French President Macron issues six month prison decrees for entering a bar or restaurant without a vaccine passport. Proprietors who allow the unvaccinated into their establishments face a one year prison sentence and a €45,000 fine.

As a direct result of this the French people are in revolt. You will not hear about this in the MSM, who don’t want you to know that hundreds of thousands of French citizens are packing the streets, standing room only, for what appears to be miles.

This is the totalitarianism that’s being forced on the French in the name of a manufactured Chinese disease that is falsely claimed to be much more dangerous and fatal than it has proven to be. This “Covid 19” is only an excuse to destroy what democracy is left in Europe and turn the entire continent into a dictatorship, and not just Europe. The pressure is on here in the USA too, and the stripping away of our freedoms is in steady progress by the puppet Biden cabal.

Read “1984”. If you read it before, read it again and while you’re reading it, think of this:

Dr. Robert Malone, a pioneer in the field of mRNA vaccines, shared a viral Twitter thread on Friday which lays out a disturbing trend; the most-vaccinated countries in the world are experiencing  a surge in COVID-19 cases, while the least-vaccinated countries are not.

Dr. Robert Malone is the actual inventor of mRNA vaccine.

7 thoughts on “JOSEP MACRON”

  1. Hmmm. Hate to be critical in my one visit for ages but there’s a slight flaw in those Malone figures, they ignore population density which common sense dictates is a major factor in transmission. Per km2:

    Malta 1401
    Netherlands 410
    United Kingdom 281
    Kosovo 164
    The others in that list are near or below 100. As low as 30.

    Agree Macon is a total ***. See that news a while back that someone slapped him in the face? Most disappointed is wasn’t slashed!

  2. I don’t think you can cite population density without having specific proof that it applies here. It might, certainly, but what about the age demographic, or lock-down conditions? Or other factors. My point being that Malone isn’t some casual observer and if there were such mitigating factors, don’t you think he would have mentioned them, in fairness?

  3. Better all the time. Been wondering if you decided to step off the planet, or what. Those who aren’t busy living are busy dying, good to see you stirring yourself again.

  4. Yeh must stir a bit more…. snore. Seem to feel better for a while and think I’ve cracked it then back to tired and crappy again. Need a fat lady with a big bum. Was in a lady’s bedroom today, just fixing her curtain rail! Bah!

    True these virus figures are complex, lots of factors. The UK figures have shot up again mainly due to that Indian variant. Before that we had a high vaccination rate and figures had really dropped. The UK has the highest number of Indians in Europe, travelling back and forth. The Netherlands has the third highest Indian population. Wouldn’t rule out a rise in Italy, lots there too.

  5. Oh yeh, not supposed to say Indian variant. Racist! I meant alpha, beta, gamma, delta or whatever variant. How long before we get to zeta?

    Catherine Zeta-Jones. Cor!

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