so let’s just ignore it. That won’t make it go away, but it will improve the view.
I decided to carry on with blogging simply because I enjoy speaking my mind, whether anyone is listening or not. Then there’s the added bonus of people actually responding and sharing thoughts, and there’s nothing like a little attention and communication to let us know we’re still part of the world during all the lockdowns and distancing.
Yeh, I can’t be arsed with any of it either, nothing nobodies like us can do about it anyway, short of hacking into the White House red button and nuking the lot of ’em. Don’t think my IT skills are up there.
Sorry never commented on your recent rants but, even if I could be arsed, I know sweet FA about US politicians anyway. Could Google I suppose, but way down the list. Prefer Googling for Lesbians getting up to mucky things.
Oh! I see awaiting moderation! Didn’t notice that.
Well, at least by not commenting on them, you were in the majority.
Welcome to the new blog.