It may not be some “Delta Variant” of Covid that’s causing the sudden new wave of hospitalizations and deaths. It’s most likely the vaccine itself.

According to Robert Malone, inventor of the MRNA experimental gene therapy, they intentionally mislead by calling it a vaccine, the jab is very dangerous because of an unforeseen cytotoxic effect of the spike proteins. These spike proteins were expected to stay in the deltoid muscle but are now, according to Stanford Research, found in every organ throughout the body. The experimental gene therapy jabs are causing blood clots in the smaller arteries mainly in the heart, brain and reproductive organs where the spike proteins literally shred blood cells.”

It occurred to me early this morning, as I slowly awoke from a nights sleep, that this “new Delta variant” being blamed for a wave of new infections and deaths, might not be a variant at all, but the wave of deaths predicted by a number of doctors who are eminent in the field of virology is caused by the components of the “vaccine”, so called.

So the first thing I did on firing up the computer was to look into this possibility, and it looks like I’m right.

“They are now blaming this wave of vaccine deaths on new variants and saying
it’s a sign of the 4th wave of the COVID virus.”

The evidence is steadily mounting that the suddenly increasing hospitalizations and all the new deaths are not from any “variant” of Covid BUT FROM THE VACCINE ITSELF, and this increase is being used to inspire fear and pressure more people into getting jabbed with this poison.

I would like to point out also that no one is dying from influenza anymore, at least not that we’re being told. Since this Covid plague was spread across humanity, there has not been a flu season. Not for two years now, when normally, about 40,ooo people in the USA alone die each year from flu. Instead all those deaths are blamed on Covid.

The shots, the “Covid Vaccine” causes 100% mortality in test animals. They all die, from holes in their lungs and other organs and blood loss. The same things that people are dying of from Covid. “

“A report dated April 20, 2012, from the level 4 bio-lab at the University of Texas where vaccine testing for the SARS virus was done, says, all of the animals tested experienced an autoimmune response and all of the animals died. The report titled, “Immunization With SARS Coronavirus vaccines Leads To Pulmonary Immunopathology On Challenge with The SARS Virus”, said the
animals exposed to the vaccine bled internally, had holes in their lungs, liver,
hearts, and developed blood clots and tumors, along with suffering organ failure.”

People who take this shit shot are putting their lives in serious danger. Think before doing it, our government is using Nazi tactics to FORCE us to take it, they keep LYING to us about it, people are DYING shortly after getting it and EMINENT doctors are speaking out AGAINST it, while the disease itself is PROVEN to have a very low death rate comparable to a bad flu outbreak that we would never destroy our economy over by locking down America and wiping out our Constitutional freedoms.

Over 200 million of us have been poisoned with this stuff now. Don’t join them.

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