This is what’s going to happen as Earth’s population begins dying off from the various fatal medical conditions tucked away in the lethal injection they’re calling a Covid19 vaccine. Think about it………

As more and more of the Jabbed fall sick and fill the hospitals, and this is the first thing that’s going to happen that will affect a lot of us, the availability of medical care is going to decrease dramatically. This has already started.

When the people who run the garbage collection services, maintain the roads, own the stores, run the Post Office, work at the deli and so on and so on all start dying, what do you think will happen to the availability of those services and stores?

Things are going to grind to a halt. When people stop showing up for work, when customers stop coming in the doors of shops, when bills for services stop getting paid, everything stops. Who will put new tires on your car when they aren’t alive to do it? Who will keep the electric grids working, the water pressure up at your taps? What happens when you go to work and there’s a sign “Closed due to deaths”?

It’s not necessary for the Jab to kill off the 7 billion that they want dead. It’s only necessary for it to kill off enough to completely disrupt the system. Once the grocery stores close for lack of products and customers both, when the Walmarts start shutting down, what do you think will happen?

People will starve, that’s what will happen. They’ll start killing each other for food, the less people, the more food. When water stops flowing, sanitation breaks down and diseases spread that kill lots more people. This is how they get us down to that last billion.

The global economy is going to crash. Property values will hit zero, paper money will become worthless or nearly so,

The elitists have already covered their own asses, they have guarded compounds now, and if they’re not already fully stocked up, they soon will be, waiting for the population to decrease the desired amount before they come out of their lairs and start reorganizing.

By now you should have heard the term “The Great Reset” a few times, and this is what it means. To reset the human population to 1 billion or less and this time, to keep it there.

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