In 1139, then Archbishop Malachy went to Rome from Ireland to give an account of his affairs. While there he received a strange vision about the future that included the name of every pope, 112 in all from his time, who would rule until the end of time. We are now at the last prophecy, the 112th pope

Many of the popes listed by St. Malachy were named very exactly, and not one can be discounted as untrue to his prediction. The last pope is currently in office, Pope Francis, and he’s a Communist.

President Donald Trump was the last American President to ever be elected, actually elected, by popular vote. There will not be another one. Future “Presidents” of the United States will only be facades, cardboard cutouts to interface between those in charge and the rest of us because America is now Communist.

Think on that. No more Presidents. Elections, yes. The elections will continue because most people refuse to accept that we no longer live in a democratic republic, and the elections will keep them calm and complacent as their lives steadily deteriorate while they increasingly become slaves of the state.

No more Popes. The Popes are also elected, by what’s called a “Convocation of Bishops”, so I suppose this means that when Francis dies, the bishops just somehow never quite get around to electing one of them to be the new Pope.

St. Malachy thought that Rome would be destroyed at the end of Francis’ reign, and it’s not hard to think that some nuclear Islamic nation like Pakistan would happily wipe out the Vatican.

I do think a shitstorm is coming now that America has been openly taken over by Communists. There’s just too many warmongers running the place.

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