Just in case any of our many thousands of readers don’t know what a Devil’s Advocate is, it’s someone who speaks in favor of something they’re actually against, just for the sake of creating a dialogue.

That’s me, today. The Devil’s Advocate, and I’d like to point out the benefits of a Global Government. I’m also describing it’s drawbacks, in italics.

The biggest one is that by eliminating national boundaries, there will be no more wars started by power-mongering leaders, so at least the threat of Mutual Assured Destruction would end. No more fear of Nuclear War. But false wars created by the government itself to get rid of some people or to keep them afraid and controlled may become the norm instead.

Next is that we would all be governed by the same laws. But since there’s over a billion Muslims among us with violent laws set in stone, how will their ways figure in to the new legal system and will they accept it? The new laws may be extremely repressive and probably will be.

We will all eventually speak the same language, which will most likely end up as an evolving form of English, and will enable us to cooperate with each other and understand each other much more easily. It will also allow the Government to control us much more easily as there can be no excuse for not understanding orders and no confusion because of language issues.

Those pressing for a Global government envision a Socialistic system where we all work together in cooperation and share in the results of our efforts. The reality is that we will be heavily policed and controlled. The lockdowns and mandates are ample proof of that. Conformism will be the new religion. It’s obvious from the behavior of Globalists right now that we will be ruled by fear, not by consent. Globalist government will be totalitarian, fascist, despotic. Imagine living in Stalin’s Russia, only it’s the whole planet.


What you’re looking at here is only part of a huge detainment camp in Australia that’s currently being used to hold anyone who has Covid or has been in close contact with someone who has it.

Right now, people are being trucked into this facility by the Australian Army. No one is allowed to leave their assigned rooms and tiny verandas. I wonder how long it will be before those thousands of cooped up people will demand to be released, and exactly how violent the response to them will be. When you know that you’ve committed no crime and yet are forced to stay in one small room day after day, week after week, not allowed to even walk around outside, how long would you tolerate that before you defy them openly? And once you did, what would they do to you? What if a thousand of you did it together? Would they shoot you?

Australia started out as a penal colony originally by the British, who followed the French example they set at Devil’s Island, exporting those committed of crimes to a remote penal colony with no way of returning to their homeland without government consent. They were made slaves of and forced to work on plantations, road building and so forth. Now the government has returned to it’s roots and I suspect that these imprisoned people will be forced to pay for their keep in some way.

Here are the rules imposed on these innocent people:

  • stay in the person’s allocated room, including on any veranda space allocated to the room, unless permitted by an authorised officer; and
  • when not in their room, or on their veranda, residents must take all reasonable measures to stay at least 1.5 metres away from any other person in the quarantine facility, except for the person’s spouse, de facto partner, child or parent; and
  • wear a face mask when outside their room unless an authorised officer permits the person to remove the face mask; and
  • comply with any directions given by an authorised officer to avoid people congregating in a quarantine zone; and
  • must not leave the quarantine zone in which the person’s allocated room is located unless the person is escorted by an authorised officer, except in an emergency.

There are two of these enormous concentration camps, both in the Northern Territory, and a third is being built now on Melbourne to hold 3000 people. Since we all know now that Covid has a very low death rate and that Ivermectin both prevents it and cures it rapidly, these camps are either there to function as death camps to get rid of people, or they’re there to scare the living hell out of everyone, since two things are certain to happen. One is that people who get sick aren’t going to admit it, and the other is that everyone is going to duck down and do whatever they’re told to keep from getting sent to one of these internment centers.

The latter choice is the best bet, this is all about using overt tyranny to establish an absolute dictatorship. Russia’s Stalin used the same fear tactics.

This is what our new Communist “leaders” want to achieve here but they won’t get similar results for the simple reason that to impose this sort of dictatorship on a people, the people have to be reasonably united to begin with. That way you pull them all in with the one net. Here in the USA, we’ve been so thoroughly divided that every group has some sort of problem with our government, and it’s never been hard for us to find common cause together against a common enemy. The more of us that perceive our government as the enemy, regardless of the reason why, the less the government will be able to control us without resorting to military confrontation.

