First, you need to realize that almost all of the “news” is fake. Most of it isn’t news at all, it’s opinion pieces and speculation and not neutral and factual reporting on actual events. The continuing hate pieces on former president Donald Trump for example. Love him or hate him, emotions have nothing to do with factual news. So when you read or see “news” reports about what the Democrats or Republicans are doing, it’s good to keep this in mind.

When the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen, it was not stolen by Democrats. It was stolen by Globalists, who are the ruling force in both supposed “political parties”. In reality, the Republican and Democrat parties no longer exist in our Federal government. They persist in state, county and city governments but only in those states not governed yet by Globalist governors, and their days are numbered.

You read of Joe Biden’s supposed attempts to repeal the 2nd Amendment and take away all the guns, of a Communist and/or Socialist takeover of our government, of successes by Republicans to fight off the Communist/Socialist Democrats, of Democrat programs and Republican programs and election battles between the two parties, and it’s all Fake News.

It’s fake because the coup succeeded, Trump was a last hurrah of American democracy, and we are now another one of the Globalist-run nations.

The Globalists don’t care much whether we have guns or not, since those guns are no threat to them. Their primary interest right now is in maintaining the illusion that America is still a democratically run nation with a 2 or more party system, and their goal is what their name implies, a one-world government. When you have two political parties that both agree on everything, then how many parties do you actually have? When the supposedly Conservative party offers up presidential candidates like George Bush Sr, George Bush Jr. and Mitt Romney, all blatantly RINOs, and when everyone in the Republican Party attacks their own party’s elected President, do you really have two parties?

The Globalists will use any tool to achieve their goal, the same as any other conqueror would, and that includes the tools of communism’s various forms, and using the nations that practice communism, like China and Chinese methods. Ultimately Globalism is very much like Communism, but it’s own brand of it.

For now, there will be a steady indoctrinational push in our schools and media for the population to learn to think in terms of equality. That is, to make us see ourselves like ants, all members of the hive, all with a job to do, all working in coordination, all agreeing that the hive comes first. This is the purpose of the “Critical Race Theory” being fed to school children now across the land. It teaches that white people have wrongfully taken advantage of the other races and should be ashamed of themselves. Why? So that white children will be more willing to mate with other races and homogenize humanity into one even shade of brown. By eliminating race, by making us all the same, racial conflicts are eliminated along with cultural conflicts.

This change in human cultural evolution has been made possible by the creation of the Internet along with our burgeoning population. Now we have instant global communication and the need to control masses of people that was never a big problem before. The direction humanity has taken was inevitable because of the population explosion.

We are now being warned here in the USA that we have major supply chain problems and shortages are increasing but I haven’t personally noticed any of that. What is noticeable are rising prices, not shortages. We’re also told that the pandemic is permanent and new Covid mutations are popping up. The real purpose of all this is to keep us in a state of fear, because when we’re afraid we’re compliant to direction and open to suggestion. It’s all part of our re-orientation as obedient Globalist citizens.

If we do have supply chain shortages it’s because of the disruption in the global supply network caused by Covid and the continuing fear campaign, and it will sort itself out. It’s to the disadvantage of the Globalists to create famines. They lead to chaos. Globalism wants universal order.

Since no one will ever read this, I’ll go a step further. UFO sightings have become so commonplace now that most people accept that the aliens are here. I don’t think it has to be a coincidence that the massive increase in sightings coincides with the sudden rise of Globalism.

The only way Humanity will ever join the other space-faring races is by uniting into one global people and government and ending all our little wars, and the only way this can be achieved is by stripping us of much of our selfishness and individualism. We have to stop trying to outdo each other and start working together as one united race if we’re going on to the next level of evolution. The clear alternative is to keep fighting until we wipe out ourselves and possibly the rest of life on this planet.

Cancel-Culture, Diversity, Inclusion. Stop practicing cultural holidays and events because they upset and offend those who don’t share the same culture. Accept sexual diversity as normal. Include all “genders” into whatever your group is. Acceptance, acceptance, no discrimination no matter how different. Everyone is the same, no one is different because of their sexual preferences or the way they choose to look. This is being hammered at us from all directions, and it’s alien to basic humanity. Not even Buddhists come close to this sort of thinking.

So is it possible that the true leaders of Globalism on our planet are aliens? Actually yes, it is. Nothing could be more in their best interests because they’ve clearly been here a long time and are heavily invested in our planet, and the last thing they want is for us to have a nice big nuclear war and take them with us.

