When the awkward assholes now running America bailed out so humiliatingly from Afghanistan, I said that the Chinese would be right in behind us.

“During an interview, Taliban spokesman Zabihulah Mujahid announced that China will be the terror group’s “main partner” moving forward.

“China will be our main partner and represents a great opportunity for us because it is ready to invest in our country and support reconstruction efforts,” Zabihulah Mujahid said.


The purpose of the Great Reset is to take control of all humanity on the planet.

First, everyone in the world must have at least the capability of being in instant contact with everyone else. This is accomplished with the Internet and cell phone technology.

Then their freedom of speech must be regulated. This is done mostly through promoting addiction to social networking sites and punishing the addicted for not conforming to “proper thinking, and through Television media propaganda.

Then, a dangerous disease pandemic must be spread worldwide that governments use to remove the people’s freedom of movement and other liberties.

Elected officials who are against the Great Reset must be removed from office by any means, preferably by simply corrupting the vote and stealing the elections.

“Vaccines” for the pandemic are enforced globally that don’t prevent the disease but instead are formulated differently for different population groups, and are designed to slowly kill some groups while sparing others. In this way the population is quickly brought under control and undesirables eliminated.

Living past the age of productivity then becomes a privilege for the elite. For the mass of humanity, old age will be short. This greatly reduces the cost to governments and corporations of pensions and medical care.

Everyone will submit to the “vaccine” injections when ordered because they won’t be able to shop anywhere, travel anywhere, keep their job, get medical care or enjoy any other freedoms and obtain any other services unless their “vaccine” records are up to date. In this way, they assure their own limited lifespan and death upon retirement from the labor force.

Initially, all governments will adopt one basic form, as they are doing now, of Communism. During the Great Reset they’re forming new alliances based primarily on two objectives, Mutual Defense and a Common Currency, and there are presently 3 factions in competition. These are the European Bloc, the American (Western) Bloc and the Chinese (Eastern) Block, with the Euro, the Dollar and the Renminbi (aka Yuan).

Saudi Arabia and Russia have just formed an alliance to stop using the Dollar as the only payment form for selling oil. This will severely impact the value of the Dollar globally and will cause a rise in the cost of fuel in the USA, and will cause our alliance with the Saudis to be severely revised or end entirely.

China has just declared that all ships, including submarines, must now reveal full information about themselves when passing into the South China Sea, which is International Waters. This is an open harbinger of war.

China is about to invade Taiwan, and has been invading India, and war between India and China may soon break out, even as a war between India and Pakistan may soon start over Kashmir, because Afghanistan and Pakistan are close allies and now that the USA is out of Afghanistan, Pakistan is greatly strengthened by their alliance.

The Great Reset is about to bring us a lot of war, with people basically on the same political sides doing battle with each other in victim nations for no reason other than to maintain the illusion of national separation and instill patriotism.

There is one goal, Global Government. The problem is that there are many factions involved in achieving this, all with the same basic doctrines, purposes and intentions, but also all wanting to be the ones who come out on top of the global government. The result is that the Earth may endure many decades of wars of slow attrition until there’s a final winner.

It probably won’t matter to Humanity which faction wins, since the final result will be much the same, one all-controlling government over people with little more status than ants.


The sudden rise of a small number of mega-billionaires among us has been made possible by two things, the Internet and the corresponding increase in Earth’s population.

One of these billionaires is on a mission to Mars and beyond. We all know him as Elon Musk, the founder of PayPal. Then there’s Jeff Bezos, owner of Amazon, another Space Cowboy, only Jeff wants to control space tourism and probably asteroid mining. Musk wants to start colonies on the Moon and Mars, and points beyond. Bezos is political, Musk is not and is therefore of benefit to mankind. Bezos not so much.

Another is on a mission to depopulate the planet and reduce the numbers of humanity, Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft. There are too many people, but killing us off with a vaccine that causes lots of misery isn’t very nice.