But back to Australia, things are far from coming fully to a head yet and the people may yet rise up against their dictatorial government. I have a feeling that, while it may look like the game is over, it may really have just begun.


That is, if he wasn’t dead already, which he is. Remember Dr. Kavorkian? He was an advocate for Assisted Suicide, for helping people to die who had incurable diseases and were suffering from severe pain.

Well, the Germans, being well accustomed to helping people die considering their vast experience at it during World War 2, have a Euthanasia Association devoted to killing people who want to die. I don’t know if they still use Zyklon B to gas them to death with, maybe it’s a pill or an injection of some sort now since their gas was supposed to be a pretty awful way to go.

Anyway, these Euthanizers have just declared that they won’t kill anyone now unless they first get the Vax. Yes, you got that right, before you can die at their hands you must first get the shots that will probably kill you anyway.

The Germans used to be a very intelligent and technically advanced people. Possibly they still are but not when it comes to using that intelligence. I mean, they were stupid enough to kill off all the Jews who were the very backbone of the German economy, which resulted in massive inflation that made their money totally worthless, and also which shut down most of the German factories and retail outlets which were owned and operated by Jews.

So now that they don’t have Jews, Catholic priests, retarded people, non-whites, homosexuals, chronically ill and just plain disliked people they can get away with murdering, what are the poor Germans to do? Well, they can always pass a law making it okay to whack anyone who just wants to be whacked. I mean, they gotta have some fun, right?

Then they turn around and shoot themselves in the foot by denying death to those who refuse the Shot of Doom. I don’t know, maybe they just have a very strange sense of humor.


First it was mandates by our Federal government, aka Presidential and other official decrees, to wear masks, get the Death Shots, for Federal employees and the military. But then it grew to demands that all businesses with over 100 employees must have only Vaxed employees or pay huge fines. Then the states started in, imposing their own mask and Vax mandates, and they were quickly followed by counties doing it, and cities, and individual business owners demanding that their employees wear masks and be Vaxed.

School boards all over the nation mandated that all students wear masks. Airlines demanded the same, and some demanded that only Vaxed pilots be allowed to fly their aircraft. That last one failed because most of the pilots threatened to quit, which would bankrupt the airlines.

All over the USA now, there’s lawsuits against these mandates, at all levels of government, and the courts are backed up and backlogged for what may be years because of this tyrannical crap and chances are the Era of Mandates will end before many of them ever make it to court.

The whole point and purpose of all the mandating is to reduce the population to a state of compliance and obedience. The New Regime doesn’t want to safeguard our Freedoms, they want to destroy them and put Subjugation in their place and these mandates based on fear are their primary way of accomplishing this.

It’s working for over half the population, maybe way over half. The number of mask wearers I see when I’m out grocery shopping is perhaps only about 20% of the customers in the stores, but this is a Conservative county and community, so that’s a lot. It’s no doubt much higher in the big cities, yet we all know now that the masks are absolutely useless, and in fact are bad for us. They harbor germs and because they stay moist, they’re breeding grounds for lots more germs that we then breathe in.

But people still wear them. That’s compliance, subservience, obedience to Big Brother. So yeah, mandating is working well for the Socialists/Communists and in time what we’ll see is a mandate that we have approved identification on us at all times, mandates that take away all rights to privacy, mandates that everyone vote by mail, or email, mandates that we all must own a registered iphone of approved type so we can be tracked constantly, and so on.

Right now there’s a new MANDATED national ID program going called Real ID that you have to have if you want to fly on an airplane or do a number of other things, unless you also have some other acceptable form of Federal Government issued ID, such as a passport or military ID.

One of these days I won’t be surprised if our government mandates that we have a fucking microchip implanted in our foreheads.


When I read that Bill Gates had spent $billions on buying up huge tracts of farm land, I figured that he expected food prices to go up and that he’d make more $billions, and I posted these thoughts.

