After listening to Trump’s latest speech in Arizona, I have to ask, Why didn’t you say anything about the Great Vaccine Lie being pushed on us? Instead you claimed that racism is the problem, saying that “If you’re white you don’t get the vaccine, you don’t get the therapeutics, you go to the back of the line.”

THE VACCINE IS THE PROBLEM, racism has nothing to do with the fact that the vaxx is causing massive injuries and deaths. But you don’t want to talk about that? Why? Is it because you pushed this crap on the world in the first place? You did. You brag about it.

Why do you speak out against Communism while promoting the primary tool that they use to take over our country, which is Covid and Covid “vaccines”. Pres. Trump, you are the one responsible for the Communist takeover. You immediately endorsed pandemic fear, totally accepted the Chinese Communist’s story, installed depopulation conspiracist Dr. Fauci as The Voice of Truth and gave him the power to force us into lockdowns, mandates and mass injections of deadly poison.

Wouldn’t it have been simpler and easier, Mr. President, if you had just ordered us all to take cyanide pills and been done with it?

You get huge crowds at your rallies who hoot and cheer, who clap their hands, stomp their feet and wave their arms in approval of your every word, while you utterly fail to mention that it was on YOUR WATCH that our nation was handed over to the Communists, that it was YOU who pushed for immediate use of an UNTESTED “vaccine”, it was YOU who made a huge issue of the lack of ventilators and forced the production of millions of new ones, when they weren’t needed and kill more people than they help.

Mr. President, the ruin facing America is your true legacy. You really had us going there, good economy, low unemployment, everything looked rosy and then you handed us off to Anthony Fauci and all his Communist friends.

You may have fooled most Americans, you sure fooled me for a good long while, but not anymore. The people who follow you now are just as much sheep as those who follow the Communist Democrats. What you’re really doing is providing a diversion while they continue to take over. President Trump, you’re nothing but a stooge.

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