Several others, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and Jack Dorsey of Twitter, want to control what everyone thinks and says. Dorsey also owns Square, an Internet-based payment system, and would like to control as much commerce as possible.

The CCP, the Chinese Communist Party, has grown in strength immensely. There are now 1.5 Billion Chinese and the CCP wants more. They ended the old “One Child Policy” and are encouraging the people to have 3 children per family now. The CCP are on a mission to swarm the Earth with Chinese. The CCP views people as being similar to ants, in nature and value. Hive workers, very disposable.

Some of these billionaires are Globalists, which is the brand new and very stylish name for Communists, and their mission is to force the entire Earth’s population to be enslaved under one global Communist government.

We have the Western Communists, being the European Union, USA, Canada and Australia, and the Eastern Communists, comprised of Russia and much of the Far East including China, of course, and while they work together in many ways to spread Communism, neither side wants the other to dominate. This will not end well.

Bill Gates and Friends conspired with the CCP to successfully spread a bio-engineered disease around the world and then create vaccines for it that will kill a large percent of those being inoculated. This is at total odds with the CCP mission to increase their population, but it’s because their birth rate has drastically declined while the death rate is increasing and they want to maintain global superiority in the number of workers. Their death rate isn’t just because of having more old people, it’s also because of the disease they helped spread. Interestingly, Orientals are 5 times more susceptible to the disease than Caucasians, but the disease originally was designed to kill mostly the old. It hasn’t worked out that way very well.

There’s one more class of billionaires that aren’t getting the attention they deserve, and that’s the kings and shahs and etc. of the Islamic oil producing nations. They have no intention of losing their kingdoms to China and they’re becoming increasingly well armed. There’s over a billion Muslims on the planet, a force to be seriously regarded because it’s the religious duty of Muslims to spread Islam across the planet as the only permissible form of both religion and government.

Now the Globalist Communists are working to implement their “Great Reset”, which is their name for global Communist domination. They may be able to convert the nations of Africa, certainly the CCP has been trying for decades and the Soviets before them, because basically, Africans will sell their sister for a shiny trinket and a promise of some minor position of power. Africa is mostly Islamic and Communism and Islam have much in common but when the shoving starts, Islam will win. Muslims worship Death more than anything. The Chinese, not so much.

All these clashes among the Titans of Wealth and Power will certainly result in dramatic changes in the way the rest of us live, or don’t live. The effort to control our daily lives, our actions, movements and our very thoughts will never stop, and the more control they have, the more they’ll want because that’s the only real source of power.


This is a re-posting of an article about Graphene Oxide, a component of the Covid “vaccine”.

Today, La Quinta Columna has made an urgent announcement that they hope will reach as many people as possible, especially those involved in health and legal services, as biostatistician Ricardo Delgado, Dr. José Luis Sevillano and the team of researchers and professors with whom they have been conducting their research have confirmed the presence of graphene oxide nanoparticles in vaccination vials.

In program nº63, the team showed some photos of the analyses carried out, specifically results obtained by optical and transmission electron microscopy observation, reserving the results of other techniques used for future programs. They also announced that the report based on all the techniques performed, which allowed determining the presence of graphene oxide, will be made official by the researchers who performed the analyses very soon….

The masks being used and currently marketed contain graphene oxide. Not only the ones that were withdrawn at the time, as indicated by the media, the swabs used in both PCR and antigen tests also contain graphene oxide nanoparticles

The COVID vaccines in all their variants, AstraZeca, Pfizer, Moderna, Sinovac, Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, etc., also contain a considerable dose of graphene oxide nanoparticles. This has been the result of their analysis by electron microscopy and spectroscopy, among other techniques used by various public universities in our country. 

