There’s lots of threats and fear mongering about using nuclear weapons over the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but I’ll tell you right now, if your country isn’t a major oil producer, you WILL NOT be bombed. No nuclear weapons will land where you live.

Why not? Why do I think so? Because it’s becoming apparent that there are two things on the Globalist hit list that are in the most immediate danger.

The first one is Muslims. The second one is oil.

The Globalists know that “Global Warming” and “Climate Change” are total scams along with “Carbon Credits”. The real reason they want to stop the world from using so much oil is because of the massive pollution that results from it.

Who produces the most oil? It used to be the USA until they kicked out Donald Trump and took over the government and dramatically reduced the oil production. Now it’s the Middle East and Russia.

But Russia has way too many nukes, so that country has to be brought under control the same way the USA was, which is the purpose of this war with Ukraine. As I’ve said before, this was a trap for Putin and it’s working out really well. Russia’s economy is being thoroughly destroyed and Putin will be removed from power and replaced with a bunch of Globalists who will shut down Russia’s oil. Watch it happen.

Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia is one of the most brutal regimes on the planet, like North Korea. It’s also the seat and the heart of Islam. What if the Kabah, that cube shaped point of pilgrimage that Muslims worship so much in Saudi Arabia, were to be hit and destroyed with a bomb or missile, and it was blamed on Iran. Or maybe Israel? The world’s Muslims would be enraged and a full scale war would immediately begin that would halt oil production in the Middle East and likely end with a total area regime change.

2030 is the date the Globalists have set to achieve global dominance, a global government, global currency and so forth, and they seem to be running a bit late. A Near-East war shutting down the oil would speed things up, and since the Saudis are behind most of the effort to spread Islam and terrorism in the world, wiping them out would really help the Globalist effort.

Without all that oil coming from the USA, Russia and the Near East, the Earth’s population will starve. We won’t have to wait for all of us to die from the poisonous “vaccinations” and the diseases it brings, we’ll die of starvation instead. Things are already much worse in Europe than here, with growing food shortages and talk of food rationing stamps. Canada is suffering a severe farming shortfall and America will soon, too, for lack of fertilizer. Soon our money will be worthless, retirement accounts will be too, and the best investment to have will be a pantry full of preserved food.

I do think any attack on the Saudis is more likely to be blamed on Iran than on Israel, because the Israelis now appear to be fully involved with the Globalist plan themselves. That really should be no surprise, the top Globalists are the wealthiest people, and there’s a lot of Jews in that group.

Always keep in mind the goals of Globalism if you want to understand the changes happening on our planet:

  • End planetary pollution.
  • Do this by greatly reducing the human population.
  • Unite all nations into one Earth Nation, with a single government.


Welcome to the show, featuring War In Ukraine in Theater One, Collapse Of The Global Economy in Theater Two, The New Global Plague in Theater Three, and Worldwide Famine in Theater Four, and the best part is that you get to watch all four movies at the same time.



After watching this video of Dr. Daniel Nagase discussing the nature of the supposed “Covid vaccine”, which is actually an MRNA mixed with a variety of other harmful ingredients, the full truth of what these injections are designed to do, has now become much clearer.

Dr. Nagase says that the spike protein bits that it causes a persons cells to manufacture can be lethal to developing infants in the womb, depending on certain circumstances that are best explained by listening to the video. But the point is that this MRNA is permanently hereditary, every single person who fathers or gives birth to a child, and who has had this injection, passes the MRNA, that generates the spike proteins, on to the child.

A certain number of pregnancies will fail in women who have the spike protein MRNA and have been made pregnant by a man who also has the MRNA in his DNA. So less people will be born with each generation and at the same time, the number of those born with the MRNA in their DNA will increase.

Understand this. This is a permanent genetic change to the human race. It passes from parents to children FOREVER and kills their babies in the womb.

Because about 5 billion people have now been injected, Dr. Nagase says that the human race will become extinct in 3 or 4 generations.

This man is a Top Dog in his field and he sure sounds like he knows what he’s talking about, so let’s just assume for now that he’s right.

Who would want to exterminate the entire human race? Certainly not humans, right? Logically only an alien race would be interested in doing that, and I’m not suggesting that. I think this is an entirely human effort, and plan, and if so, what then logically follows? Why do this? What would be the plan?

Human cloning has been in the works for a long time and is perfectly possible now. We were cloning sheep decades ago, and a sheep is a big, complex animal just as a human is. It should be a given that the Elite among us, the billionaire crowd, has not let themselves be injected with this poison, and that they will become the Pureblood survivors after the rest of us die out, and it will be their descendants that become the new human race. Somewhere along the line they’ll want to clone themselves and their children to ensure that their kids are Purebloods who will have other Purebloods to marry when they grow up, at least until the last MRNA carriers have died out.

They’ll have to be damned careful, though, because they won’t be able to allow one single MRNA infected person to ever enter their ranks, and considering how stupid and fickle so many people can be, I don’t see how they can keep from making mistakes. Being a member of the Elite is no guarantee against screwing up.