It’s not an absolute requirement that an ancient space-faring race have developed a unified government, but it’s the most logical outcome. Considering the variety of craft visiting us, indicative of more than one race, it seems at least a possibility that they have at least a general peace agreement since they’re all getting along here on Earth without fighting each other, and it follows that they all have unified planets under one governmental system. If so, then of course now is the time for them to lead us into a system like their own.

This is especially true now because our technology is advancing so rapidly. Alien craft have crashed and we’ve been reverse-engineering their technology for nearly 70 years now even as our own technology has leaped ahead, and part of that leap may be directly because of what we’ve learned from them. We must be on the cusp of discovering anti-gravity, if we haven’t already. We’re learning to project energy beams. The way the alien ships move, it’s obvious that they can jump from point to point instantly if they choose. What happens when we learn how to do that? Out into space we go, searching out other planets that they just may not want us to visit quite yet.

If you accept that aliens are here and have been for a VERY long time, then this all makes reasonable sense. If you don’t, okay, but if I’m right then the logic is undeniable.


Here in Sunny California, the insane person suffering from a mental illness called “Gender Dysphoria” and known as Bruce Jenner, and who now calls himself Caitlyn Jenner because he thinks that he can become a woman by declaring himself to be one, is running for Governor.

This crazy bastard is certainly an opportunist if nothing else, though being an insane opportunist has never been considered adequate qualifications for dogcatcher, let alone state governor. He’s not going to let his insanity interfere with his goal though, now that the recall election (unelection?) is officially underway of Governor Pretty Boy Newsom, the coiffure poster child, aka Hair Man.

Newsom is a pompous, narcissistic jackass with more interest in his pompadour than properly running a state, with the result that he’s running it into the ground. Major corporations have been fleeing California for other states to get away from the increasingly burdensome taxes Newsom has imposed, resulting in the tax burden being shifted onto small business and individuals instead of reducing that burden by reducing spending.

Newsom is a regular Tax and Spend Socialist who thinks that it’s good to flood the state with illegal alien criminals who come here with their diseases, poverty and hands outstretched for welfare. So welfare spending goes up, the taxes to pay for it goes up, and businesses get the hell out.

Does anyone think that an insane, aging athlete is better qualified than Gavin Newsom? Jenner was on a TV show where trans-sexualism was being discussed, and when one person pointed out that Jenner was born male and every cell in his body was still male, and that he still had his male sex organs, Jenner threatened to send that person home in an ambulance.

Does that sound like someone you want telling you how much taxes you have to pay? Telling you when you can start using the public beaches again? Telling you when and where you can go to restaurants and other public places? Having control over what’s taught in schools to your children? Huh? Do you want this insane, violent asshole running your life?

This crazy fucker’s going to be on the ballot for Governor of California. It just doesn’t get stranger than that.


We need a really serious, nationwide, full blast race riot between whites and blacks. Once it’s over there will be one hell of a lot less blacks and even the Leftist states will have too many white participants to prosecute and jail, and if they tried, all the remaining anger in those whites will find a new target. If they have any sense they’ll be aware of this.

Meanwhile, George Floyd, the thankfully dead Negro piece of shit drug addict and violent criminal is the subject of most of the current nigger uprisings that they’re using as an excuse to loot and burn and generally prove that their monkey heritage isn’t just a rumor.

Mad Maxine Waters, a fucking MEMBER OF CONGRESS for God’s sakes, is actually telling Negroes to RIOT if the cop accused of killing Floyd illegally is acquitted. This insane nigger bitch is fomenting a race riot. Worse that that, she’s instigating an insurrection against the state.

The judge in the case has just declared that her instigation of violence if the defendant is acquitted will entitle him to a new trial if he’s found guilty. Good for him, at least the person who’s actually in charge of this affair has his feet on the ground.

It’s not wrong to feel rage, hatred and disgust for people who steal elections and fuck over us and our nation, or for people who separate themselves off from the rest of us by race and then fuck over us and our nation, and it’s perfectly valid to call them by the names they most object to. They object to those names because they know the truth inherent in them. Traitor. Nigger. You just can’t get more accurate than that.

After the Civil War and slavery ended, Negroes in this country had a long, rough road establishing their equality as citizens, they suffered considerably and fought hard to gain that equality. Of course they feel rage for their past treatment. Who wouldn’t? But it’s been over 50 years since the Civil Rights movements and racial discrimination ended and while the anger of those now grown old may still smolder, nothing gives any of us the right to go burn down someone’s store.

Maybe the racial discrimination was a good thing? Equality doesn’t seem to fit well on black people. They have made every effort to harm those of us who were on their side. They have taken their equality and attacked all the rest of us with it, and instead of joining with us at last, they made themselves more separated from the rest of America than ever, and more despised than they ever were before.

