Cancel Culture is something I keep hearing about but I’m probably like most people in not paying a lot of attention to it or what it means. This morning, however, the reality of it finally sunk in with Mark Cuban’s effort to cancel the playing of the National Anthem before the start of NBA games.
We all have seen how the cultures of nations in Europe have been pretty thoroughly wrecked by the massive influx of peoples from the Middle East, Asia and Africa, and how traditions have died out because those traditions somehow offend some other race or national group that’s established itself.
Still, that’s “over there”, not here, and seems removed from our own concerns. Well, it’s not and what Cuban did has brought the reality of the meaning of Cancel Culture home to me finally. When you remove, destroy, wipe out all the references to a nation’s culture that have been built up over hundreds or even thousands of years, you destroy the national identity the people have to their country.
Now, why would anyone want to do that? You would if you’re a Globalist, if you want people to stop thinking in terms of national sovereignty, if you want to eradicate national patriotism.
If it were possible to have a benign world government instead of nations that vie with each other for supremacy and make war with each other, that would be great, but it won’t work for humanity today and maybe not for centuries yet. Socialism is proof of that. Every nation that turns to Socialism ends up becoming a dictatorship and ruins itself. Venezuela is our latest fine example of that.
Right now the world has China to contend with and the Chinese want to be at the top of any One World Government. They have no intention of sharing this planet with the rest of us, they want us all as their slaves, or better yet, dead, and because of that, Globalism is going to have to wait. That means Cancel Culture may be the tool of those who want a united world, but right now it’s the tool of fools who are working to seal their own fates as undesirables under an implacable dictatorship.
President Trump is a nationalist who promoted America and pride in our country, and this is exactly why he was so hated and is still being attacked. What he did was the exact opposite of what the Globalists have worked so hard to achieve, and it’s why they finally threw away all pretense and stole our election in broad daylight in front of everybody. Their concept of a global government includes them being at the top. Right now the Globalist movement is all about having all the power and Cancel Culture is going to continue to be pushed hard because the people behind this think they have an eye to the future when they clearly don’t.
National unity and unity between nations is as vital now as it was in the Second World War against Germany and Japan, only this time China is the threat. Divided, we will all fall.