The anti-flu vaccine contained nanoparticles of graphene oxide and the new anti-flu vaccines and the new and supposedly intranasal anti-COVID vaccines they are preparing also contain enormous doses of graphene oxide nanoparticles. Graphene oxide is a toxic that generates thrombi in the organism, graphene oxide is a toxic that generates blood coagulation. Graphene oxide causes alteration of the immune system. By decompensating the oxidative balance in relation to the gulation reserves. If the dose of graphene oxide is increased by any route of administration, it causes the collapse of the immune system and subsequent cytokine storm

Graphene oxide accumulated in the lungs generates bilateral pneumonias by uniform dissemination in the pulmonary alveolar tract. Graphene oxide causes a metallic taste. Perhaps this is starting to make sense to you now. Inhaled graphene oxide causes inflammation of the mucous membranes and thus loss of taste and partial or total loss of smell

Graphene oxide acquires powerful magnetic properties inside the organism. This is the explanation for the magnetic phenomenon that billions of people around the world have already experienced after various routes of administration of graphene oxide. Among them the vaccine….

The discovery made here by La Quinta Columna is a full-fledged attack of State bioterrorism, or at least with the complicity of governments to the entire world population, now constituting crimes against humanity. 

It is therefore absolutely essential and vital that you make this information available to your medical community.

The Lying Left Media tells us that there is no graphene oxide in the jabs. No no, no Graphene Oxide, no, none. But doctors and testing laboratories say there is. You make up your own mind, but while you’re doing that, there’s doctors who are saying this stuff causes progressive and irreversible damage. Meanwhile, a “Former Phizer employee says “Yes there is graphene oxide in the shots”, here is a Chinese patent for using graphene in shots, and here is a statement from a French genocidal maniac way back in 1981 who predicted all this pretty exactly.

If it is true, as it appears to be, that the real purpose of the “vaccine” is to kill off a large part of the human race, then one proof of that would be the end of new “Variants” like the so-called Delta Variant, after as many of us have been vaccinated as is possible. This is because there will be no need for more “variants” to pressure people to get inoculated.

There’s the newly born, of course. Even those doomed because of the jab to an early death will be having children, if they’re of childbearing age, so the program to depopulate the world will probably continue for awhile in some form after the vast majority of us have been poisoned. My guess is that they’re aiming for about a 95% vax rate of Earths population and an actual population reduction of at least 2/3rds.


It may not be some “Delta Variant” of Covid that’s causing the sudden new wave of hospitalizations and deaths. It’s most likely the vaccine itself.

According to Robert Malone, inventor of the MRNA experimental gene therapy, they intentionally mislead by calling it a vaccine, the jab is very dangerous because of an unforeseen cytotoxic effect of the spike proteins. These spike proteins were expected to stay in the deltoid muscle but are now, according to Stanford Research, found in every organ throughout the body. The experimental gene therapy jabs are causing blood clots in the smaller arteries mainly in the heart, brain and reproductive organs where the spike proteins literally shred blood cells.”

It occurred to me early this morning, as I slowly awoke from a nights sleep, that this “new Delta variant” being blamed for a wave of new infections and deaths, might not be a variant at all, but the wave of deaths predicted by a number of doctors who are eminent in the field of virology is caused by the components of the “vaccine”, so called.

So the first thing I did on firing up the computer was to look into this possibility, and it looks like I’m right.

“They are now blaming this wave of vaccine deaths on new variants and saying
it’s a sign of the 4th wave of the COVID virus.”

The evidence is steadily mounting that the suddenly increasing hospitalizations and all the new deaths are not from any “variant” of Covid BUT FROM THE VACCINE ITSELF, and this increase is being used to inspire fear and pressure more people into getting jabbed with this poison.

I would like to point out also that no one is dying from influenza anymore, at least not that we’re being told. Since this Covid plague was spread across humanity, there has not been a flu season. Not for two years now, when normally, about 40,ooo people in the USA alone die each year from flu. Instead all those deaths are blamed on Covid.

