This is a quick post, I don’t have much to back it up, it’s just that those who’ve taken over the USA are plainly out to weaken the country. Greatly reducing our oil production is only part of that, but oil production is extremely important to our national security as well as our economy.

Now it looks like they’re dumping our strategic oil reserves, oil that’s stored away by our government to back us up in case of war, to fuel our planes, tanks and ships and keep American commerce running. Supposedly a billion barrels of oil a day are being released from the reserve to help lower the cost of fuel at the pump, but now the news comes out that at least some of this Strategic Reserve Oil is actually being sent to Europe.

If our oil production is unable to provide the country with the oil demands of a war, and our war reserves are gone, and our border with Mexico is wide open with hundreds of thousands of foreigners pouring in every month and disappearing into the country, and some of them are caught because they’re known terrorists, then how many of these millions entering secretly are here as an advance invasion force, who intend to take over?

You see where I’m at with this. We’re being laid wide open to attack from without and within at the same time. This is an alarmist view and is unlikely in reality, I’m posting it anyway to point out the steadily weakened condition of our country. The real terrorists and attackers are already running the country, and by the way, we only import 3%, yes, JUST 3 PERCENT, of our oil from Russia and blaming the massive oil price increases on embargoing Russian oil is TOTAL BULLSHIT.

The price is way up because the Globalists now in power here have shut down our oil production. When Trump was in charge, the price of a barrel of oil was $50, not $113.

One thought on “IS AN INVASION COMING?”


    Just to remember:

    Putin invaded Ukraine TWICE during Democrats terms (Obama and now Biden)
    but HE DID NOT DARE INVADE ANYTHING during the 4 years of Trump’s term.

    We can guess WHY.

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