First, promote the expansion of the human population to the point where it’s almost unsustainable in both food and energy terms.

Do this in order to accumulate the vast wealth and power that can only accrue through the manipulation and taxation of the masses and rapid increases in technology.

When the balance point is reached where wealth and power increases decline while the population growth continues to increase, find ways for the advances in technology to eliminate most of the population.

Once the population is reduced to an easily sustainable and controllable level, absorb all national governments into one global government using any necessary means and establish one single unified global government.

Steps 1, 2 and 3 have now been accomplished. Step 3 was done by creating a pandemic that was more fear than fact and convincing everyone to take injections that promised to keep them safe from infection but that instead causes their immune systems to collapse, resulting in mass deaths over time from a variety of apparent causes.

Since it is the governments that are promoting and enforcing the injections provided by a select few makers, laws are passed holding the makers free of any liability for harm. The government lawmakers are free of liability because they govern. There is no higher authority.

It doesn’t matter now if the people rose up and acted as that higher authority, because the deed is already accomplished. Over half of the world’s population has now been injected, and over time they will all die of blood clots, heart attacks and a wide variety of diseases they will acquire because their immune systems are no longer functional.

They will pass these diseases on to those who have not been injected. There will be world wide pandemics of all sorts of diseases that will kill off many of the non-injected. Only those with the most robust immune systems, primarily the wealthiest among us, the Elite, will survive.

This is a Done Deal. Okay? They can stop with the mask games, the fear games and the injections today and the only thing that will change is the speed at which their goal is accomplished. The half-way point, the Point Of No Return, has been passed. They’re still pushing it so it will happen faster, that’s all. Some nations are already dropping all the mask and “vaccine” mandates as no longer needed.

The real danger at this point is in how well the nations come together. If they already have a peaceful plan and stick to it, that’s one thing, but if they don’t, then they’ll fight for power at the top. Actual physical war is less attractive to all parties now that bioweaponry is so advanced, and created diseases may be used to annihilate “the enemy”. This is a real possibility and one that could result in the human population being reduced to far below the planned goal, which is about 1 billion people according to Bill Gates.

How all nations will finally merge into one global nation, I don’t know, or what final form of government this global nation will take. It will be Socialist on some level, certainly, but not the sort of Liberal Socialism that supports the lazy and incompetent. It’s unlikely that mentally and physically defective people will have much chance of survival, as once the population is small and well controlled, eugenics will play a major role in the future evolution of humanity.

Able-bodied criminals are more likely to be mentally re-conditioned through technological means than just eliminated, and put to work in factories and farms because once a population status quo is achieved, maintaining it will become important.

China’s Social Credit system that determines whether you live in a nice home or a hovel, eat well or poorly, have a good job or drudgery, will very likely become the global norm. It will determine who is allowed to have children and who isn’t. Over time, centuries, that is, our average intelligence should increase as the less-capable are steadily weeded out. Over the very long term we will become a homogeneous race of beings.

Right now, today, we are at the beginning of The Great Change. There may be wars yet, or not, it depends on who is really running things internationally and how much power and control they have. Will we go to war with China? With Russia? What about India, what will they do? The answers to those questions will come only by watching and waiting, and surviving long enough to find out.


We all know that humans come in only two sexes, Male and Female. Where opinions diverge on this fact is among those who suffer from a condition known as Gender Dysphoria, a well-recognized mental illness by mental health professionals.

With Gender Dysphoria, people with hormonal imbalances may imagine that they’re actually of the opposite sex, and believe it in spite of what they see between their legs. Or someone may be psychologically damaged by events in their life and wish to be the opposite sex, until they convince themselves they are.

Homosexuals often dress as the opposite sex and may go to great effort to appear to be so, and claim to be. These Gender Dysphorics call themselves “Trans-sexuals” and claim that their mental illnesses aren’t crazy, that they’re NEW SEXES and should be recognized as such.

Because with a large population of people generally you will always have a large number of sexual deviants, it’s inevitable that they will form political groups for power and protection from discrimination. But that which doesn’t grow will age, wither and die, and this is true in turtles, trees, fads, corporations and cults and of course, Trans-Sexualists.

