Today is September 6, 2021. In 5 more days it will be the Twentieth Anniversary of the day when four passenger airliners were crashed, two into the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers, one into the Pentagon and one that the passengers prevented from being flown into the White House and that crashed into the ground instead.

It’s a given that there are at least a dozen terrorist plots being prepared right now to attack us again on September 11. No self-respecting terrorist cell would dream of passing up the opportunity.

So I’m looking at the huge mess created by our Governing Cabal over in Afghanistan and the fact that they’ve brought well over 100,000 Afghan Muslims out of that country during the last hours of evacuation, and I have to ask, where did they take those people? Are they here in the USA now? Wandering loose, maybe?

I also have to ask if the sudden departure and deliberately calamitous collapse of the Afghan government isn’t actually a diversion to keep us from focusing on the danger here at home? Are we being set up for a Big Surprise? A whole bunch of massive terror attacks? The fear that’s been instilled in us of Covid is wearing pretty thin, people are sick and tired of being told to wear masks, to keep our “Social Distance” from each other, to get shot after shot after shot. We’re starting to rebel against what we’re perceiving as an over-played hand by our fear-mongering government.

So maybe it’s time to instill a whole NEW fear in us to make us behave as they want by orchestrating a series of terror attacks, to remind us that we’re not safe, that we need the government to protect us, that we should be afraid and we must do as we’re told if we want to be safe. This is straight out of George Orwell’s book, “1984” and exactly what can be expected next.

They’re not going to leave us alone. The Fear Campaign isn’t over, it’s going to continue for years, maybe decades. Control through fear. The next move may not be terror attacks, but there will be a next move and soon, even if it’s another new disease or simply severe new mandates to further suppress our freedoms and sense of security.

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