The shots, the “Covid Vaccine” causes 100% mortality in test animals. They all die, from holes in their lungs and other organs and blood loss. The same things that people are dying of from Covid. “

“A report dated April 20, 2012, from the level 4 bio-lab at the University of Texas where vaccine testing for the SARS virus was done, says, all of the animals tested experienced an autoimmune response and all of the animals died. The report titled, “Immunization With SARS Coronavirus vaccines Leads To Pulmonary Immunopathology On Challenge with The SARS Virus”, said the
animals exposed to the vaccine bled internally, had holes in their lungs, liver,
hearts, and developed blood clots and tumors, along with suffering organ failure.”

People who take this shit shot are putting their lives in serious danger. Think before doing it, our government is using Nazi tactics to FORCE us to take it, they keep LYING to us about it, people are DYING shortly after getting it and EMINENT doctors are speaking out AGAINST it, while the disease itself is PROVEN to have a very low death rate comparable to a bad flu outbreak that we would never destroy our economy over by locking down America and wiping out our Constitutional freedoms.

Over 200 million of us have been poisoned with this stuff now. Don’t join them.


There was a 1972 movie starring Robert Redford called “The Hot Rock”, and in an elevator scene, a hypnotist hypnotizes a banker to enter a trance at the words “Afghanistan bananastand”. This comes to mind now because there’s still 1500 American citizens stranded in Afghanistan and I have to wonder if they were all in a trance because they stayed there long after they should have gotten out of the country.

They must have been in a trance to go there in the first place, with the war against the Taliban continuing, the certain knowledge that all the American military was leaving and not coming back and the fact that much of the military had already left and that the Taliban would kill them on sight if they were caught there.

So now these people aren’t likely to escape and the Taliban will hunt them down and kill them all, and speaking personally, we have enough stupid people in this country now without taking these idiots back in. Besides, they’re all Muslims and the very last thing any nation needs is more Muslims.

If we’d carried on an intensive war against the Taliban we would have won it. It was several years ago that they were nearly defeated, and then for reasons beyond my ken, we backed off and allowed them to re-group and become stronger again. Even now, in our act of leaving, we could have wiped them out because they finally all came out of their caves and massed together. All we had to do was wait for their leaders to move into the halls of government in Kabul and bomb the hell out of the area. There were 75,000 Taliban concentrated there, it would have killed off all their leaders and most of their fighters.

It would also have killed off a lot of civilians, but that happens in war. Winning wars isn’t for nice guys. Now, we could still do it. One small nuclear bomb big enough to flatten Kabul would end the Taliban forever. Of course, they still occupy a lot of other Afghan “cities”, but they’d have no leaders and a rapid, ruthless military sweep across the country would fix that.

Ending the Taliban is important for the world because they export terrorism on a grand scale. Now the only hope is that the Russians and Chinese can exploit whatever is their level of greed, to convince them to become rich and lazy and peaceful by selling out their natural resources. It might work, it’s hard to enjoy wealth when you’re being attacked.


Attrition: A gradual reduction in number or strength because of stress or military action.

First, they said we all had to get one vaccine jab. Then we all had to get a second, booster jab. Then a new Covid variant started spreading so now we have to get a third jab. There will be more variants as well as new diseases that vaccines have to be created for, that we will all be told to get the jab for. The pattern has become obvious.

We’re being forced to keep getting these injections of unknown chemicals because if we don’t, we won’t be allowed to fly on airplanes, enter stores of any kind, or movie theaters, rock concerts, restaurants or any place where other people gather.

In Australia, people are being stopped and fined for not wearing a mask while driving, alone, in their cars. National vaccination I.D. cards are on their way there, in Great Britain, in the EU and here in the USA. Similar activities are happening in China and I assume in Russia. The pressure on the global population to get an injection of something every time a government demands it is steadily growing. Refusal will obviously result in imprisonment or worse as the laws and enforcement of them becomes more draconian.