Homosexuals corrupted the word “gay” to have a new meaning, “homosexual”, because it sounds nicer. That was just the start. As the Gay Movement grew, more and more sorts of deviants jumped on this new Rainbow Train, and added more and more words and concepts to the load, until now we have people “identifying” as not just the opposite sex, but as animals of all sorts, demons and aliens and anything you like.

These mentally ill freakos are demanding that they be actually respected and recognized as really being whatever it is they “identify” as, and are successfully suing people who don’t, and getting laws passed that require this recognition. That’s what political power in the hands of the insane is capable of. They’re creating an entirely new language, where you can’t call a pregnant woman a pregnant woman anymore, but have to say “pregnant person” instead, as if men were also capable of becoming pregnant. This is just one example.

Men are demanding that they be called “she” and “her” because they “identify as female” even if they wear a beard and men’s clothing. Women are having their breasts and vaginas/labia surgically removed and imitation male sex organs fashioned in their place, while men are having the opposite surgery done to appear female, and doctors are happily performing these operations and making fortunes, totally disregarding their Hippocratic Oaths to do no harm.

These people are working very hard politically to become recognized as “Normal” instead of crazy, and they’re succeeding because the rest of us are told that if we don’t accept them with open arms, then we’re bigots, and unfortunately, most people buy into that lie.

The LGBTQRSTUVX etc. crowd has become powerful in part because there’s a percentage of them who are governors, mayors, judges, lawyers and Congresspeople. It’s inevitable, we’ve had two homosexual Presidents, and out of 100 Senators, at least 10 of them are likely to be homosexuals. How many are on the Supreme Court?

Child molesters, Pedophiles have national organizations, such as NAMBLA, the North American Man Boy Love Association, and they’re now trying to board the Rainbow Train and be accepted as “normal”. Not just them, the crazies that prefer sex with animals want Beastiality to be legalized so they can screw goats or whatever and not be thrown in prison for it with the pedophiles.

How far this is all going to go, we don’t know yet, but this insanity is a national problem now and it’s really on a roll. Humanity is sailing off the edge of the world and the strangest times we’ve ever seen are yet ahead.


After listening to Trump’s latest speech in Arizona, I have to ask, Why didn’t you say anything about the Great Vaccine Lie being pushed on us? Instead you claimed that racism is the problem, saying that “If you’re white you don’t get the vaccine, you don’t get the therapeutics, you go to the back of the line.”

THE VACCINE IS THE PROBLEM, racism has nothing to do with the fact that the vaxx is causing massive injuries and deaths. But you don’t want to talk about that? Why? Is it because you pushed this crap on the world in the first place? You did. You brag about it.

Why do you speak out against Communism while promoting the primary tool that they use to take over our country, which is Covid and Covid “vaccines”. Pres. Trump, you are the one responsible for the Communist takeover. You immediately endorsed pandemic fear, totally accepted the Chinese Communist’s story, installed depopulation conspiracist Dr. Fauci as The Voice of Truth and gave him the power to force us into lockdowns, mandates and mass injections of deadly poison.

Wouldn’t it have been simpler and easier, Mr. President, if you had just ordered us all to take cyanide pills and been done with it?

You get huge crowds at your rallies who hoot and cheer, who clap their hands, stomp their feet and wave their arms in approval of your every word, while you utterly fail to mention that it was on YOUR WATCH that our nation was handed over to the Communists, that it was YOU who pushed for immediate use of an UNTESTED “vaccine”, it was YOU who made a huge issue of the lack of ventilators and forced the production of millions of new ones, when they weren’t needed and kill more people than they help.

Mr. President, the ruin facing America is your true legacy. You really had us going there, good economy, low unemployment, everything looked rosy and then you handed us off to Anthony Fauci and all his Communist friends.

You may have fooled most Americans, you sure fooled me for a good long while, but not anymore. The people who follow you now are just as much sheep as those who follow the Communist Democrats. What you’re really doing is providing a diversion while they continue to take over. President Trump, you’re nothing but a stooge.


If you smoke cigarets, it is now the same as getting The Jab, according to Government Assholes who have changed the warning labels on cigaret packs. See below.

What the old labels looked like:

The old labels say that tobacco smoke causes diseases. Which it does.

What the new labels look like:

The NEW labels say that tobacco smoke causes Vax reactions. So now all the sickness and deaths caused by The Jabs to everyone who’s stupid enough to both smoke and get The Jabs, will be blamed on smoking by Government Assholes.


