On checking out the hysterical fear story more closely about China’s latest “Super Weapon”, I see that what it is, is an ICBM that is sent into orbit instead of from its launch point directly to a target.

While in orbit, it goes around the Earth a few times and then the warhead, which is mounted in a little rocket-powered mini-plane, shoots out and zooms down to its target from space, supposedly undetected.

What they’re freaking out about is that this looks like a low earth satellite instead of a weapon aimed at something. After it’s made some orbits, then apparently no one pays it any attention anymore, so when it suddenly drops its hypersonic semi-glider bomb package everyone is surprised and unprepared.

Now that we all know that China is doing this, why would anyone be unprepared? Besides, going into space and coming back down to the target is what ICBMs do now, the only difference is that they don’t orbit for awhile first. All that needs to be done to counter this new way of attacking is to do the same, orbit the bombs for awhile first. You don’t even really need to equip them with hypersonic stuff, just shoot the bomb down to it’s target from space unexpectedly. It’s going to be traveling at least as fast as any hypersonic glider anyway, just give it a good heat shield and down it comes at 10,000 miles an hour and nothing can stop it. Bingo, you now have parity with the latest Chinese threat.

This is all misdirection anyway, looks like to me, to keep us distracted from the REAL Chinese threat, which is Germ Warfare. If I were the Chinese Communists, I’d make sure the vaccine that I was forcing everyone to take was actually to keep them from dying from a really fatal disease that I’m planning on loosing on the rest of humanity.

The Chinese Communists can’t be as concerned about the world economy as they pretend, or they’d never have spread this Covid bug to begin with, knowing that it would wreck all our economies including their own. Their goal is to conquer the planet. Period. If they have to wipe out the rest of us to do it, that’s perfectly acceptable. With only Chinese in the world and all of them under Communist domination, that’s success.

There will be no nuclear war. There will be plagues. You can’t nuke a global plague.

5 thoughts on “CHINA’S NEW WAR TOY”

  1. Exactly right. The Chinese would have to have 500 of these things hitting us at once to prevent us from hitting them back and that still might not work. We still have nuclear subs out in the ocean.

  2. That’s an interesting idea he presents there, that Biden is deliberately enticing China to attack Taiwan and start a war. It actually wouldn’t be Biden, he’s just a puppet, but it may be that those in power now do want war with China. Certainly China seems to want it.

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