US president, except that Pres. Trump’s been accused of more heinous crimes. I do believe that he’s been accused of more crimes, but otherwise, no, the media are not to be believed.

News reports about China’s threats and incursions have stopped. Suddenly the world seems to be at peace, the blossoming war between Ethiopia and Egypt/Sudan over the Nile River, Palestinian attacks on Israel, fighting in Syria, Turkey and Russia and Greece and Somalia, all is now suddenly quiet and still?

It appears that the only thing we peons of the world need to know about now is lies about the Chinese Disease that’s supposedly the cause of every known death regardless that the latest victim may have fallen off a cliff first or been run over by a cement truck.

I’m not buying any of it.


The continuing campaign of fear being forced down the throats of the semi-civilized world, meaning us, by our increasingly Socialist/Globalist governments, is having a broad impact on everyone.

Violent crimes are increasing, especially murder. Mental health problems are arising including in children who no longer go to school or get to play with their friends. Loneliness is causing big problems because humans are social creatures. Personally, I live alone and it’s never bothered me until recently. Now, everywhere I go, everyone avoids each other like we all had the plague except them. We don’t smile at each other, let alone greet each other.

This morning I woke up with a Paul Simon song in my head, “The Boxer”. It was the part “Asking only workman’s wages I went looking for a job but I get no offers, just a come-on from the whores on Second Avenue” that struck me awake. Of all the people deeply affected by this attack on small businesses and workers, I’ve heard not one word about the Oldest Profession.

Think of that, look at just how very deeply this has affected us, this Chinese attack on Western society. The Chinese are whooping it up, bragging about how well they’re doing and how badly we’re doing, how their economy has rebounded and how prosperous they are while everyone else is collapsing. It’s probably a pack of lies as usual, but that’s not what matters.

What matters is us. We need to throw away the face diapers, ignore the Social Distancing lines and circles and squares on the floors, the fake death rates and false fear propaganda and stop acting like the person ahead of us or behind us in line at the store is the one who’s going to infect us with a horrible disease.

We need to let the kids go back to school and play with each other in the parks and let the whores go back to work on Second Avenue. Enough of this, let’s get our collective head out of our collective ass and start living again.


Since no one ever reads this crap anyway, I can write my thoughts here pretty much without fear of the CIA snuffing me for revealing state secrets or the general public demanding I be locked up, investigated, stuffed in a nuthouse or some other dire consequence.

So to get right to it, let’s look at some givens first. The Industrial Revolution began in Europe around 1760 as manufacturing began to be crudely mechanized and steam engines started being developed. By 1860 the electric dynamo and electric motor had been perfected to the point that the electric train subway system under the streets of London was almost complete.

By 1906, radio signals were being sent across the Atlantic Ocean, and by 1956 the transistor had been developed and electronic computers were being built. By 1969 we were walking around on the Moon.

So from roughly 1800 to 2000, in other words about 200 years, humanity went from a race of kingships, wooden ships, dirt roads and open gutters to a space-faring people. In 200 years time our technology exploded. People 200 years ago would have compared us to gods.

Next given is that our Universe is about 14 billion years old. The Earth is about 4.5 billion years old, so obviously there’s other planets older than Earth. There’s also a lot of Earth-like planets, we now know. So there can be other intelligent, space-faring races much older than Humanity and far more advanced. What if the Greeks and Romans had invested all their energies into advancing their technology instead of wars? The Greeks had extremely sophisticated mechanical computers 1000’s of years ago. Would we be building our own flying saucers today?

There are reports thousands of years old written in clay and stone of visitors from the sky. Some were teachers, some were gods, some were angels who arrived in circular ships. Check the Christian Bible, it’s all there. Aliens have been coming here for thousands of years. Perhaps hundreds of thousands of years.

Not all these visitors looked the same, and from eye witness descriptions given these days, they don’t all look the same. Their ships are described as having different shapes, wedge shaped, like a flying wing, circular, tubular. So it’s another given that Earth is still being visited by not just one alien race but at least 3 and probably more different races.