Why injections? Because when you want to manipulate and mold a population, what better way to do it than through enforced sterility, DNA manipulation, increased death rate? If there’s too many people in a city for the available water or food, then jab the least desirable with a drug that causes sterility. If you want to change the ethnicity of a population, then jab them with a drug that damages the immune systems of certain racial types and let them die of “natural causes”.

I can think of no better way to get rid of the undesirables, the unproductive, the mentally and physically disabled, the politically undesirable and so on while still maintaining the appearance of a beneficent and protective government than by this method. The “vaccines” are going to be used to mold humanity into obedient and productive servants of the state. This is what’s happening, just keep watching. The time is coming when individual “undesirable” people will be ordered to go to some certain clinic, or a team will show up at their door, and they will get a jab that’s tailored just for them whether they want it or not. The goal is absolute, total control of everyone.

The current “vaccines” have proven ineffective against Covid. After two injections, people still get the virus. This means that the jabs have a different purpose entirely and I suspect that it’s to make us react selectively to the injections. Remember, these jabs are a form of DNA therapy that’s causing changes in cell behavior throughout our bodies.

As soon as our government is satisfied that as many of us have been jabbed as is possible, the effort to get rid of those who refuse to submit will increase exponentially. The Un-Jabbed will be publicly denounced and violence encouraged toward them while the program to exclude them from medical care, travel and stores will become nationally enforced. They may need to prove they’ve been injected before they can renew their credit cards, keep their bank accounts, keep their jobs.

You will be injected with whatever the government wants to stick in you, whenever it wants to, or you will be pushed out and left to starve. This is the future.


When a bunch of Saudi Arabian conspirators led by a rich Saudi, Usama bin Laden, succeeded in flying airplanes into the Twin Towers and killing nearly 3000 people in the initial attack and more dying afterward from the toxic dust cloud, the response of the Republican (Globalist*1) Party leaders, including President George W. Bush, was to pretend that the Saudi Arabians had nothing to do with it.

Instead, they blamed it all on Iraq’s leader, Saddam Hussein, and threw a massive attack on that nation which murdered between 150,000 and 300,000 Iraqis, no one knows for sure, maybe even more, and virtually destroyed it. Iraq was a stable country that did not export terrorism and was no threat to anyone except possibly Israel, though the Israelis had done a pretty good job of convincing Saddam that they shouldn’t be messed with anymore. Now it’s unstable and everyone in it hates us.

A sort of side war was started in Afghanistan, since Usama was known to be hiding somewhere in those caves and hills, and when the effort to steal Iraq’s oil under the pretense of defending America against Weapons of Mass Destruction that Iraq didn’t have because they’d disposed of them all, years before, failed, and we had to leave without getting their oil, then the war in Afghanistan accelerated.

That’s because the Military-Industrial Complex was making huge profits from killing Iraqis, paid for with our taxes, and wasn’t about to leave when they could just move everything next door to Afghanistan and keep on killing and profiting.

In the middle of all this evil, our Globalist-dominated government shoved through the Patriot Act, it’s sole purpose being to strip away more of our freedoms and deeply erode the legal protections of the freedoms that remained.

Now we have abandoned the people of Afghanistan to the worst sort of Islamic tyranny after convincing hundreds of thousands of them to trust us, that we would keep them safe from the Taliban.

Today, it’s just the Taliban that’s screaming “Death to America”, but tomorrow, those who are about to have their heads cut off for supporting our presence there are going to be screaming it even louder than the Taliban.

If we’d worked out business deals with those people, buying their goods, helping them develop their resources, being fair, honest and generous in our dealings with them and leaving their cultural standards and beliefs alone and respecting them, we’d be reaping huge benefits today.

But no, not us, we let our military run amok over there because it was profitable for certain industries that are joined at the spine to the CIA, NSA, Pentagon and the rest of the insane assholes in our government who are intent on their power games with zero regard for the fact that they’re destroying the very base on which they stand. You can’t make half the world hate you and want to kill you and expect to live forever.

