We’re all familiar now with what the Covid virus looks like, a ball with spikes sticking out all over. These spikes are what attaches to our cells when we get infected with it. The spikes are made of protein.

The injections contain mRNA, which means Messenger RNA, that instructs all our body’s living cells to make these spike proteins. Not the whole spike, just bits of the protein the spikes are made of. We were told that this mRNA would stay in the shoulder muscle where it was injected, cause spike protein bits to be made by our cells that would then be killed by Macrophages which in turn would give us immunity and that’s all that would happen. But this was a lie.

The mRNA spreads throughout our bodies into all our cells and instructs them all to make spike protein bits.

White blood cells called Macrophages are what makes up our Immune Systems. When some foreign germs or viruses invades our bodies, or something like a splinter or thorn, our Macrophages attack it to kill it and rid our bodies of it.

We don’t have unlimited Macrophages, and when our bodies are badly infected, we start running out of them and our bodies have to put all their energy into making more. The less we have, the weaker our immune system becomes because they ARE our immune system.

When our cells start making these spike protein bits, our Macrophages attack those bits because they’re part of an invading virus and don’t belong in our bodies. But it’s our own cells that are making the bits, all through our bodies, and they don’t stop making them.

Soon our veins become clogged with dead Macrophages that died killing protein bits. Our veins become clogged up with blood clots.

This makes it harder for our heart to do it’s job of pumping blood through those veins, and then we get heart attacks and die. We also start having brain strokes and seizures because the clots are blocking vital oxygen-carrying blood to our brains.

The clogged veins also start shutting down some of our various organs, which can’t function well without a good oxygen supply that the veins can no longer provide. Some organs play a major part in making our Macrophage cells.

Over time our Immune Systems become steadily weaker until they’re no longer functional at all. This is exactly the same as being infected with HIV that becomes full blown AIDS. Your body can’t fight back anymore and starts sprouting cancers all over, inside and outside, while you become infected with every opportunistic disease around and then die.

Because you become loaded with infectious diseases, you start infecting healthy people near you.

Because you’re whole body is making spike protein bits, you start shedding them everywhere just like a bad case of dandruff, and these bits can infect those who have not had the injection. Such as your spouse, your children, your parents and grandparents.

There is no known cure for the damage the injections cause, but one ray of hope for those foolish enough to have gotten the Jab may be White Pine needle tea, which is said to contain compounds that neutralize spike protein bits and boost immune systems.

Unless some effective way is found to stop our cells from making spike protein bits, humanity is going to be reduced to small, tightly closed communities of the Un-Injected and will remain that way until all the Injected have died off and the plagues of diseases have died out.

This may not take too long. Even though the genocidal governments are now pushing Injections at infants under 5, almost all the Injected will be dead within 5 years of being Jabbed, according to our best expert virologists, because that’s considered to be the outside survival limit of the human immune system to this mRNA attack.

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