The logjam of container ships at our Pacific ports is actually getting worse, and the accidents that keep happening aren’t helping. Almost all the stuff coming here is from China now, and they don’t ship to New York, they ship to the Los Angeles/Long Beach ports because China’s ports also face the Pacific. It’s a much shorter route. Once unloaded off the ships, everything is then freighted or trucked inland and across the country.

Now the Incompetent Managers of this mess are saying that the problem isn’t just going to continue, it’s going to worsen, meaning that store shelves are going to keep getting emptier.

Back when World War II was going on, many foods were rationed. I still have my grandmother’s old ration books, with some of the little coupons torn out here and there in it, for milk, eggs, butter, foods that our soldiers and sailors had first call for. We only got any if there was a temporary surplus. The same with gasoline, oil and tires. You couldn’t buy a new tire, period. None were available. You could buy a small amount of gasoline once a week, barely enough to get you to work and back home. Nobody took side trips unless they walked or rode a bicycle. You could not buy a new appliance of any kind, or anything made of metal, it all went for the war effort.

So rationing isn’t new to America. If it comes around again, the container ship mess may only be part of the cause because we may well get into a war with China over Taiwan. In spite of all those who say we won’t side with Taiwan, I don’t see that we have a choice because it’s a simple fact that if China does take over Taiwan, Japan and Australia are China’s next targets and Australia going full Socialist dictatorship lately just makes them more of an ally with the Communists now running my country.

Personally, I’m preparing for the worst. My solar/wind power system isn’t online yet, I’m still waiting for some hardware I need to arrive, but it won’t be long and I’ll be powered up even when the power company is shut down. After all, I need to keep my freezers that are packed full of meat to stay frozen.

I remember the horror stories of all the starving Russians during those terribly cold winters they have, because their Communist government was so inefficient at running the farms, bakeries and slaughter houses, at distributing the food, at everything, and I can’t think of a single reason why we won’t be just as sloppy and inefficient as they were, when Communists own and control everything here.

One thought on “IS RATIONING COMING?”



    Ted Cruz asked Attorney General Merrick Garland some very heated questions at a recent Senate hearing.

    Garland, like so many other swamp dwellers, could not answer yes or no questions. Instead he dithered, dissembled, and equivocated. The former judge was on the hot seat and he didn’t like it. He denied his son-in-law’s education company creates critical race theory material for public schools. That would be a conflict of interest so Garland was forced to deny it.

    Garland was about as convincing as Fauci, who blatantly lied to Congress about funding gain-of-function for COVID-19. Will Garland arrest Fauci? Unlikely. The Swamp dwellers always protect their own.

    Barack Obama wanted Garland on the Supreme Court. He knew the judge would help push his plans for America’s destruction.

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