How the abandoning of Afghanistan to a horde of homegrown and inbred terrorist Muslims is going to help promote Globalism, I have no clue. Not right now, anyway. But be assured, that’s what’s behind it. This isn’t Biden’s idea, his ideas are all about how to profit from holding public office. Otherwise he does what he’s told to do, and he was told to do this.

As I’ve previously posted, the Chinese Communists are going to move in and at least try to accomplish what we should have tried, behaving as helpful business friends instead of attackers. Hard to say how that will work out for them considering their treatment of the Uigher Muslims in China. The Afghanis are violently suspicious of each other as it is and outsiders may not fare as well as they hope, especially those with a history of persecuting Muslims. This will be interesting to watch.

What I expect is that the Chinese will encourage hatred of us Americans and promote terror cells to penetrate the USA and start the havoc all over again. An idiot could see this coming, yet our government does not? Can’t they see that a Chinese presence among people who would willingly die to kill Americans is a very dangerous thing for us? If they’re really that stupid, then we need to prepare for the worst as the only other option is go back to war in Afghanistan again, and this time, really mean it.

*1Globalism is a form of Communism.


For those not familiar with the term “Social Disease”, which I never hear used anymore, it was the polite term for Venereal Diseases which were caught from being sexually “sociable”.

Now Social Disease has an all new meaning, because Covid is the darling child of Socialism. Nowhere is this new disease more loved and admired than in Socialist countries.

Loved and admired are fair words considering all the attention it gets from the Socialists. Australia is just one example, where people are being arrested now for driving around in their cars, by themselves, with the windows up, BUT NOT WEARING A MASK! Talk about shoving Disease Fear full bore and whole, up a population’s ass, you can’t get much better than that. That is True Socialist Disease Love. That level of power to fuck with people is religious, it’s God-like, how could any despotic Socialist not love it?

In the UK, people are being arrested and fined for not wearing masks, and there’s riots over the effort to make people carry “Vaccine Passports”. The same sort of crap is happening here in the “Free” USA, where the push is on by our new and wonderful Socialist (Communist) leadershit (oh, did I spell that wrong?) to make us all have vaccine passports to go from one state to the next. That’s one of the most basic violations of our Constitution they could try, so it’s going to get steadily more interesting around here as the Commies keep pushing their agenda.

This is Globalism at work, revealed in all it’s true Communistic reality. Globalism is just another name for totalitarianism, despotism, dictatorship, take your pick as they all mean pretty much the same thing, enslavement of the population by a pack of self-loving assholes with bad intentions.

That Chinese curse, “May you live in interesting times”, is real and is here, courtesy of the Chinese themselves.


In 1139, then Archbishop Malachy went to Rome from Ireland to give an account of his affairs. While there he received a strange vision about the future that included the name of every pope, 112 in all from his time, who would rule until the end of time. We are now at the last prophecy, the 112th pope

Many of the popes listed by St. Malachy were named very exactly, and not one can be discounted as untrue to his prediction. The last pope is currently in office, Pope Francis, and he’s a Communist.

President Donald Trump was the last American President to ever be elected, actually elected, by popular vote. There will not be another one. Future “Presidents” of the United States will only be facades, cardboard cutouts to interface between those in charge and the rest of us because America is now Communist.

Think on that. No more Presidents. Elections, yes. The elections will continue because most people refuse to accept that we no longer live in a democratic republic, and the elections will keep them calm and complacent as their lives steadily deteriorate while they increasingly become slaves of the state.

No more Popes. The Popes are also elected, by what’s called a “Convocation of Bishops”, so I suppose this means that when Francis dies, the bishops just somehow never quite get around to electing one of them to be the new Pope.

St. Malachy thought that Rome would be destroyed at the end of Francis’ reign, and it’s not hard to think that some nuclear Islamic nation like Pakistan would happily wipe out the Vatican.

I do think a shitstorm is coming now that America has been openly taken over by Communists. There’s just too many warmongers running the place.