I had to take a trip to a hospital down in Bakersfield the day before yesterday and one thing I got out of it all was a real good update on the realities of all this Covid bullshit. For bullshit it is. I was tended by a male nurse there and I mentioned to him if he’d noticed that we didn’t have a flu season last year or this one, and that got him started talking about all the lies we’re being told by the assholes who took over control of our government.

Not that they weren’t always assholes but at least they had some respect for our Constitution. Not much respect, but some. The Assholes In Charge (AIC) now have NO respect for it.

One thing that stood out was when he asked if I’d had the Covid shots and I told him no, that the so-called vaccine scares the hell out of me and I was never going to get those shots. I then asked him if the hospital was going to demand that I have them and he said no, that it’s up to the individual. That was a surprise and a relief, both, because I was afraid I wouldn’t get the treatment I needed without them.

I was required to get a Covid test, though, where this really long, bent in the middle swab is jammed up your nose and way back into the sinus. It hit the sinus wall way back in and hurt like hell. I’d heard these tests were “uncomfortable” but that’s the wrong word. They HURT! I know it damaged my sinus because of the level of pain. Something doesn’t hurt that much without doing harm.

Anyway, the test came back negative, of course. I told the nurse that I was immune to the virus and most corona-type viruses because I take Ivermectin every month. He knew a little about Ivermectin already and he learned a lot more from me. The word is finally starting to spread across the country that Ivermectin is a cheap, easy, safe and fast cure for the Wuhan Flu.

I was the only one in the hospital who wasn’t wearing a mask. Every time someone got after me to put on a mask I told them I had COPD and a lot of lung damage, which is true, and that I couldn’t get enough air with a mask on, so they left me alone. Now here’s the funny thing. State and local governments are demanding that we wear masks in restaurants and other businesses with no one exempt for medical reasons, yet HOSPITALS don’t and hospitals are probably the best place you can find if you’re trying to get sick from this bug because that’s where the sickest ones go.

That should make it obvious what total bullshit all these “social distancing” and mask wearing mandates really are. The latest one is Puppet Biden saying in his latest moronic speech demanding that everyone get the jabs, that “we have to protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated”. If the vaccines work, why would those who are vaccinated need to worry?

The nurse who tended to me knew that the vaccines don’t work, while the floor doctor who came in to try and talk me into getting the shots lied to me about them working well. The truth is that people who get the shots keep on getting sick from the virus anyway, and in fact, virologists have predicted this.

The doctors work for big hospital corporations and are told to promote the shots because the corporations are making tons of money from people taking the shots. It doesn’t matter that the shots are worse than worthless, that they kill people. All that matters is the money.


  1. “we have to protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated”

    when it comes to DUMBNESS,
    that demented fraudulent installed in Oval Office by Dhimmicrats
    is the champion.

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