Before, they were spit upon as being inferior humans. Now they’re hated for being the assaulters of old white people, the looters, burners, road blockers, screamers and haters and destroyers of our cities, our shops and stores, of our peace, of the general tranquility. The Gangsters and Mafiosos of the 1930’s have nothing on these people. The niggers screaming and burning make the Mexican street gangs look like Girl Scout cookie bake-outs. We white people fought and died in a national war, for this? So you could prove to us what human trash you really are?

This shit can’t go on. You come and attack me for my skin color, you’d better kill me first before I kill you, and I’ve no doubt that many more millions of White Americans feel exactly the same way. Keep this up at your peril, as it’s a certain thing that a line will be crossed, and then there’s no turning back until it’s over.


It’s looking like the Chinese plan to move a “peacekeeping force” into Afghanistan when our troops leave. China would love to be in control of that very strategically located nation. Plus Afghanistan has extremely valuable mineral resources that no one’s been able to mine because of the constant fighting between factions.

China’s plan to take over Pakistan is simple and it would work for them where it didn’t work for Russia or us, because neither of us was really willing to do what’s really required for a success of this sort. That’s to start at one end of the country and sweep it clean of it’s current residents regardless of what faction they’re in or whether they’re even in one.

With 1.8 billion people, China can afford to do to the Afghans what Hitler did to the Jews and simply kill all of them. Wipe them out, and take over. While I hate to see China continue to make gains in their goal of world domination, and am disgusted and repelled by the slaughter of innocent people, it’s a fact that the only way to put an end to the permanently festering sore that is Afghanistan is to eradicate the people. They’re either harboring terrorists, hatching terrorist plots or exporting terrorism.

Of course, China at the same time supports terrorism by supporting Iran and Pakistan, and a takeover by them of Afghanistan would be a cure worse than the disease.


The days are warming up rapidly and the chill is leaving the hollows under the rocks and boulders in the desert gullies and hills, and soon the reptiles will be slithering forth to kill and grow for another year.

The same thing is happening with the cabal running the USA. The analogy couldn’t be more apt.


Entire business districts engulfed in flames after being ransacked and looted. Neighborhoods attacked, lots of murders, lots of black BLM and white Antifa shot, many killed, along with residents whose homes are burned to the ground.

Mini-wars everywhere in all the cities that have tolerated and even supported the BLM and Antifa assaults and looting will be so common in the news that by Fall people will stop paying attention to them except those who live there. This is America’s 2021 Summer Future.

Those who defended their homes and lives with firearms will be arrested and prosecuted in the ongoing effort to justify the repeal of the Second Amendment of our Constitution, and I expect the effort to succeed. It may not take another full year before gun ownership in the USA is outlawed and gun owners suddenly become criminals.

When this happens, there will be a surging black market for guns and ammo, and well-equipped machinists will turn their basements into arms factories as the internal battles between the majority of citizens and the forces of Globalism escalates.

Meanwhile, America will be at war again overseas. War with China is inevitable, yet no one wants a nuclear one. This means that the war must be fought in a third nation that’s stuck between both of us. So sorry, Taiwanese people, but yes, it’s coming to you. China attacks you, we defend you, and you get to die.

Other places too. I wonder who’s going to defend Ukraine? Will we turn around and get all defensive of Ukraine, too, or will we let Russia gobble it up? It would be a plus for Globalism if we did, so probably Ukraine will become another name lost in history.

Israel will very probably be forced to attack Iran this year. Their efforts to stymie Iran’s atom bomb program have been pretty successful but not enough to prevent their progress, only just retard it. Once Iran has an A-bomb or two, they will attack Israel. The attack will likely be preceded by massive rocket attacks from the Palestine area bought with all the money our New Regime has announced they’re going to send them.

Israel may have to use nukes. Would that, added to all the other battles going on, be enough to get a World War fired up? Maybe. One thing is for sure, this summer is going to be a total bitch. For those of us not directly involved in some fracas, pretty much all the things we need, fuel, food, hardware, clothing, whatever, will go way up in price and become much harder to get all at the same time.

Toilet paper will be the least of our concerns.


The temptation to leave this blank and say nothing is strong, but most people wouldn’t get the point and understandably so, so I’ll fill the void.

There are no new politics, and there are no old politics. It’s all gone. Politics as a way of doing things in government has ended here in the good ol’ USA. When you have a government that rules by dictate, that is NOT politics in action. That’s dictatorship in action.

I shut down my last blog because it was a mostly political commentary and when the presidential election was so openly stolen, it was clear that the days of fair elections were over and that there was now only one group of people running this country. America has moved into a new phase. Whether that will ultimately prove to be good or bad, only time will tell. It will probably be a mix of both, most things are.

