Globalism. No one in the media says it anymore, have you noticed? And why would that be? It would be, because the more you hear about it the more you’re going to wonder what the hell it is, and they don’t want you to. So the MSM has been told to SHUT UP, to stop using that word, and just like that, the word is gone.

Anyway, I was laughing my ass off when I read that Poland was going to give a bunch of their old Russian MIG fighter jets to Ukraine because I knew immediately that it meant that they were about to buy a buttload of new F-16’s from us to replace them. Then I laughed even harder a few days later when the news came out that I was right. I mean, hell, it was OBVIOUS.

So now we’re at war with Russia by proxy. We and Russia have a dandy little proxy war that we’re fighting in Ukraine. Who dies? Ukrainians and Russians. Everyone remember Vietnam? Great little country, wonderful place to hold a proxy war. We got rid of a bunch of excess young people, our industries made absolute shitloads of money paid for by us taxpaying drones and so did the Russians and Chinese who were supplying the Viet Cong, and everyone was happy as a pig in shit except all the people who were getting shot up and blown to pieces.

So it’s another Yogi Berra moment, “Deja vu all over again”, in Ukraine, the New Vietnam. Now watch all the FEAR propaganda and the TERROR propaganda start bellowing out of the mouths of all the shitheads and flacks on every “news” channel on TV, OH MY GOD WE’RE GOING TO WAR WITH RUSSIA, OH MY GOD, PUTIN IS GOING TO NUKE US, OH MY GOD, THEY’RE GOING TO HACK OUR INFRASTRUCTURE, OH MY GOD THEY’RE GOING TO CRASH OUR INTERNET and so on and on and on, while encouraging us to JOIN THE WAR EFFORT and FIGHT FOR AMERICA.

It’s all TOTAL FUCKING HORSESHIT, okay? You want to know why this is really happening? It’s to destroy Russia’s economy while continuing to wreck ours and bring us all down to the same level of desperate poverty. To make obedient serfs of us all. The motto of the Globalists is “You will own nothing and you will be happy” and this is how they’re doing it, by first taking away everything you have by destroying the value of the currency, and then making everyone dependent on the state. To get fed you will have to have a job. The homeless human trash littering the sidewalks of our nation will either work or starve to death and good riddance. The old people who don’t have enough assets to trade for food will die too, along with the disabled, and the only ones who will be left will be workers. What a wonderful world, huh?

Buy tons of dried canned foods. I heartily recommend Auguson Farms products, last up to 30 years and reasonably priced, wide variety, just add water for most of it, and heat it up. Get a big freezer, set it to 18 degrees or lower because all bacterial action stops at 18 degrees. Nothing goes bad, everything will last your lifetime at that temperature, okay? Fill it with meat, do it now while there’s still meat in the stores.

Prepare. Shit is already hitting the fan, it’s a global fan spraying shit globally and you’re in the way of it.

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