The focus on E.T.s on television is steadily increasing, now that a new report on UFOs has been released by our government, which calls them UAPs, short for Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon.

I think they felt forced to say something about them after the different military videos of UFO encounters were leaked to the world, but the report doesn’t say much more than they ever admitted before, except that our government has FINALLY admitted that yes, they’re real, and no, they don’t know what they are.

That last part is a total lie. Of course they know what they are, we all know what they are, they’re intelligent, technologically advanced beings from other star systems and the truth is that they’ve been coming here for longer than we know, but at least for a few thousand years.

Ben Rich, former Director of the Skunk Works at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and who was involved in all the secret work during his tenure, stated during an interview that “We now have the technology to take ET home”. He said that we have the technology now for interstellar travel but that this level of technology, which we gained in unstated ways from either aliens or reverse-engineering their craft, is all buried in black ops instead of benefiting mankind.

However he also said that we are manufacturing craft that mimic the aliens ships.

This is the same man who invented stealth technology for aircraft. He was extremely brilliant, highly professional and not some cardboard-sign waving crackpot activist.

So let’s assume that at least some of the UFOs being seen so often lately are Ours and not Theirs. My next thought then is CHINA. Right now the Chinese are building well over 100 new ICBM missile silos, for only one purpose. I realize this is a totally different issue but if they have the same alien technology, why would they bother doing that when they could zip in out of nowhere, drop the bombs and disappear? Just a thought.

Listening to all the abduction reports and descriptions, it appears that there’s at least two different races of beings doing these abductions and physical inspections. To what purpose? Simple curiosity? Many people now have had implanted objects removed that are all the same in nature, made of the same non-Earthly materials and that became biologically connected through nerve tissue to the implantees. Medical tracking devices?

Many ancient writings and “myths” that may not be myths tell of wars between the Sky People. Well, there’s ancient stone ruins in Egypt that are melted from great heat, something that might be possible with our technology now but wasn’t remotely possible back then. That’s pretty good evidence of some sort of high tech conflict. If a few different races were fighting each other here, then they must have been fighting over Earth or some proprietary issue here on Earth.

It’s not hard to imagine why. Gold is created by the collision of 2 neutron stars. It’s one of the rarest elements in the entire Universe, and Earth not only has a large supply of it but is also habitable.

If mine were the first race to come here, and we developed humans genetically to become useful workers in mining gold, we wouldn’t want some other race to come here and start mining or messing with them without our consent and if push came to shove, we’d fight, using our energy beams. According to the ancient stories, that’s exactly what they did.

Considering that humans are still here, I can pretty safely assume that it was the first arrivals, let’s just call them the First, for brevity, who won out, and then reached an agreement over how Earth and humans were to be governed.

Now, it makes no sense at all that the First would still be abducting us and subjecting us to all sorts of medical tests, many of which are excruciatingly painful according to the victims, because they know exactly who and what we are. It would be the Others who are conducting experiments on us, comparing our biology to that of other races, finding strengths and advantages as well as weaknesses, and for other purposes I couldn’t currently guess at. But that these abductions are important to them is obvious from the number and frequency of them, and that they have continued for at least the last 70 years and probably a lot longer. Why would it take an advanced race 70 years to learn about our biology? It wouldn’t, so there’s at least one other purpose I’m still trying to figure out.

One possibility is that the abductees are being subjected to some sort of genetic modification and the” trackers”, the implants, are there to either transmit changes or be the cause of the modifications. Certainly if my race were one of those here and operating under an agreement arrived at after a serious conflict, I would want some of the humans to be my agents and acting on my behalf but without their or anyone else’s knowledge. Are they abducting us to make us their unwitting agents? The brutal way most abductees are treated shows they hold us in very low regard, in any case. A thought, could they be looking for one specific type of human, maybe one with a particular combination of human and alien DNA, and pretty much throwing away the rest out of disgust? Tens of thousands of people disappear forever, every year.

Pyramids! Recent videos of alien craft show some of them to literally be shaped like huge shiny metal pyramids. That instantly brings to mind the Great Pyramid, all covered in shiny, polished white limestone. It’s that simple. The reason why so many ancient civilizations built pyramids to the gods is obvious. When one of those monster metal pyramids landed and aliens came out of them, of course they were considered to be gods and of course they were worshiped.

So of course the humans built pyramids to resemble the flying houses of the gods and entombed their own leaders, whom they thought were descended from the gods, in them. And it’s possible that those leaders actually were descended from hybridized humans their gods sent among them.

Once the impossible becomes possible, and fantasy becomes fact, the unlikely becomes perfectly credible. Radio and Television were once imaginary. Men flying was a myth. But the advancement of knowledge, technology and capability changes all that. The problem for us has been accepting that there are other races and that some are not only far more advanced technologically than us but also that some of them are coming here and have been for ages.

Now back to China because China is figuring into things more and more. So they make a virus that’s highly contagious but not terribly fatal, and that mostly kills old people that they don’t want around anyway, and unleashes it on the world. While doing so, they stage a horrific scene in Wuhan, people dropping dead in the streets, mobile crematoriums brought in from everywhere, the people welded into their apartment buildings, just a massive mess with people jumping from windows, getting shot, starving, screaming, and all on global television for everyone to see. Does this spread fear? HELL YES, it spread fear.

Was the fear valid and warranted? No, not at all, as it turns out but it sure worked to get people to give up their freedoms and run and hide. It was a great success! And I think it was just an experiment. This wasn’t a one-off, this was just the opening act. I fully expect them to give the world another brand new virus, probably this coming Fall when their holiday travel season comes around again. This time I bet it arrives with the container ships. We’ll see, and this time it will be much more virulent and fatal. Get ready.

What’s the purpose of it all? A global government, and China is waging germ warfare against the West in their bid to run that government. Why a global government? Because the only way that the First or the Others are going to allow the human race to venture into other star systems is if we have ended war among ourselves first, and who can blame them?

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