It should be very clear to anyone who’s been paying attention to world events that the time of Democracy is over.

Freedom is a wonderful state of being as long as people are willing to treat each other right and there is reasonable enforcement to stop those who don’t. But it all comes to a halt when populations grow to the point of being unmanageable, and violence grows out of control.

With less control, corruption increases, from the top of national governments on down to local city and township governments, and lawlessness increases.

What happens then is that, at first, the city governments can’t afford to hire enough police to keep order. One city after another grows so large that the crime and violence starts being ignored, and the citizens start forming small, walled in communities, which they have now for decades. Freedoms in the cities are traded off for safety and security. Only in urban areas do people enjoy more freedom, because population pressure is the enemy of freedom.

Now there are so very many of us that there’s little room left for freedom, people have become too uncontrolled, and the natural thing has occurred, a core of humanity is demanding a return to control, total control.

Canada, for all its geographical size, has only 38 million people, yet the new dictatorship’s motto is Crush Them. Total control. Total Control is the goal now of every First World nation, some are more in control now than others, but all are seeking it.

There can only be two goals now in the governments of the world, and they’re Total Control of the population, and Population Reduction. The less people you have to control the easier it is, the less violence you have.

Humanity has tried many different ways of government, that allowed various degrees of freedom, but that experiment is now at an end. Humans can only be allowed limited freedom, we need to be restricted and contained, only in this way can we have any freedom, the freedom to live within specific bounds that are determined by our own individual behavior.

This is exactly the system spreading in China, where people are required to have Smartphones that keep track of everything they say and do, everything they buy and sell, everywhere they go, and they are issued Social Credits according to their actions. Keep trying to go outside the set bounds and you will end up being unable to buy food or have a roof over your head, and will probably become an organ donor.

The CCP has been extremely successful at establishing control over the people because they’re ruthless. In China your life can be quickly forfeit for crimes that may not even get you jail time here. The CCP has been very consistent with this, and the people are too afraid now to not obey the rules. Probably only the CCP knows what their actual crime figures are but I’ll bet $20 that they’re vastly lower than ours.

I can see this system spreading over the entire world. Right now our own government surveils every email and phone call including mine and every website including this one. Privacy is a thing of the past, and it has to be if everyone is to be kept within the set bounds.

A global government is inevitable, it’s just our natural evolution and has to happen. It’s also inevitable that it will be a dictatorship much like China’s dictatorship. We will be worthy of true freedom as a species only when we’ve evolved out of our tendency to dominate others.

Unless something radical should happen in what’s left of my very ripe old age, this shall be my final post.

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