Looking to the future, as the human population of planet Earth shrinks and there are less and less people, certain changes are inevitable.

One of the most obvious is that real estate is going to become much more plentiful and a lot less expensive. Those of us who survive the die-off and have our fortunes tied up in homes and rental property are going to take huge losses.

The same is true for owners of precious metals, consumer industries, anything that requires lots of people being involved in some way, to establish value.

At the same time, as population decreases, so will the labor force. Services will be interrupted, maybe no plumber can be found to fix a broken water pipe and so on. Construction projects will come to a halt. Grocery stores that don’t close entirely will have sporadic stocks of goods. Good food will be hard to find for awhile and so will products generally.

It’s going to take some time before the population levels off and a new normalcy is reached where services are restored, including medical and health services, so to fill this gap, robotics technology is rapidly advancing. Already we have robots that can run, jump, climb stairs and so forth autonomously, and Artificial Intelligence is advancing in leaps and bounds. Cars that are told to go to certain addresses, make deliveries and then return home are on the streets now. Machines are already making many of the product we consume, all they need is someone to tell them what to do and then start them at their tasks.

So in the next years ahead, real wealth will be in having a stockpile of food and other supplies, along with skills that will be needed in the new future that’s coming once the simple need to survive has passed, such as high level electronic repair, programming, the biological sciences. We’re going to enter a new technological age where the most valuable among us will be those who can carry our technology forward.

At this writing, about 67.5% of Earth’s human population has been injected with the Death Shots. This leaves about 2 billion people still to be eradicated in some way to bring our population down to somewhere around half a billion. The impending wave of die-offs is likely to be blamed on Bird Flu or some such fake disease, and it’s going to take years yet to get down to 2 billion.

My guess is that the remaining 2 billion will be much more selectively killed than by the crude methods of poison “vaccinations” and diseases. For large groups of third-world peoples in Africa, nerve gas would be the quickest, most effective way. There are forms of it now that time-out in potency, which helps control the effective areas. For China and India, mass starvation is the easiest way, the infrastructure is already set up for that and both nations have a history of it.

Just a side thought, but I can sure see why Elon Musk is in such a hurry to get a Martian colony going. I bet he’s not real happy about the way things are looking for the future on this planet.

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