While the election was stolen by Globalists, it also had a huge helping hand from China since the CCP wanted him and his tariffs against them gone. They wanted a US president they could pay off, which is why they supported Biden.

However, the Chinese are only Globalists in the sense that it’s THEM that want to dominate the world and everyone in it, and preferably by killing the rest of us non-Chinese off.

Now it looks like the real Globalists are becoming unhappy with the government that’s replaced Trump’s, because the pack of jackasses who are pushing all the buttons now are hurtling us straight into a nuclear war with China. Not just nuclear. The Chinese are hard at work developing all new diseases to spread among us, disrupt and kill us. When the hostilities do grow hot, we can be sure that they won’t stop at just nukes and germs, too.

The Globalists are reacting to these threats and part of that reaction is backing off from the formerly solid support of the lie that Biden fairly won the election, and backing off from the support of spreading fear over a virus that has a certified and official death rate of 2.6 fatalities out of every 1000 who contract the disease.

They’re finally agreeing that Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are very effective preventatives and treatments, both, of the CCP disease and are challenging Big Pharma now. This is an important indication of this new direction away from China/Marxist support. As I’ve pointed out previously, Marxism has been a useful tool of the Globalists as it and Globalism have similar agendas in some ways.

But it ceases to be useful when those in power who endorse it start leading us into a world war, which is anathema to the Globalist’s plans.

At this very same time, here’s Donald Trump saying that he would consider having Mike Pence as his vice president again, after Pence threw him under the bus, and continuing to endorse the vaccines that we know now are totally untested, have killed thousands of people and are highly suspect as to their real purpose. At least 30% of us and likely a lot more are refusing to take them.

Why is Trump continuing to urge us to take this dangerous injection? He originally spoke up for Hydroxychloroquine, then went silent, he HEAVILY endorsed that nasty little fraud Fauci, who’s now been proven to have worked with and financed the Wuhan lab to concoct this disease, and then helped spread the unnecessary fear of it worldwide which disrupted our entire economy and caused an unknown number of deaths.

NOW Trump denies Fauci. But he didn’t, he’s the one who put Fauci up on Center Stage. Let’s not forget that.

I think Trump was dumped because he was too nationalist, he was messing up the Globalist plans. His actions against China were good but his friction with our allies was a threat, and that’s why he was forced out. Now it seems that his stance has considerably mellowed and he may have agreed to conform to the Globalists views. It is true that he’s eminently re-electable while the Biden crew is a disaster in many respects. I see that that ninny, Harris, is finally speaking against the massive influx of Muslims and bush people swarming in, which is a real switch from where she started out.

What may happen is that, first, the infrastructure bills get passed, the border becomes somewhat more secure again and those already here will be granted legal status. Our manufacturing sector will be given a big boost to start producing again, in fact I think a bill for that is in Congress now, and we will quickly take steps to increase our independence from China, something that the Democrats fought AGAINST during the Trump administration.

Along with this we may see the vote-contested states start announcing that their elections were invalid and that Trump actually won, and he may end up being re-instated as President. This last is a far reach, but it could happen, thus getting rid of the Marxists and their excesses while putting a more controlled Trump back in place to quietly resume the Globalist agenda and quell China’s war threat.

I have no illusions about Donald Trump. He chose too many unfit people to help him run our government, unless you consider that they were unfit only in the sense that they supported Globalism. There’s no doubt in my mind that he was told to enlist those people and that they clashed with his own purposes. Once again, he was booted out because of this, he thought he had more power than he really did and that he could run the country his way.

People keep yelling “Communism”, but it really isn’t Communism that’s behind all the changes, it’s always been Globalism. The irony here is that now the Globalists are having to buck up against the same Communists that not long ago were their allies, and that’s because the Communists have every intention of being the only King of the Hill. The Globalists plan otherwise and the responsibility of preventing a third World War is now squarely on their shoulders, since they’re the ones who brought us to this point to begin with.

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