Life for most of us will change, certainly. The freedoms we’ve enjoyed, which have been steadily diminishing anyway, for the past few centuries will now be somewhat curtailed and in some cases ended entirely. Since the new regime proposes to greatly increase taxes, or so I read in the alarmist news, if true then we can all expect to have our incomes reduced accordingly, and poverty may increase.

Travel is going to be restricted, that’s being made pretty clear, with the initial effort to do so achieved by mandating vaccination certificates/passports. During the overblown pandemic panic, some cities actually refused to allow entry to people outside their areas and stopped vehicles with out of state license plates. That should have been a wake up call to anyone about what the future holds for all of us.

What will remain the same for all of us is the continued assault on those who disagree with the current propaganda. People are being arrested and prosecuted for trying to exercise freedom of speech and Americans need to wake up and realize that it’s a New Order. Freedom of speech is simply no longer one of our freedoms. Accept the fact and act accordingly and you’ll have no problems. Get up on a soap box and start railing against the system and we may never know what happened to you. So shut up and mind your manners and you’ll be fine.

The alternative is to try to overthrow the government and since the entire government is behind the New Order including our Armed Forces and the National Guard, what do you think your chances are of succeeding? Besides, it isn’t just the USA, it’s most other countries too.

So take the long view. Everything changes. Evolution goes on. Now is a real good time to find that inner peace you hear about sometimes, and just wait it out and see what happens. No one lives forever and nothing ever stays the same.


In India they use the Ganges River to float bodies, including partially cremated ones, to the sea. They also bathe in the river by the millions and drink the water. It rains a lot there and since people piss and shit in the streets, that gets washed into the river as well. This is why I decided that India has to rename the river to the GRUNGES River in keeping with reality.

In the event of Alien Invasion we would all cower in fear and rush to do what our leaders told us to do, assured that obeying would save us. But since we don’t have a convenient alien invasion, we have been provided with an Alien Disease Pandemic instead and we blindly obey our leaders, give up our freedoms, and obediently cower in fear, assured that obeying will save us.

When the Chinese unleashed this on the world, and the WHO and CDC and Dr. Fauci pushed the panic buttons, Pres. Trump went along with this knowing full well that the whole thing was bullshit but thought that doing so would be enough to keep his re-election from being stolen. No doubt a deal was made, or he wouldn’t have done it, but he made a deal with devils, not honest people. He knew in advance that this was all a setup and what they were up to, but he made the wrong choice and the Globalists stole it all.

After over a year of this crap the narrative has gone stale and worn thin and people are starting to throw away their masks. Some US state governments and nations are trying to make the masks permanent to maintain their Draconian control but diseases run their course and die out and the people begin to resist, so new diseases are being threatened to keep us afraid and controlled and new vaccines are being developed to keep up the pretense while everyone connected with them rakes in huge sums of money.

My attitude is, Fuck ‘Em All. I’m not afraid, I won’t take their worthless vaccines that may prove fatal of themselves, and I won’t wear their fucking masks, in public, at home, driving my car or in a hat with a cat.

Spring is springing, much more importantly. Yesterday it hit 72 degrees by 1:30 in the afternoon. The nights are still pretty chilly, it’s 38 degrees outside right now, about an hour before sunrise. But I’m in no rush, the nights will warm up too much by the peak of summer. Winter is always a long time for me because I don’t like the cold and the older I get, the less I like it. Blood circulation gets less efficient with age and staying warm takes more effort.

The time is coming when my few remaining chickens and ducks are going to find themselves confined in a much smaller open space and a shitload of sparrows are going to learn to fend for themselves or starve. The little birds are eating the chicken feed faster than the chickens, and guess what? Chicken feed isn’t chicken feed anymore, it’s gotten a bit expensive. So I’ll be putting my big roll of hardware cloth to use creating a pen with holes too small for the pack of winged cockroaches to get through. You needed to know this. Trust me.

A dear friend died a few weeks ago. I hadn’t heard from him in awhile and sent him a second email hoping for a response, but after a week I decided to check the Internet and sure enough, he’d passed on. We’re both the same age, and he’s been having some serious health issues. Last word from him was that he was “recovering well” from double pneumonia. Apparently not as well as he thought. He died 3 days before I started searching the West Virginia obits.

