UFOs are all over the news lately, with our own government releasing the least definitive videos of military encounters while withholding the many close up, high definition photos and videos they must have, considering they admit to as many as hundreds of encounters daily.

Hundreds of encounters daily. That’s a massive increase from decades past, and not just by the US military. The world is experiencing a great increase in sightings, not just of the smaller 3o or 4o foot diameter craft but of truly massive ships city blocks long and longer in size. I saw one myself, it was at most a quarter mile away and filled the sky fully to my right and left. Horizon to horizon.

Like many of the sightings, those operating this craft seemed to want it to be seen, as very bright red lights kept flashing on and off all over it from end to end. There was no doubt that this wasn’t anything of Earth manufacture as it moved rapidly against the wind and was soundless. We’re not at the point yet of making any type of aircraft that is at least a couple of football fields across and can do about 150 mph into a 20 knot wind without propulsion noise and is shaped like a bowl inverted over another bowl.

My question here is, why are there so many more of them than there used to be and why are they being so obvious about it?

I think it has directly to do with our technological advances and one real possibility is that we’re on the brink of discovering how to control gravity. This is plainly the basis of the alien’s space-faring technology, so of course they would be interested in watching us as we make that breakthrough.

Things may not be so simple, though. The Chinese Disease pandemic scam that world governments are using to take away people’s rights and freedoms, the cooperation between them all in doing this, the blatant collaboration at the same time that China is apparently about to launch an attempt at world domination, the theft of our last presidential election that’s resulted in the reversal of the containment of China that Pres. Trump was achieving, and their re-enabling instead, all the nuclear war threats now coming from them, can all this be coincidence, or is it deliberate timing?

If I were an alien race interested in seeing the peoples of Earth coalesce into one single nation with one form of government, because I don’t want them venturing into my particular star cluster before they learn to stop fighting among themselves, which group would I pick to become dominant?

In all honesty and fairness, I’d have to choose the Chinese Communists. They know how to control the people, they don’t have any Antifa and BLM jackasses tearing up their cities, they don’t allow it. They don’t have any San Franciscos with people crapping in store doorways and stealing anything they want without fear of arrest, there’s no Muslims stabbing random bystanders, no race riots, no attacks on the police.

The Chinese have total control of the population. Even the birth rate is controlled by the state. In a successful and advanced society, this is necessary. Wildness is the mother of evolution, control is the foundation of survival as a species. The wildness has to end if the dominant species is to survive and the Chinese have established more control over their population than any other nation.

They’ve also nearly eliminated religion. Religions still practiced in China are run by the State. For instance, all the Catholic bishops, priests, etc. are Communists employed by the state now, so that the believers get to be further indoctrinated in Chinese communism every time they go to church. Eventually, God becomes State.

China is best suited to be the dominant Earth power. They have the will, the organization and the type of philosophy to achieve this goal, and I don’t doubt that they will.

So back to my question: Is China being supported or helped in this goal, in some way, by the alien races that are here now in such great numbers? Or are they just here to watch the show?

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