Attrition: A gradual reduction in number or strength because of stress or military action.

First, they said we all had to get one vaccine jab. Then we all had to get a second, booster jab. Then a new Covid variant started spreading so now we have to get a third jab. There will be more variants as well as new diseases that vaccines have to be created for, that we will all be told to get the jab for. The pattern has become obvious.

We’re being forced to keep getting these injections of unknown chemicals because if we don’t, we won’t be allowed to fly on airplanes, enter stores of any kind, or movie theaters, rock concerts, restaurants or any place where other people gather.

In Australia, people are being stopped and fined for not wearing a mask while driving, alone, in their cars. National vaccination I.D. cards are on their way there, in Great Britain, in the EU and here in the USA. Similar activities are happening in China and I assume in Russia. The pressure on the global population to get an injection of something every time a government demands it is steadily growing. Refusal will obviously result in imprisonment or worse as the laws and enforcement of them becomes more draconian.

Why injections? Because when you want to manipulate and mold a population, what better way to do it than through enforced sterility, DNA manipulation, increased death rate? If there’s too many people in a city for the available water or food, then jab the least desirable with a drug that causes sterility. If you want to change the ethnicity of a population, then jab them with a drug that damages the immune systems of certain racial types and let them die of “natural causes”.

I can think of no better way to get rid of the undesirables, the unproductive, the mentally and physically disabled, the politically undesirable and so on while still maintaining the appearance of a beneficent and protective government than by this method. The “vaccines” are going to be used to mold humanity into obedient and productive servants of the state. This is what’s happening, just keep watching. The time is coming when individual “undesirable” people will be ordered to go to some certain clinic, or a team will show up at their door, and they will get a jab that’s tailored just for them whether they want it or not. The goal is absolute, total control of everyone.

The current “vaccines” have proven ineffective against Covid. After two injections, people still get the virus. This means that the jabs have a different purpose entirely and I suspect that it’s to make us react selectively to the injections. Remember, these jabs are a form of DNA therapy that’s causing changes in cell behavior throughout our bodies.

As soon as our government is satisfied that as many of us have been jabbed as is possible, the effort to get rid of those who refuse to submit will increase exponentially. The Un-Jabbed will be publicly denounced and violence encouraged toward them while the program to exclude them from medical care, travel and stores will become nationally enforced. They may need to prove they’ve been injected before they can renew their credit cards, keep their bank accounts, keep their jobs.

You will be injected with whatever the government wants to stick in you, whenever it wants to, or you will be pushed out and left to starve. This is the future.

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