Tiberious Gracchus was a roman senator who lived about 2200 years ago and wanted to return an increasingly imperious government to it’s populist roots. This horrified the political elite who had come to view the Republic of Rome as belonging to them and not the people.

Tiberious was attempting to be re-elected in order to have the political power to put his plans into effect, but before the election, while he was in the Rome marketplace, he was attacked and killed by the senators, including those he had thought to be his friends. Hundreds of them were laying in wait for him and attacked him.

These senators claimed that in doing this they were saving the republic but what they were actually doing was destroying it, and as we know, they succeeded.

2200 years later, Donald Trump….

2 thoughts on “HISTORY REPEATS”


    Impressive how contradictory were the ancient roman political elite.

    They created Western Civilization and yet they acted worse than animals.

    No morals or loyalty or respect when their power seemed threatened.


  2. Crazy then, and still crazy now. The attacks on Trump continue, long after he’s out of office. Attacks on the Main Stream Media, attacks on his tax returns, DOJ investigations for all sorts of made-up nonsense reasons. They just won’t stop and won’t shut up until they’re satisfied that they’ve destroyed his legacy, his credibility and his family and taken away his wealth.

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