His death was a blow. The older I get, the less people I know because making new friends is something you do when you’re young. Nobody wants to get close to someone who isn’t going to be around much longer, and when I found out he was gone it felt for awhile like the walls were closing in around me. My world just got smaller. Even a lot of old people will distance themselves from others because they don’t like being reminded of their own mortality. I’m not a real big fan of humans but they’re all I’ve got to talk to.

headline: Uber Eats driver killed in carjacking attempt by teenagers. Immediately I knew, Black teenagers. Nobody else does this shit. Just Blacks. Sure as hell, it was a couple of black GIRLS, no shit, one is 15 and the other is only 13. It’s always, 100%, blacks who do this crap and when it’s young girls committing violent crimes, it’s always BLACK young girls. If I could push a button that would make every black person disappear from the face of the Earth, I wouldn’t hesitate to jam my thumb down on it. Yet here we have more black faces shoved in front of us in TV ads than any other race, BLM racist/terrorists are being supported by our government, white people are being told we should apologize for being born white, I mean, WHAT THE FUCK? Black people SUCK. They do, they totally fucking SUCK. Negroes are the dregs, the bottom rung of humanity and we’re supposed to start kissing black ass? Not happening here.


Yet another young, healthy person has died suddenly after receiving the second injection of a “vaccine” for the Chinese Disease.

The other day I came across a video by an extremely erudite and well-spoken doctor who explained very clearly and in great detail exactly why the vaccine will kill a great many people, 30 days to 6 months after taking it. Dr. Judy Mikovits should be listened to, which is why her video has been BANNED. “The 33-minute video shown below has been banned on YouTube, Facebook and other major media outlets because it presents warnings from many experts regarding dangerous health risks caused by the COVID gene therapy injections, which are being falsely called a vaccine”

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is board certified in emergency medicine and osteopathic manipulative medicine and author of several books on the impact of vaccines. When she was specifically asked about the forecast from Dr. Mikovits, she stated, “If they don’t die, they’re going to be seriously injured. There are some things in life that are worse than death, you know, having to live with chronic inflammatory drug induced hepatitis, you know, having chronic seizure disorders, having debilitating autoimmune diseases. Some people are so sick it would be merciful if they died.”

Here’s a video of what Dr. Tenpenny has to say about the so-called “vaccine”, which is actually a sort of gene therapy from Hell.

These are highly respected doctors at the top of their fields. Understand that and think about it. Doctors DO NOT risk their reputations by spreading unfounded rumors, especially doctors renowned for their research, and these doctors are predicting millions of deaths from these injections.

It is a fact that it’s impossible to prove that people die from vaccines, let alone prove that the vaccines caused other problems. There is only one case in which death can be proven, which is when someone dies immediately after the injection from the shock of an allergic reaction and the cause of death is undeniable.

What these doctors are telling us is that tiny bits of the virus are being injected that enter literally all of our cells and render them vulnerable to attack by our defensive cells because when these bits enter they generate residue that clings to the outside of our cells, which are then seen as diseased cells. Our body then attacks itself and we die.

I don’t think these doctors are making this stuff up out of the blue sky.

The process of our cells being infected with these virus bits to the point of our defense mechanisms being triggered enough to wreck or kill us can take from a month or so to as much as 6 months, according to these doctors, and when people start dying enmasse, how do you prove that it was the “vaccine” that did it?

Dr. Mikovits predicts that as many as 50 million people in the USA may die from the injections. I suppose that’s assuming that we all get the shots, so that would be about one out of every seven of us, or roughly 15% of the population.

If true and if the world gets vaccinated, that would result in a global population reduction of about 1.1 billion people. Since much of the world’s poor won’t be vaccinated, that number would be considerably less. It’s a known goal of Bill Gates, a big promoter and funder of this “vaccine”, to reduce the global population and this would explain the huge rush to vaccinate everyone as quickly as possible.

First the disease was spread across the globe, killing mostly the old and the medically compromised. Then the “vaccine” is spread across the globe. Vaccines and Autism both increased simultaneously and no matter what the makers say about there being no connection, they aren’t widely believed. So what if millions do start dying as the doctors predict? Will you believe the jab makers when they say there’s no connection?

I do not believe in this disease. It was manufactured and enhanced in a laboratory. All the people connected with it have so far proven to be complete LIARS, including that horrible little man, Fauci, the Chinese, the Center for Disease Control leaders and the leader of the World Health Organization. I do not believe that the virus kills as many as it is claimed and I do not believe that the “vaccine” is for our own good.

Some doctors are saying that one of the enhancements of the virus is that it causes male sterility. That would sure help to reduce the global population, if true, and at this point I don’t trust one word anyone connected with pushing the so-called vaccine says.

So No Stank You. I’ll take my chances without it. What I do, to keep from getting any of their lab creations, is take Ivermectin once a month. It gives me IMMUNITY to coronaviruses and you should check it out.