But there you have it. The Jab’s ultimate purpose isn’t just to reduce our numbers, it’s to kill us all except The Elite. Or so I think, right now. Probably they’ll keep a cloned workforce of us non-Elites who never got jabbed going, to keep the planet running.

What I would do, if I were them, is kill every single person in an isolated area that can be kept isolated, and then repopulate it with people who were never injected, non-Elite Purebloods, and let them breed among themselves. From them would be taken workers as desired, to be slaves to the demands of the Elites. That’s not nice, but it is logical from their point of view, and necessary in order to keep the planet functioning, the vehicles and power plants and so forth running.

I bet there will be classes of Elites, those who are the doctors and care givers, the technicians, the needed and intelligent people who will do the work the Elites don’t want to do. They’ll be the Middle Class. The Lower Class will be the Gestapo, the police forces who keep the Middle Class and the Slave Class in line.

It reads like a science fiction story, and will only work if they’re able to wipe out every single Jab MRNA carrier on the planet. If just one survives and has children that go undetected, the lethal MRNA will spread to everyone eventually, and that will be the end of our story.


Russia produces a huge amount of wheat. So does Ukraine, or they did until Russia invaded the country. The EU and the United States have blocked the buying of Russian wheat because of the invasion. At least, that’s the reason they give.

China has a crop shortage, so they need more food. They will buy the Russian wheat.

We in the USA import most of our chemical fertilizers and the price has gone way up because of the war and shipping problems, including the Russian embargo. So we will grow less food this year. That means we may not export much, if anything, to Europe, and there will be shortages both here and in Europe that may lead to starvation in some areas.

Food cost has been skyrocketing in the States. Most recently eggs are rising in price at grocery stores. The reason is a highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) spreading across the US and the problem has gotten so bad that, according to the Department of Agriculture, millions of chickens and turkeys have had to be slaughtered at poultry farms around the country
Bloomberg reports HPAI has been detected in commercial poultry operations, backyard farms, and wild flocks up and down the East Coast and across the Midwest since Jan. 26. Chicken meat and eggs are primary staples of the American diet.

Very strange that a deadly new form of Bird Flu is wiping out our chickens and turkeys right at the same time all this other stuff is going on, isn’t it? You don’t suppose that it will become transmissible to humans, do you? Or that it could have been created in a bio-lab, do you? Do you? I do, I think it could have.

A disease like that will have no problem spreading around the entire world. Why? BECAUSE BIRDS FLY. They migrate across great distances. Then when it spreads to people, and people travel everywhere, then all the birds and all the people get sick together, and the only advantage that has is that the more people that die, the less there are that need to eat birds.

So The Plan becomes more obvious as time goes by. Wars, plagues and famines go together, they always have, and I bet a nickel that the war between Russia and Ukraine doesn’t stay contained to just them. I may have already won the bet, as Belarus has begun sending troops into Ukraine as well, and I’ll be amazed if the NATO nations don’t react to that in some way besides providing more bullets to Ukraine.

Anyway, screw them all. I’ve been stocking up on food and supplies steadily for the past year and I’m pretty sure I have at least a year’s supply or more of food stashed away now, if things get bad around here.

I keep saying, be prepared.


I said invading Ukraine was a trap for Putin and I was right. There’s a lot of information coming out in spite of the propaganda wall up against anyone telling the truth, and the truth appears to be that Ukraine, which I’ve already pointed out is Liberal, is also a bastion of Globalism.

Any Liberal state is by it’s nature going to become a Globalist state if it isn’t one already, and that’s given as one of the reasons Putin sees Ukraine as a threat. But there’s a few other reasons, too, such as the fact that Russia has become semi-surrounded by bio-weapons labs that could all be used to launch germ warfare attacks on Russia, and semi-surrounded by NATO member states, many of which joined after the breakup of the Soviet Union dictatorship.

So the latest story is that Putin is attacking Ukraine because it’s a Globalist threat to Russia’s autonomy. Chances are that this is true, but it’s not just little Ukraine, it’s most of the world. Most of the world is now Globalist controlled. Considering how nearly everyone was in on the destruction of the Trump presidency, even his own Vice President and almost every single member of his own staff along with all of Congress, I can’t help wondering if the same isn’t true for Putin? The war in Ukraine is a disaster. It’s a clumsy mess and looks like it’s being waged by idiots. Are his top advisors out to get him? It sure looks that way. This war is a really stupid move on Putin’s part, just like promoting the Vax, Fauci and Lockdowns was a really stupid move on Trump’s part.

I think Putin has been totally manipulated by those around him.

The Globalists biggest obstacle wasn’t the United States, it was Donald Trump in power in the United States, and now that they’ve removed him, the next biggest obstacle is Vladimir Putin. This war he’s waging in Ukraine will see the end of his reign, and then….

There’s only one major obstacle left, and it’s the biggest one of all. China. India would love to see Communist China fall, they’re India’s eternal threat, constantly pushing boundaries, causing little border wars, forcing India into a forever arms race. Once China is brought to the Globalist heel, India will be glad to join up as well and is very likely well into the Globalist orbit already.

