Yet another young, healthy person has died suddenly after receiving the second injection of a “vaccine” for the Chinese Disease.

The other day I came across a video by an extremely erudite and well-spoken doctor who explained very clearly and in great detail exactly why the vaccine will kill a great many people, 30 days to 6 months after taking it. Dr. Judy Mikovits should be listened to, which is why her video has been BANNED. “The 33-minute video shown below has been banned on YouTube, Facebook and other major media outlets because it presents warnings from many experts regarding dangerous health risks caused by the COVID gene therapy injections, which are being falsely called a vaccine”

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is board certified in emergency medicine and osteopathic manipulative medicine and author of several books on the impact of vaccines. When she was specifically asked about the forecast from Dr. Mikovits, she stated, “If they don’t die, they’re going to be seriously injured. There are some things in life that are worse than death, you know, having to live with chronic inflammatory drug induced hepatitis, you know, having chronic seizure disorders, having debilitating autoimmune diseases. Some people are so sick it would be merciful if they died.”

Here’s a video of what Dr. Tenpenny has to say about the so-called “vaccine”, which is actually a sort of gene therapy from Hell.

These are highly respected doctors at the top of their fields. Understand that and think about it. Doctors DO NOT risk their reputations by spreading unfounded rumors, especially doctors renowned for their research, and these doctors are predicting millions of deaths from these injections.

It is a fact that it’s impossible to prove that people die from vaccines, let alone prove that the vaccines caused other problems. There is only one case in which death can be proven, which is when someone dies immediately after the injection from the shock of an allergic reaction and the cause of death is undeniable.

What these doctors are telling us is that tiny bits of the virus are being injected that enter literally all of our cells and render them vulnerable to attack by our defensive cells because when these bits enter they generate residue that clings to the outside of our cells, which are then seen as diseased cells. Our body then attacks itself and we die.

I don’t think these doctors are making this stuff up out of the blue sky.

The process of our cells being infected with these virus bits to the point of our defense mechanisms being triggered enough to wreck or kill us can take from a month or so to as much as 6 months, according to these doctors, and when people start dying enmasse, how do you prove that it was the “vaccine” that did it?

Dr. Mikovits predicts that as many as 50 million people in the USA may die from the injections. I suppose that’s assuming that we all get the shots, so that would be about one out of every seven of us, or roughly 15% of the population.

If true and if the world gets vaccinated, that would result in a global population reduction of about 1.1 billion people. Since much of the world’s poor won’t be vaccinated, that number would be considerably less. It’s a known goal of Bill Gates, a big promoter and funder of this “vaccine”, to reduce the global population and this would explain the huge rush to vaccinate everyone as quickly as possible.

First the disease was spread across the globe, killing mostly the old and the medically compromised. Then the “vaccine” is spread across the globe. Vaccines and Autism both increased simultaneously and no matter what the makers say about there being no connection, they aren’t widely believed. So what if millions do start dying as the doctors predict? Will you believe the jab makers when they say there’s no connection?

I do not believe in this disease. It was manufactured and enhanced in a laboratory. All the people connected with it have so far proven to be complete LIARS, including that horrible little man, Fauci, the Chinese, the Center for Disease Control leaders and the leader of the World Health Organization. I do not believe that the virus kills as many as it is claimed and I do not believe that the “vaccine” is for our own good.

Some doctors are saying that one of the enhancements of the virus is that it causes male sterility. That would sure help to reduce the global population, if true, and at this point I don’t trust one word anyone connected with pushing the so-called vaccine says.

So No Stank You. I’ll take my chances without it. What I do, to keep from getting any of their lab creations, is take Ivermectin once a month. It gives me IMMUNITY to coronaviruses and you should check it out.

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