A goal of ours is to populate the habitable planets around other stars. This will not happen, obviously, because they’re all taken already by all the older space-faring races. That should be a given to anyone with a functional brain, and it’s the same reason that none of them have invaded and taken over the Earth. If there was just one other visiting race they would probably have taken over millennia ago when there were far less of us and we hadn’t made a mess of our planet yet. But there must be some sort of planetary federation where they all agree to leave each other alone, as other wise we wouldn’t be related to other Earth species, we’d be aliens.

But they study us, abduct us, do experiments on us and very likely are mixing their DNA with some of us. Why else would they keep hanging out? It’s entirely possible that we are part them. Modern man sprang into being out of nowhere about 200,000 years ago, naked, hairless humans. We have the DNA of other humanoid types like the Denisovans and Neanderthals, but we also know that’s from interbreeding AFTER we appeared.

Why do we use rats, monkeys and pigs in laboratory experiments? Because they’re so similar to us biologically and in some cases behaviorally. Why do aliens experiment on us? Same answer.

Tourism. Rich humans pay millions just to go into space. How much do aliens pay to visit Earth and the Solar System? Student study trips, see the developing intelligent race, look what they’re doing, test on return to Zarg.

They will not allow us to destroy ourselves in nuclear war. We know this because of all the documented times they’ve disabled our warheads in their silos. They have too much invested in our planet to allow it. There’s constant reports of sightings all over the world, there must be thousands of them here who have well and long established infrastructures.

They want us to develop a planetary government. So do I. All these different squabbling little nations just keep fighting with each other instead of getting together and sharing the wealth of the planet equably and responsibly. They don’t seem to be interfering with the process though, but they’ve been watching us for thousands of years so what’s a few thousand more?

So since we’re not going to turn our planet into a radioactive cinder, that means we can keep on expanding our technological knowledge and capabilities. With that as a given, we can expect to develop anti-gravity, learn to propagate gravity waves, create force fields and tractor and pressor beams and do a lot of the groovy stuff we already know the aliens can do.

Once we figure out how to manipulate gravity the way they do, we’ll be out there mining the asteroids like crazy, building cities on the Moon, Mars and at La Grange points, and planning to visit distant stars.

That last part may get sticky. The people on the inhabited planets out there may not be real welcoming, but hopefully by then we’ll have been invited into at least the Outer Circle of our Milky Way Federation and will know where we can go and where we can’t.

It’s pretty likely that we will never be allowed to colonize any planets around other stars and instead will have to make do with spreading out on our own planets and moons, since any star within reasonable distance of us that has anything at all habitable around it is very likely taken.

I personally give it a Zero possibility of any member of the human race still existing after another 10 million years passes. After a thousand million years, which is a billion, of course, none of the intelligent races alive in our galaxy today will exist. Something will kill us all off or some planetary disaster will occur, some massive extinction event or series of events, because that’s what does happen, repeatedly, here on Earth, and other planets are just other planets, none of them have Special Dispensation.


FuckedBook has just cut all Australians off from accessing all the Australian governmental and administration FuckedBooked accounts because Australia wants FuckedBook to pay for the Australian news and journalist resources it uses to make a profit on.

This is a direct attack on the sovereignty of Australia. This may be the first international act of war by a corporation against a sovereign nation and Australia would be perfectly within their rights to declare war on FuckedBook and Mark Fuckerberg, perhaps the ugliest rich guy the world has ever seen. He has a face that puts mud fences to shame, with that weirdly shaped head and those red-rimmed eyes, and has apparently more power-maddened ego than common sense.

It’s my fond and fervent hope that the Australians do exactly that and declare war, and the first step should be to ban all access to FuckedBook on the Australian Internet. Then get all their allies to do the same. Cancel-Culture FuckedBook. Sue them in International Court for anything they can, hack their systems, overload their servers, drive away their accounts and advertisers, investigate their employees and out them for any crimes.

Attack the shit out of them. Destroy them.


The new administration is hell-bent on reversing every single improvement that Pres. Trump made to our country and the world, and Israel is included in the effort. Trump brought more peace to the Middle East than it’s seen in a century by uniting the Saudis and their allies with Israel, against Iran.

Iran’s fave form of Islam is Shia. The Saudis and many of the rest favor Sunni, and the thing about Islam is that when they don’t have mutual enemies to murder, they murder each other. All that’s required is to be of a different sect and Islam has a variety of sects.