After that, the rest of the world, the third-world nations of Africa and South America, everything will be steadily brought under the Globalist rule. Diseases will be unleashed that will wipe out entire populations until humanity is reduced to an eighth or less of it’s current numbers. This is the “Great Reset” that you’ve heard about, they just don’t advertise this part much.


Globalism. No one in the media says it anymore, have you noticed? And why would that be? It would be, because the more you hear about it the more you’re going to wonder what the hell it is, and they don’t want you to. So the MSM has been told to SHUT UP, to stop using that word, and just like that, the word is gone.

Anyway, I was laughing my ass off when I read that Poland was going to give a bunch of their old Russian MIG fighter jets to Ukraine because I knew immediately that it meant that they were about to buy a buttload of new F-16’s from us to replace them. Then I laughed even harder a few days later when the news came out that I was right. I mean, hell, it was OBVIOUS.

So now we’re at war with Russia by proxy. We and Russia have a dandy little proxy war that we’re fighting in Ukraine. Who dies? Ukrainians and Russians. Everyone remember Vietnam? Great little country, wonderful place to hold a proxy war. We got rid of a bunch of excess young people, our industries made absolute shitloads of money paid for by us taxpaying drones and so did the Russians and Chinese who were supplying the Viet Cong, and everyone was happy as a pig in shit except all the people who were getting shot up and blown to pieces.

So it’s another Yogi Berra moment, “Deja vu all over again”, in Ukraine, the New Vietnam. Now watch all the FEAR propaganda and the TERROR propaganda start bellowing out of the mouths of all the shitheads and flacks on every “news” channel on TV, OH MY GOD WE’RE GOING TO WAR WITH RUSSIA, OH MY GOD, PUTIN IS GOING TO NUKE US, OH MY GOD, THEY’RE GOING TO HACK OUR INFRASTRUCTURE, OH MY GOD THEY’RE GOING TO CRASH OUR INTERNET and so on and on and on, while encouraging us to JOIN THE WAR EFFORT and FIGHT FOR AMERICA.

It’s all TOTAL FUCKING HORSESHIT, okay? You want to know why this is really happening? It’s to destroy Russia’s economy while continuing to wreck ours and bring us all down to the same level of desperate poverty. To make obedient serfs of us all. The motto of the Globalists is “You will own nothing and you will be happy” and this is how they’re doing it, by first taking away everything you have by destroying the value of the currency, and then making everyone dependent on the state. To get fed you will have to have a job. The homeless human trash littering the sidewalks of our nation will either work or starve to death and good riddance. The old people who don’t have enough assets to trade for food will die too, along with the disabled, and the only ones who will be left will be workers. What a wonderful world, huh?

Buy tons of dried canned foods. I heartily recommend Auguson Farms products, last up to 30 years and reasonably priced, wide variety, just add water for most of it, and heat it up. Get a big freezer, set it to 18 degrees or lower because all bacterial action stops at 18 degrees. Nothing goes bad, everything will last your lifetime at that temperature, okay? Fill it with meat, do it now while there’s still meat in the stores.

Prepare. Shit is already hitting the fan, it’s a global fan spraying shit globally and you’re in the way of it.


Ukraine’s government is corrupt, has been for a long time. President Zelensky is being portrayed in our media, which is all Far Left, as being a hero and the people as suffering terribly, in the face of the Russian onslaught.

A lot of the people there are suffering, and they always do when their leaders are corrupt because their leaders are the cause of their suffering, just as the Leftists now ruining America are causing us to begin suffering. Ours will increase, but this is about Ukraine and Putin.

As I’ve previously written, Putin needs to be eliminated as Russia’s dictator and Ukraine is the tool that will pry him loose from his position. Because Ukraine is corrupt and Liberal, (strange how those two always seem to go together) you would expect the Globalists to be protective of that country. I did, anyway. But getting rid of Putin is a far bigger goal of the Globalists, and a few million dead Ukrainians is not just a fair price for Putin’s ouster but a bonus, as the less people there are, the better, in the Globalist view.

Putin’s war in Ukraine is directly affecting the entire world as Russia’s oil sales are already down by 70%, causing the price of gasoline to double. There are predictions of a gallon of gas hitting $10 in the months ahead and the rising price is what’s upsetting most people because that makes the cost of everything else go up, setting off a new round of inflation. That may prove to be the least of the world’s trouble.

I’ve said repeatedly that the Globalists don’t want war, they just want most of us dead. However, their plans may have changed. People aren’t dying off as rapidly as they expected from the Jab. That’s probably why they kept insisting on more and more “boosters”, but the Booster program hasn’t been nearly as fruitful as they’d hoped, and there’s so much public information out now on the dangers of the injections, and so many demonstrations against them, that the program to inject us all is collapsing before reaching it’s goal.

So perhaps setting off a war in Europe to speed things up is the new plan. Time will tell. It would certainly help ensure the demise of Vladimir Putin and the bringing down of the Russian Federation, and might even help bring China to heel by wrecking their economy, as well. It could be that a global war is just what’s needed to create a global government. Only the survivors will know for sure.