Was just reading a business blog how the steadily increasing spending by the assholes in our Congress, by perpetually raising our debt ceiling, is steadily making our dollars worth less and less.

Buddy, that ain’t the half of it. Don’t forget that the goal of the Globalists is to kill off most of us, partly at least with their massive global “vaccine” program.

What do you think will happen to the value of dollars and pesos and rubles when there’s all those $trillions in circulation and in the hands of half as many people? A fourth as many people? Toilet paper might be worth more.

There will be less demand for literally everything. Homes, land, cars, fuel, precious metals, food, disposable diapers, EVERYTHING will be more available and prices will drop like a rock.

And that’s the conundrum of the inflation disaster. What do you use for money when there’s a glut of money that no one wants. and what do you do with a glut of products that you can’t sell?

My guess is that there’s going to be a renaissance of the old bartering systems. Trading goods or services for goods or services if the Globalists are successful in greatly reducing the population. They may not be though. As I’ve previously posted, there’s a lot of pushback against their “vaccine” and it’s increasing. Still, they’ve managed to get the goo into about half of humanity. If it only kills half of them, that’s a reduction of 2 billion people over a span of just a few years and enough to bring on the above scenario.

We’ll just have to wait it out now and see what happens but India’s move away from the vax and into Ivermectin will save most of their huge population. meaning China has to make the same move to counter that, meaning in turn that most of the deceased will be Asians, Arabs and Us.



    please, explain me:

    what does it mean?

    is that has something to do with


  2. There was a football game a week or so ago, and the crowd was chanting “Fuck Joe Biden”. One of the players names was Braden and a journalist, who was clueless, was standing next to another one, who had a microphone on, and asked him “Why are they chanting “Let’s go Braden”?
    It was such a stupid thing to say, and it came from a Liberal person. Because the microphone was on, a lot of people heard it and it went viral.
    So when you say “Let’s go, Braden”, you’re really saying Fuck Joe Biden.

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