Food prices have gone up and are still going up, but I may have been wrong about Gates as it turns out that plans are active to build what’s called “Carbon Sequestration” pipelines right through the farming heartland of America that will permanently destroy tens of thousands of acres of prime farmland right as the world is expecting a solar minimum that will cause colder temperatures and a decreased food output from farms.

Bill Gates may have purchased all that land because much of it is where the pipeline is going and he’ll get way more back than he paid for it. I don’t know, I’m just saying, maybe. Another possibility is that, since he is an advocate for reducing Earth’s population, is that all the farm land he bought is being held fallow, that is, is not being grown on now. Maybe he bought it to take it out of production and make the food shortage worse. This may not have been profit oriented at all. Of course, maybe the sale of the land for the pipe line will cover the cost of all the land he bought and he breaks even. The only thing I know for sure is that I trust him less than I would a rattlesnake in my pocket.

The idea of trying to take all the carbon dioxide we emit, liquifying it and pumping it underground is nuts. In the first place, there’s twice as much Oxygen in CO2 as Carbon, that’s what the O2 means. So they’re going to be depleting our atmosphere of oxygen. Secondly, plants need CO2 to grow, they keep the carbon and release the oxygen back into the air for us to breathe.

It is true that our burning of fossil fuels puts more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than is good for us. In spite of all the sneering at wind and solar power generation, at least it’s an effort at producing less pollution and is a lot cleaner than atomic energy. The real answer to all this is the one we all know and don’t like to look at, which is population reduction. We wouldn’t pollute nearly so much if there weren’t nearly so many of us, and that’s the real goal of people like Bill Gates.

It’s the way they choose to go about it that I don’t like. Forcing “vaccines” on us that are designed to make us sick and kill us. A shot that causes sterility can’t be that hard to make, we have The Pill for women, have had it since the 1960’s, that prevent pregnancy, surely an injection that replaces vasectomies can be created to make men sterile, or one that stops ovulation permanently. Or both.

It looks like the CCP warning to the Chinese people to “stock up for emergencies” is a serious warning to all of us, anyway. Hard times are coming.


Orders for industrial robots have gone way up because of the labor shortage. Why there should be a labor shortage with all the people who are out of work, I don’t know, but whatever the reason is, manufacturers aren’t waiting for those people to decide they want a job again. They’re buying robots instead, to take the place of the missing workers.

Which made me think of something. As our world population really starts to shrink because of all the people being killed by The Vax, robots are going to be needed more than ever to keep up production in many areas and the more manufacturing and processing become automated, the lower the cost of producing goods will become. It will take some time, but these savings will eventually be reflected in lower prices simply because of competition between makers of similar products.

When this happens, inflation should, maybe, finally taper off to a bare minimum again. Nothing lasts forever and inflation can’t last either because there’s a breaking point where people can no longer make enough to feed themselves and either everyone starts rioting and stealing to survive or governments finally put a stop to the nonsense and level the market.

But the important thing here is, to me, the increased conversion to automation. There’s no reason that factories can’t be completely automated now, with the level of Artificial Intelligence that technology has achieved. Which means that employment may become harder and harder to get as automation expands to cover more areas.

Everything changes, and those who aren’t keeping up with those changes are in for some seriously bad times. Having a robot take your job is just one more possibility, so plan ahead.


All over the world now, everywhere people have been injected with the MRNA brew, they’re dying and the death rate is steadily increasing, in direct proportion to the increasing rate of injections.

Athletes are now dying in record numbers while engaging in their chosen sport, most of them dropping dead on soccer fields in the middle of a game, while weightlifting or in some other strenuous activity, and nearly all are dying of heart attacks in countries worldwide within 2 months of being injected.

If you wondered why your government was pushing the injections so hard lately, forcing you to take them, jailing you for entering a business without being injected, mandating injection identification cards to buy food, it’s because people are finding out how dangerous the injections are and they want you to get them before you learn too much.

