We all know that humans come in only two sexes, Male and Female. Where opinions diverge on this fact is among those who suffer from a condition known as Gender Dysphoria, a well-recognized mental illness by mental health professionals.

With Gender Dysphoria, people with hormonal imbalances may imagine that they’re actually of the opposite sex, and believe it in spite of what they see between their legs. Or someone may be psychologically damaged by events in their life and wish to be the opposite sex, until they convince themselves they are.

Homosexuals often dress as the opposite sex and may go to great effort to appear to be so, and claim to be. These Gender Dysphorics call themselves “Trans-sexuals” and claim that their mental illnesses aren’t crazy, that they’re NEW SEXES and should be recognized as such.

Because with a large population of people generally you will always have a large number of sexual deviants, it’s inevitable that they will form political groups for power and protection from discrimination. But that which doesn’t grow will age, wither and die, and this is true in turtles, trees, fads, corporations and cults and of course, Trans-Sexualists.

Homosexuals corrupted the word “gay” to have a new meaning, “homosexual”, because it sounds nicer. That was just the start. As the Gay Movement grew, more and more sorts of deviants jumped on this new Rainbow Train, and added more and more words and concepts to the load, until now we have people “identifying” as not just the opposite sex, but as animals of all sorts, demons and aliens and anything you like.

These mentally ill freakos are demanding that they be actually respected and recognized as really being whatever it is they “identify” as, and are successfully suing people who don’t, and getting laws passed that require this recognition. That’s what political power in the hands of the insane is capable of. They’re creating an entirely new language, where you can’t call a pregnant woman a pregnant woman anymore, but have to say “pregnant person” instead, as if men were also capable of becoming pregnant. This is just one example.

Men are demanding that they be called “she” and “her” because they “identify as female” even if they wear a beard and men’s clothing. Women are having their breasts and vaginas/labia surgically removed and imitation male sex organs fashioned in their place, while men are having the opposite surgery done to appear female, and doctors are happily performing these operations and making fortunes, totally disregarding their Hippocratic Oaths to do no harm.

These people are working very hard politically to become recognized as “Normal” instead of crazy, and they’re succeeding because the rest of us are told that if we don’t accept them with open arms, then we’re bigots, and unfortunately, most people buy into that lie.

The LGBTQRSTUVX etc. crowd has become powerful in part because there’s a percentage of them who are governors, mayors, judges, lawyers and Congresspeople. It’s inevitable, we’ve had two homosexual Presidents, and out of 100 Senators, at least 10 of them are likely to be homosexuals. How many are on the Supreme Court?

Child molesters, Pedophiles have national organizations, such as NAMBLA, the North American Man Boy Love Association, and they’re now trying to board the Rainbow Train and be accepted as “normal”. Not just them, the crazies that prefer sex with animals want Beastiality to be legalized so they can screw goats or whatever and not be thrown in prison for it with the pedophiles.

How far this is all going to go, we don’t know yet, but this insanity is a national problem now and it’s really on a roll. Humanity is sailing off the edge of the world and the strangest times we’ve ever seen are yet ahead.


  1. CNN deserves to collapse, but their usefulness to the Left isn’t over yet and I expect them to be rewarded by our Communist government for the role they’ve played in abetting the Communist takeover.
    CNN is still a major station and worth a huge amount of money, and a major source of government propaganda. I don’t think they’re going away, they’re just going to get new leadership and present a new face, but it will still be lies and propaganda.

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