Entire business districts engulfed in flames after being ransacked and looted. Neighborhoods attacked, lots of murders, lots of black BLM and white Antifa shot, many killed, along with residents whose homes are burned to the ground.

Mini-wars everywhere in all the cities that have tolerated and even supported the BLM and Antifa assaults and looting will be so common in the news that by Fall people will stop paying attention to them except those who live there. This is America’s 2021 Summer Future.

Those who defended their homes and lives with firearms will be arrested and prosecuted in the ongoing effort to justify the repeal of the Second Amendment of our Constitution, and I expect the effort to succeed. It may not take another full year before gun ownership in the USA is outlawed and gun owners suddenly become criminals.

When this happens, there will be a surging black market for guns and ammo, and well-equipped machinists will turn their basements into arms factories as the internal battles between the majority of citizens and the forces of Globalism escalates.

Meanwhile, America will be at war again overseas. War with China is inevitable, yet no one wants a nuclear one. This means that the war must be fought in a third nation that’s stuck between both of us. So sorry, Taiwanese people, but yes, it’s coming to you. China attacks you, we defend you, and you get to die.

Other places too. I wonder who’s going to defend Ukraine? Will we turn around and get all defensive of Ukraine, too, or will we let Russia gobble it up? It would be a plus for Globalism if we did, so probably Ukraine will become another name lost in history.

Israel will very probably be forced to attack Iran this year. Their efforts to stymie Iran’s atom bomb program have been pretty successful but not enough to prevent their progress, only just retard it. Once Iran has an A-bomb or two, they will attack Israel. The attack will likely be preceded by massive rocket attacks from the Palestine area bought with all the money our New Regime has announced they’re going to send them.

Israel may have to use nukes. Would that, added to all the other battles going on, be enough to get a World War fired up? Maybe. One thing is for sure, this summer is going to be a total bitch. For those of us not directly involved in some fracas, pretty much all the things we need, fuel, food, hardware, clothing, whatever, will go way up in price and become much harder to get all at the same time.

Toilet paper will be the least of our concerns.

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