Yesterday a dear friend came by and spent a few hours visiting me. She looks pretty bad. Last spring she got the two injections against my advice. Since then she’s had heart problems and now has very little energy. Her face is pale, she looks to me like some of the AIDS sufferers we used to see so many of, people with wrecked immune systems. The injections do just that, wreck our immune systems, plug up our capillaries and cause our white blood cells to be depleted, which are the backbone of our immune systems. while making the affected organs begin to fail because of lack of blood supply.

So last night I ordered up a bunch of vitamin and mineral supplements to give her that are helpful in ridding the body of the spike proteins that are killing off the white blood cells, and that boost the immune system. I hope they help her but I don’t know, she plainly is aware that she’s looking at Death’s door.

Over 60 of the world has been infected with this injection. I think most of the governments that endorsed it and pushed their people to take it were unaware of how very dangerous and deadly it is, but not all of them. Certainly not the UK or the USA. Our governments knew from the start what was going to happen.

The Injected who engage in the most strenuous activities are among the first to die after being injected, along with the rest of the dead who simply had adverse allergic reactions to one or more of the ingredients in it. The rest of the Injected will take longer, depending on how healthy they are to begin with, their life styles and activity levels, and any negative internal conditions they might have, like organ problems, diabetes and so on.

Some will live a long time, most will not, because the purpose of the injections is to thin the herd, to dramatically reduce the population. The injection is designed to cause a wide variety of fatal conditions over an extended period of time, so that people don’t notice, until it’s too late, what’s been done to them.

The world is now filling with grief over the dying and the dead, humanity is beginning to experience more sorrow than it did in the last two Great Wars, and it’s going to get a lot worse before it starts to get better.


Modern Humans are anomalous. We have no business being here. We have the intelligence to make computers and travel to our moon, yet our basic behavior is pretty much identical to chimpanzees in the wild, which we’re very closely related to according to our DNA.

This makes no sense. Evolution doesn’t happen in sudden bursts and leaps, that theory to explain our presence doesn’t account for the slow evolution of every other creature on Earth, just us. That somehow our type of ape was special, and leaped ahead of all the other creatures to replace our fangs and coats of hair with intelligence and inventiveness.

The only way to speed up the process of evolutionary change is by breeding. We can create a whole new breed of dogs in just a few human generations but if we leave the new breed alone and isolated, they will look the same a thousand years from now that they look today. They won’t morph into a different looking breed. They will, if thousands more years pass and evolutionary forces are there to cause changes, but only then, and their behavior will change as well.

Different breeds of dogs have all sorts of bred-in behavior patterns. Some are very aggressive, some very docile, some nervous and high strung, some shy, some loving and loyal. Bird dogs don’t need to be trained to lift a leg and point, they were trained to long ago and now it’s in their DNA. Behavior patterns are part of evolution’s physical changes and part of the way we breed animals. Only we do it much faster than evolution and we do it to suit us, not the animals.

If I were breeding chimpanzees to perform useful work, I’d want them to walk more upright and have more intelligence. I’d need them to be capable of speech and a useful level of understanding of what was wanted of them. They would need to have much better brains than they have now.

Neanderthal Man appeared at least 200,000 years ago, apparently out of nowhere and has been thought for decades to have predated modern Man. Yet now we know that Homo Sapiens has been around just as long, and there was another human type, the Denisovans, that we were all interbreeding with. In fact we were apparently all interbreeding with each other.

What if we weren’t? What if we were being bred, like dogs, and then were bred with other breeds for particular qualities, and what if the breeders were only interested in having good workers who could and would follow orders? That would explain our sudden appearance as intelligent beings where before there were these rather stupid, very ape-like primates, and if it wasn’t important to our breeders to breed our violent nature out of us, because we weren’t capable of being a threat to them anyway, then why bother to do it?

No one knows what our true story is, that far back, all we can do is look at the present and try to work backwards to figure it out. Fortunately, the more our technology advances, the more we come to discover.