The new regime is leaning toward easing sanctions on Iran, which will enable them to proceed with their nuclear program more rapidly, while leaning away from support of Israel. Since they also are on a Green Energy rampage as well and want to eliminate fossil fuels, this looks bad for OPEC. We have a defense treaty with the Saudis but if we stop buying their oil, then we’d have no reason to continue to honor the treaty and they’d be left to fend for themselves.

In other words, the policy of the new administration is to destabilize the Middle East and either cause or allow new wars to break out, which could easily become nuclear wars since Israel has nukes and is not about to allow Iran to nuke them first, and if they should anyway, Israel would be certain to turn Iran into an ash pile.

No doubt the bevy of thudpuckers running the D.C. Circus think they and the rest of the Skull and Bones megaloegomaniacs can keep the nice profitable wars under control. After all, look at the fortunes they’ve been making out of Afghanistan, and Vietnam before that. I guarantee, however, that the wild cards of the Ayatollahs and the Israelis are ones not in their decks and ones they can play, no matter how much they may think otherwise, and when that Middle East fire gets lit off, it’s going to spread fast.

All you survivalists might just want to keep an eye on that.


The last time Microsoft updated Windows 10 on my computer it caused a load of problems, not the least being the loss of a whole bunch of browser bookmarks. So I decided to stop letting them freely do updates and pick and choose what was allowed, and only after reviewing the updates for content and purpose.

It wasn’t long before another update came along and on looking into it, I stopped at the part where it said that new content would be added by “Microsoft and associates”. Associates? What associates? Oh, you mean BLOATWARE?

That’s my assumption. Bloatware. Spyware. Tracking to target me for ads. New sales programs for crap I don’t want. I never agreed to allow anyone but Microsoft to access my computer’s operating system and that’s because they made it. When they start piling in stuff that is not described in any way other than to mention that they’re including programs written by “associates”, that’s when I opt out. No wonder the “updates” are causing problems.

So when that next update came along and started automatically downloading, I pushed the off button and shut down my computer. Then restarted it. The update started again, so I shut it down again, and on restarting my computer again it was necessary to allow the Repair Function to do it’s thing, since the abrupt shutdowns tend to mess up program files. A point to make here is that there was NO option to update or not. Opting out is not allowed, and it’s MY goddam computer!

Once the repair was finished and Win10 was back up, a pop-up window appeared informing me that since my PC was having difficulty doing the update it would be held off for 30 days while Microsoft figured out what the problem was.

30 days later it was all repeated, and I was given another 30 day reprieve from their forced update. When the time came to do it again, I discovered that OPTIONS had been added to START. “Shut down, Restart, with update, without update.” So each night when I shut it down I chose just “Shut down”.

I guess they didn’t like that because last night a new popup window gave me the choice of updating right then or in another 25 minutes, or I could pick a later time. I chose in another 25 minutes, shut it off and went to bed. This morning there’s a new window informing me that my computer will update later tonight. Umm, NO, it will not.

The only option left for Microsoft that I can see is to refuse to allow my computer to start at all without updating first. They’re going to have to force the update in a way that I can’t prevent unless I disconnect my PC from the Internet to keep them from downloading such instructions to it. I’m pretty sure they already downloaded the update into it, their program just can’t execute without shutting down and restarting my computer to install it.

So the battle goes on against these arrogant fuckers. We’ll see who wins.


Ivermectin has been around a long time as a very effective treatment for intestinal parasites, such as round worms. Over the past year it’s also been found to be highly effective against corona viruses including the Covid disease sent here by China. While I haven’t seen any data yet that it’s also a cure for the Flu, there’s stirrings in that direction as well. Wait and see on that one.

It may have other uses. I’ve been taking it for almost two months now, a standard dose according to my body weight, one on the 15th of each month and again on the 18th. I go into this in greater detail in a previous post if you want to look it up. So far I’m fine, no apparent after-effects except possibly one: I’ve had bad toenail fungus for many years and it looks to be considerably cleared up lately. I’m seeing pink through most of my toenails now instead of white.

I don’t know yet and can’t say that it’s the Ivermectin doing this, but if my toes are finally free of that infection after another few months I’m certainly going to give Ivermectin the credit for it. Meanwhile, if you want to be immune to the Chinese Disease, check out Dr. Kory, Ivermectin, Senate Hearing, Video. Well worth your time.