When I see over 90% black people in all the ads on TV, and many of them with very black men with hideous hairdos coupled with white women, and white men with black children, usually little black girls. and this goes on all day every day in almost every commercial regardless of the service or product being advertised, the massive racism of it just disgusts the living shit out of me.

There’s no need for it. Our population is becoming more racially mixed as time goes by without any need for this jackass Social Engineering effort that does more to divide and alienate us from each other than anything else.

Speaking for myself as an outspoken Racist, I do prefer to be around others who are not in gangs, members of Antifa, BLM and other terrorist organizations, engage in drive-by shootings, riots, looting and burning, and who speak good English instead of that Ebonics gutter noise.

I choose not to be anywhere near any black person who hates white people, or any Hispanic person who belongs to a drug cartel or thinks that white Americans should all be called Gringos, or any white person who voted for Joe Biden and wears a face mask.

I revile people of all races who are politicians, owners of social media and all others who use their money to make the lives of the rest of us far worse than they’d be without those people interfering in them.

Yes, I’m a racist. I can barely tolerate humans anymore as a race of beings. They’re greedy, thoughtless, duplicitous and not to be trusted. Only a few of the many thousands that I’ve met are my friends, the rest are a pack of self-serving, back-stabbing hypocrites. Not complaining, just stating a fact.


They’re all in on it together. The CCP deliberately spread this Covid virus around the world and then put on an act as if it were killing off half their population, and all the world’s governments went all-out for it, acting as if there was good reason for total panic, locking us all down, forcing us all to take injections that are killing us off like flies, creating shortages and hardships and ending the freedoms we’ve been enjoying.

They’re all doing it, all acting in harmony, instead of going after China for creating a global mess. Of course not, why would they attack their partner in crime? Pres. Donald Trump was at the forefront of this global scam, pushing Fauci up as the man who would lead the charge against this “horrible accidental catastrophe”, pushing for massive use of masks and ventilators (that kill people), pushing for immediate production of a “vaccine” that is actually designed to kill those getting injected with it.

At first Trump touted Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, but for SOME STRANGE REASON he backed off of that and did nothing. Instead he did what all the Socialists and Communists were doing and promoted the panic and the lockdowns and the destruction of our Constitutional freedoms. He joined all the rest of the world in promoting Globalism and all it means, and since he was the one leader every freedom-loving person looked to, that was all that was needed to bring down the whole house of cards and plunge the world into dictatorship.

What we have in America now is a Uniparty. They’re all in it together with just a relative few political holdouts, and the same looks to be true for the rest of the world. People can demonstrate and march all they like and it doesn’t matter, it’s a new world in a state of becoming and you can either march and carry signs, duck and hide, or go for the ride.


The news isn’t news and it’s not new. It’s all the same old BS, over and over again. I think it was Thoreau who said that when you’ve read one newspaper, you’ve read them all, or words to that effect. The news just cycles and repeats, just like history does.

What we should be hearing about is our interactions with those coming here from other planets, now that would be exciting. News of events on other planets, the new technology we’re gaining from them, our advances as a race of beings, who we share the galaxy with, that kind of stuff. And we would be if the people who have come to power on this planet were more interested in the future of humanity than they are in their own personal glory.

When it comes to that, we haven’t mentally evolved since the time many millennia ago that we worshiped them as gods. Now, instead of worshiping them, our leaders worship themselves and we’re all worse off for it.

If the growing technology in Europe in Rome and Greece had continued to flourish and evolve to this day, we would right now be colonizing planets orbiting around distant stars. Instead, we plundered our resources to wage war and repeatedly set humanity back hundreds of years every time we did it.

It’s said that technology only really advances through wars, and when it comes to developing better means to kill each other, this is true. But in peacetime is when the real advances come, and guess what? They’re driven by the market place. Cell phones, the Internet, microwaves etc. are all peacetime technology. Wars destroy far more than they create.

The only near-future hope I see for humanity is if we start a nuclear war and the aliens have to intercede to stop it, and make their presence too obvious to deny any longer because they have to take over control of the planet to keep us from destroying it and ourselves.

I don’t know, I’m just feeling kind of pissed off today after reading all the pointless jabber on Whatfinger that we’re being told is “News”. It’s not. It’s just the same old lying, misdirecting crap.