Really. Buy gold. Things ARE going to be changing rapidly now that there’s a new regime running things and one of the biggest changes is most likely to be inflation. Here in the USA it’s a given that there’s going to be lots of people migrating here illegally, and that word “illegally” may not be real accurate. I mean, if they’re allowed to swarm in here by our government, how is it illegal?

But the point is that there’s going to be more people here than jobs for them, in fact that’s the situation now, and a lot more people will make it a lot worse, and our benevolent rulers will of course want to feed them and house them, so they’ll have to print more money to pay for it all, and the more money there is per person, the less it’s worth. We all know that. So buy some gold and stash it away now. One thing about gold, it’s always worth the same amount in terms of currency. You don’t really make a profit on it but when the currency is worth less, the gold is worth more currency and you break even. Holding currency, you don’t break even, you lose.

Yesterday was windy. I mean, it was WINDY, a real blaster. It started in the night before and shook the house all night and on into the next day and night. Lots of tree limbs were knocked down but no real damage around here, fortunately. At least, living out here in a mountain desert community, even when we have torrential rains I can’t get flooded out because it all runs downhill. Sorry about that, all you flatlanders. 🙂

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