When I read that Bill Gates had spent $billions on buying up huge tracts of farm land, I figured that he expected food prices to go up and that he’d make more $billions, and I posted these thoughts.

Food prices have gone up and are still going up, but I may have been wrong about Gates as it turns out that plans are active to build what’s called “Carbon Sequestration” pipelines right through the farming heartland of America that will permanently destroy tens of thousands of acres of prime farmland right as the world is expecting a solar minimum that will cause colder temperatures and a decreased food output from farms.

Bill Gates may have purchased all that land because much of it is where the pipeline is going and he’ll get way more back than he paid for it. I don’t know, I’m just saying, maybe. Another possibility is that, since he is an advocate for reducing Earth’s population, is that all the farm land he bought is being held fallow, that is, is not being grown on now. Maybe he bought it to take it out of production and make the food shortage worse. This may not have been profit oriented at all. Of course, maybe the sale of the land for the pipe line will cover the cost of all the land he bought and he breaks even. The only thing I know for sure is that I trust him less than I would a rattlesnake in my pocket.

The idea of trying to take all the carbon dioxide we emit, liquifying it and pumping it underground is nuts. In the first place, there’s twice as much Oxygen in CO2 as Carbon, that’s what the O2 means. So they’re going to be depleting our atmosphere of oxygen. Secondly, plants need CO2 to grow, they keep the carbon and release the oxygen back into the air for us to breathe.

It is true that our burning of fossil fuels puts more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than is good for us. In spite of all the sneering at wind and solar power generation, at least it’s an effort at producing less pollution and is a lot cleaner than atomic energy. The real answer to all this is the one we all know and don’t like to look at, which is population reduction. We wouldn’t pollute nearly so much if there weren’t nearly so many of us, and that’s the real goal of people like Bill Gates.

It’s the way they choose to go about it that I don’t like. Forcing “vaccines” on us that are designed to make us sick and kill us. A shot that causes sterility can’t be that hard to make, we have The Pill for women, have had it since the 1960’s, that prevent pregnancy, surely an injection that replaces vasectomies can be created to make men sterile, or one that stops ovulation permanently. Or both.

It looks like the CCP warning to the Chinese people to “stock up for emergencies” is a serious warning to all of us, anyway. Hard times are coming.

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