Kim Jong Un, the current hereditary dictator of North Korea, recently told the hapless, enslaved citizens that they need to start eating less until the year 2025. In other words, he’s inaugurating a new starvation program to get rid of too many people.

Very likely this is tied in with China’s latest instructions to it’s people to start stocking up on food in preparation for “emergencies”.

China’s had a rough year for farming and it sounds like they’re expecting more rough years. Normally this would be no problem, they just simply buy food from other countries that have fared better, but that may not be possible now and in the future for several reasons.

One is that we may be heading into a cold cycle that causes decreased farm production worldwide. A lot of climate experts say that we are. This may be the reason the effort to reduce the Earth’s population is happening now, with the spread of Covid and the “vaccine” that’s worse than the disease, and why the push for yet another, third, shot, whose purpose is to select out specific groups considered to be “useless eaters”, as Bill Gates puts it.

If our population can be reduced by a third or even up to half, we have the infrastructure in place to be able to feed everyone and be able to heat all our homes. But not if we stay at our current population.

Otherwise we can look forward in coming decades to starvation riots, people killing each other over food and fuel. This could lead to the collapse of society in some areas, something national leaders always want to avoid.

There’s also the possibility of wars, large and small, involving China and this is their way of warning their population of their plans. Since the worsening cold isn’t happening real soon, China may opt for war for right now. Personally I’d bet on both scenarios.


The Chinese people have been told by their government to start stocking up on food now in preparation for a lean winter, and lots of us are wondering exactly what they mean by that.

China does have some farm problems, the weather there did a lot of crop damage this fall and has caused shortages of vegetables. But the issue is much more complicated than that.

We import tons of food from China, such as soybeans. If they’re preparing for shortages, and soybeans are a staple in china, they’re not likely to keep shipping them to us.

We SHIP tons of food to China. In fact the Chinese own some big meat processing plants here and other food exporters. Are they worried that we would have reason to block shipments of our food to China? What would cause them to worry? Well, if we were AT WAR with them, we sure as hell wouldn’t be sending them food or anything else.

Let’s appear to digress a bit here and look at the massive logjam of container ships in our ports. I’ve questioned why this isn’t being competently and quickly dealt with, as it can and should be, instead of allowing it to become an ever greater mess. It looks deliberate. If you’re preparing to block trade with China both ways, what better way to set that up than this? If you’re preparing the American people for shortages, what better way to do it than this?

Most of our most advanced computer chips are made in Taiwan! Second to them is Samsun in S. Korea, while Intel Corp. , Nvidia Corp. and Qualcomm make 12% of the chips sold globally. If China destroys Taiwan they also destroy their own electronics industry, which is where all the iphones, etc, are made. So if they attack Taiwan it’s going to be highly targeted attacks that avoid damage to the tech industry, which may not be possible. China produces a lot of computer chips but none of the more advanced types that are most in demand.

Because Taiwan does make almost all the chips that power advances in technology and the global economy, and are vital to all military, automobile and most other industries, shutting down Taiwan would re-set world business. Does the term, The Great Reset, now come to mind? Guess why.

The best-guess scenario I’ve found on the future of all this is that China will invade Taiwan after they finish hosting the Olympics this year. I’m thinking that the container ship logjam will still be going strong by then so it will be no problem to announce an embargo of Chinese shipping, to and from, in retaliation for their Taiwan invasion. This will be our limited, non-military response and it will allow our industries to finally start producing more of our own needs again. In fact I predict this will start happening soon anyway as new industries start up because of the ongoing logjam and that this will soon be encouraged by our government.

Our government needs to do this anyway to help put all the illegal aliens to work that they’ve allowed to flood into the country – and who are still flooding in.

This is The Great Reset that you’re looking at here and it’s all about Wealth Redistribution. Remember Obama and Joe the Plumber, and Obama telling him he wanted to “spread the wealth around”? This is Marxism in action, folks. This is what The Great Reset is all about, on a global scale.

So yeah, stock up on long lasting foods, stuff that will keep for at least a year and will be enough to feed you for a long time. Just in case, you know?